The New Sixteen Steps Intro


Congratulations on

joining our team!


Welcome to the Sixteen Steps

Success Guide for the 5 Critical Skills Power Team.

Thanks for joining us!


We are looking forward to helping you find success on our team!



Part One:

The Goal of Our Team


Our first goal is to help YOU succeed in either GDI Team Elite, The Prosperity Marketing System, the Power Lead System or all three simultaneously.

You made an excellent choice joining us!

We want to help you master the business you joined. 


We want to help you understand that we have built big teams in all three systems and that each system was instrumental in helping us achieve new levels of income that we wouldn’t of achieved in only one system. It took us five years just to get a grasp on earning consistently in the first place and to understand the 5 Critical Skills at a level that allowed us to build multiple teams at the same time.



So Now, Let’s Get Started.




This video will help you get started knowing how to start advertising and getting your business into the marketplace so you can start earning.


Okay, how was the video? Do you understand what to start doing now? The video will explain everything to you and help you understand exactly how to begin getting somewhere with your business. After the video, just work your way through this training below in the time you’ve allotted to work on your business each day and learn as much as you can! Then contact us back so we can help you start having success!


Have you heard of FOCUS? I’m sure you have. In fact even though we mention GDI, PMS and PLS, we want you to focus on just one of these so that you can succeed. In fact we’re going to help you focus too as this is the only way you will do well. 

Have you heard of Multiple Income Streams? I’m sure you have. Have you ever walked into a store and only seen ONE thing to buy there? Of course not. Everyone understands the value of having more than one thing to offer your clients. We understand this too. 

We found that FOCUS and Multiple Income Streams both pay off BIG at the right TIME. There are times for both and we help you with each at the right moment. 





We want you to understand that it’s important to FOCUS on the business of your choice, whether GDI Team Elite, the Prosperity Marketing System or the Power Lead System. If you focus on mastering it, then you will have success!


We’ve mastered all three programs and there’s good reasons why we want to share the positives and negatives of each program with you as you go about learning your business. Before we get started helping you get moving forward with your business, we want to share some basics about each program just so you understand where we’re coming from and what you’re options are. 

We started in GDI Team Elite and found that were able to help new members the most effectively by helping to PLACE MEMBERS under them as they worked and supported the team. In fact it’s our goal to eventually help place six members under each member who actively goes after being a team leader. However, the earnings in GDI are small at first and it takes a lot of leverage to turn your earnings into something significant. But it can be done and its worth the work to do it because of the massive leverage you get once you have multiple team leaders under you. We’ve personally helped create a lot of team leaders and are proud to be able to have the experience to help you. And yes, with enough leverage its possible to create a six figure income with GDI.


The last thing about GDI is that its an extremely reputable company having come in as one of the fastest growing businesses in the US a few years back and can be seen in the BBB with an A+ which is excellent work on GDI’s part. 


Okay, so now we want to explain why we created a team in the Prosperity Marketing System. It all started when we realized that we wanted to help our team members earn more in the beginning then they possibly could with GDIWe therefore built an additional team simultaneously in the Prosperity Marketing System (PMS).


PMS is almost the exact same price as GDI but gives you 100% commissions and we were able to double our income in just a couple months. We found that the viral email list in PMS was like nothing we had ever seen. As our team grew bigger and bigger, the viral email list doubled and tripled in size from our teams efforts and because we had bought the $97 “Owner Add On”, inside the Prosperity Marketing System, our PMS funnel showed five levels down! We found people we didn’t know were joining us in our programs and helping us earn more and more.


Three more things about PMS: First we found that PMS is affordable for almost everyone anywhere in the world just like GDI and just as accessible to them. In fact we’ve never seen a country where someone couldn’t join PMS or GDI yet. Second we also found that the manual email responder in PMS was VIRAL five levels down and very effective and this helped us grow our team faster too. We will talk more about all the advantages later. Third, we want you to know that building a successful six figure business with PMS is possible too. Feel free to ask us more about this anytime. Now we want to explain to you how and why we started building a team in the Power Lead System. 


As team leaders in GDI and to help our team in PMS, we use the Power Lead System (PLS) as our main autoresponder for our team. It’s gives our team leaders and members great email campaigns that can be copied easily with a share code, awesome tools to make lead capture pages, track their links and an incredible amount of training to learn how to succeed in marketing on Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, SEO and virtually everywhere online, offline etc… In addition, with the right email campaign you can promote GDI, PMS and PLS all at the same time! However, even with this advantage it’s still only possible for you to focus on ONE system at a time (unless you’re already great at marketing).


So as we focused on building our PLS team, we again doubled our income in just a couple months and found that the income we received from higher monthly residual income and the sales from high ticket items was awesome! I want you to understand that all in all, PLS helped us increase our income by 200%! 


Nevertheless, GDI Team Elite gave our team members a higher chance to BEGIN SUCCEEDING – even if they didn’t earn much at the beginning. This was because we could help them by placing members under them. PMS helped them begin to earn more for a low price and PLS gave them the chance to triple this. So I hope you can see the benefits of all three programs! 


