Helpful Tips To Get More Traffic , More Engagements, More Income #5
5 Content Marketing Lessons From Obama
See the article with videos about content marketing lessons from Obama
How to Get Radical Results Fast
Read the tips and aply them as soon as possible
Einstein's Trick For Never Getting Distracted
We all get distracted by the chatter of our monkey brain babbling in our ears. So what can we do about it?Enter your text here...
David Ogilvy's “Appalling” Copywriting Habits
David Ogilvy is known as one of the greatest all time copywriters and ‘ad men.’ He started an ad agency responsible for some of the world’s most iconic ad campaigns, and in 1963 he wrote a best selling book that is still considered essential reading for anyone in advertising.
So how did Ogilvy write sales copy? This letter written by Ogilvy to Mr. Ray Calt in 1955 provides key insight into his writing process.
Team Update
Team Update for GDI, PMS, & PLS. See the team article, team hits and and how to "Risk the Unusual..."
Content Marketing Lessons From Obama
Don’t be afraid to seize expected and unexpected moments to appeal to your base and possibly go viral.
Deliver your content in a way that specifically targets your intended audience.
Use the right kind of humor to get your message across.
Give your audience a chance to fulfill a fantasy, tie that fantasy to your company or product, and use your social channels to spread news about it.
Use public opportunities to connect with attendees and have them spread your message via social networks.
And here's the article, complete with videos:
Einstein's Trick For Never Getting Distracted
We all get distracted by the chatter of our monkey brain babbling in our ears. So what can we do about it?
Einstein was known for being able to work long hours without distraction. In fact it was his concentration abilities that were credited for his ability to solve problems no one else could. After his death, the secret to his concentration was discovered in his hand written notes. That's right – no one knew how he could focus his mind so clearly and sharply until the secret was revealed after his death.
Ready? Here it is, with one caution: It's deceptively simply and incredibly powerful.
First, you need a timer, a white piece of paper and a pencil or pen. You're going to time yourself for 3 minutes the first few times you do this, and as you see improvement you will begin increasing your time.
Write these words on your paper: “I won't be distracted by that any more.”
Start your timer and begin reading Delaveri.
Each time you experience a distraction, hold your finger to mark your place in the text while writing one check mark on your piece of paper.
Now continue reading where you left off.
Repeat this process until the timer goes off.
Count the number of check marks on the paper – this is the number of times you were distracted. Don't feel bad if you have an especially high number because you will improve.
Do the exercise again, reading Delaveri where you left off. Each time you repeat the exercise, your distraction marks will likely be fewer. Your goal right now is to get through 3 minutes without any distractions what so ever. When you reach that goal, increase your time to 5 minutes, and then to 7 minutes, and so forth.
IMPORTANT: Do not beat yourself up for being distracted. The more you do this exercise, the more focused you will become. I recommend doing it 5 times a day, twice a day for the first week or so, until you see major improvement. Then gradually reduce the number of times you perform the exercise.
BONUS: You'll likely find your focus improves in all aspects of your life, not just reading.
How to Get Radical Results Fast
Perhaps you're spinning your wheels and making zero progress, or you just feel like you're in a rut and can't get out. Or is it a slump? A depression? A feeling that you might never make real progress towards your goals?
Whatever it is, there is a solution. In fact it's such an easy solution, you might want to scoff and ignore this article.
That would be foolish.
The 3 steps I'm about to offer you can set your hair on fire with results. They can catapult you out of whatever rut you're in and create a metamorphosis in your life or your business that absolutely takes your breath away.
Step 1: Take ACTION. There, see? I told you it was so easy you were going to scoff. But please bear with me.
The reason most people find themselves in a rut is because they're planning, worrying, thinking, daydreaming, fretting, and so forth. None of these things equate to taking action.
It boils down to the paralysis of analysis. You're so busy trying to figure out the next step to take, you never take it. You worry; ”Should you do this or that?” “What if you make the wrong choice?” “What if there's something else even better?” And on and on.
The only way to get past this stage is to take action. And the only time to take action is right NOW.
Still not sure what to do? Flip a coin if you have to, but take action. Make a choice and just DO it.
The fact that you are taking action will immediately start you on the road to recovery.
Once you get started, the next trick is to not stall on that road...
Step 2: Take a lot MORE action.
People fail for 2 major reasons. The first reason isn't just that they don't take action, it's that they don't take ENOUGH action.
What you want is MASSIVE forward movement. Decide how much time and energy you'll need to invest to get out of your rut, and then do twice as much as that, or more.
Step 3. Don't stop. The second reason people fail is they quit before they reach success. So long as you don't quit, you cannot fail.
If something doesn't work, you've just discovered what NOT to do. You're now one step closer to your goal, but only if you continue to take action.
Keep close tabs on what's working and what's not. Then do more of what's working.
Again, I know this sounds too basic, too easy and too elementary. Too bad. This is what it takes to turn on the tap to rapid, radical success.
You might post a note next to your work station that says:
1: Take Action NOW
2: Take MASSIVE Action
3: CONTINUE Taking Action Until I Succeed
David Ogilvy's “Appalling” Copywriting Habits
David Ogilvy is known as one of the greatest all time copywriters and ‘ad men.’ He started an ad agency responsible for some of the world’s most iconic ad campaigns, and in 1963 he wrote a best selling book that is still considered essential reading for anyone in advertising.
So how did Ogilvy write sales copy? This letter written by Ogilvy to Mr. Ray Calt in 1955 provides key insight into his writing process.
Team Update
Team Update for GDI, PMS, & PLS. See the team article, team hits and and how to "Risk the Unusual..."
Take Your Business to the Next Level.
If you want to succeed online, you will need feedback on how you're doing and
You can aim for your dreams but without constant attention to the specific marketing details such as the correct advertising sites, tracking and conversions, best list building strategies, writing your own email copy, effective communication techniques, and feedback on actual funnels you build for your team, you won't hit it without help from a coach or mentor.