By all indications, we knew exactly where we were going, BUT…

Big blue waves at sea were passing us by with little crests of white, boiling
on their tops
. As I looked up, I could see the giant sails billowing with the
wind and it was amazing to watch!

Soon the evening came with its hues, of red, orange and gold. Then night
came creeping in as all the pinkish light slowly vanished.

We were now looking out over the dark ocean. A few stars twinkled here and there.
We could only see the waves when they came right up to the bow and crashed
through. The sky was dark, the ocean was dark – we really were “flying blind”!

And then, all of a sudden, a very distant, white light appeared. It seemed to flash
every once in a while, it was very curious! So another shipmate and I went down
below to look at the map. After looking at it carefully, and seeing our position, we
realized it had to be the distant warning of a lighthouse on the tip of an island.

Wow! That really put things in perspective. We are heading straight at
the island and didn’t even see it in the darkness. It’s a good thing for
light houses (Haha!).

Anyway, needless to say, we changed direction!

Another night (slightly different from this one), found us looking at the radar
and seeing many different shapes glowing on the screen. These shapes were
the indication of ships passing.
It’s a good thing we had the radar on because
it was a little bit foggy and difficult to see anything outside in the
misty darkness!

All this to say, it’s a good thing for maps, radar, lighthouses and anything
that acts as an indicator of where you SHOULD be going. 

I’m going to try and be an indicator at this time and help guide you on the
right path.

First off you need a good sponsor and someone to help guide you daily
in the right direction.
Second, you need to learn the 5 critical skills if you
really want to succeed online.

Third, you should be building real connections and relationships with your
subscribers. Fourth, you should upgrade (or save and upgrade) to the higher
ticket items in your program so that when you make a sale, you have the
potential to earn so much more than just “candy money“.
Why let all that effort to get a sale go to waste? 

>> Go here to learn the most essential skill in creating a sale.

I’m here for you! Just reach out and connect with me.



Below are 3 KEYS to earning ‘big time” on the Internet.

Click HERE below for more details:

The quest of earning ‘big time’ online…