Please understand, it is NOT OUR GOAL TO MAKE YOU JOIN ALL THREE PROGRAMS IF YOU DON’T WANT TO, only to teach you the 5 Critical Skills and to first help you succeed in the business of your choice (and later if you’re open to it), powerful focused strategies that use all three together.




Leverage can be understood by a pulley that lifts heavy things that you can’t lift by yourself or like a jack that helps you lift up your car so you can change a tire. Having team leaders under you, getting new paying members every week that allow you to earn too, is LEVERAGE. Their work profits both them and you!



In GDI Team Elite, we found that we were able to HELP PLACE 6 PAYING MEMBERS UNDER OUR TEAM MEMBERS and this really encouraged our team that something really WORKED! So we want to help you get started learning basic marketing, and how to build a team and profit from team leaders under you building leverage for you five levels deep. There is no other system like GDI where you can build leverage.


Here’s the Qualifications to become a GDI Team Elite leader:





In the Prosperity Marketing System, it does not support us placing paying members under you but it only costs $12 a month and allows you to earn $10 on each member!*. So it allows you to make a profit quickly. But we found that you do need to learn the basics of the 5 Critical Skills to earn consistently. Therefore we want to show you how to start earning and to create leverage 5 levels deep using PMS’s awesome funnel and viral email list. Also we want to teach you how to get pass ups from your team and earn 100% commissions. Eventually, if you need help affording PLS, here’s a strategy to help you: after you have 4 paying members in PMS, you will earn enough to upgrade to PLS. 

*See PMS compensation plan.



The Power Lead System, is the only system that allows us to teach ALL 5 Critical Skills without using separate programs for tools. We also want to show you how to create massive 50% team overrides on monthly residual income and high ticket items that bring you big profits all from the efforts of your team.


Eventually even as a GDI Team Leader or if you’re using PMS primarily, you will need a good autoresponder and tools to create capture pages and track your links. PLS has all this for you and we can show you how to set up your campaigns for you with a simple share code. In PLS, our goal is to help you understand The Power Lead Systems “Free Lead System“, Lead Lightning and the PLS system and how you can profit from all three of PLS’s awesome compensation structures:


1) Large monthly residual income,

2) 50% team overrides &

3) Earning from selling high ticket items (and earning from your teams sales of these too!)



Here’s the GAME PLAN:

Throughout the Sixteen Steps we will be sharing principles that you can apply to almost any business online but specifically to GDI, PMS and PLS.


We will share with you how each of the 5 Critical Skills is applied in GDI, PMS and PLS so you will learn what ALL your options are and how you can be the most effective. 


At the end of each Step, there will be a few questions you will need to answer to pass to the next Step. Please understand that this is there to help you, to give you live interaction with us, help keep you accountable to your goals and allow you to feel like a valuable part of our team and to create DUPLICATION. Realize that without real work, nothing of value is achieved. We want to help you as much as we can and this is our way of being there for you. We also do have 1:1 coaching and mentoring available too if that’s something you would like. You can find out more about this near the end of this Intro Step should you be interested. 


Sure, there are some “done for you system’s” that work for a while in the right situations but when the “tide of life runs low”, these systems just don’t work, if you understand me. You might be asking what the “tide of life running low” means. In a nutshell, it means when the market place is unreceptive for some reason to your ads or some other negative thing has happened that makes that done for you system not work as well as it should. That’s basically the reason we want to teach you the 5 Critical Skills. These skills work no matter what the marketplace looks like or no matter what negative thing is happening. And by the way, speaking of “done for you systems” we actually do have one system like this set up for you in PLS. But again, it will only work if everything is favorable in the marketplace. Feel free to email us about this at any time. 

Part Two:

Connecting With Your Leader



Your Leaders Contact Info and Links are connected with the Sixteen Steps.



When you see a “click here” for more info, just click on that area and a page will come up with all our team leaders. It will look like this: 



Just click on the name of your leader and it will take you to their info page with all their information and links. It will look like this except with their name on it:



You can take a test run of it here: TEAM LEADERS LINK.

Don’t forget to find your team leaders name and click on it to go to their page!


Don’t forget. When you become a team leader we will give you the permission to share the Sixteen Steps and we will add your links to your team leaders page.

Also don’t forget that if you are in transition from one team leader to the next, that the main leader who is/has helped you the most deserves for you to use their team leaders page with their links on it.



Part Three:

Let us introduce ourselves:


We are here to help people to create financial freedom.


Albie Derbyshire: 



In 2012 I lost my job as a teacher (I been a kindergarten teacher for 20 yrs) and I wanted to also create a freedom lifestyle for myself and spent 12 hr days for 3-4 months trying to make an online business work for me but I failed miserably. My thoughts on this: It’s way harder to make money online then it sounds. 
So I got a job as our marriage was suffering from this but just never gave up. I couldn’t seem to give up my dream, so I continue to work on it part time or whenever I had time. Even if I had only 10 minutes I made sure to put in the time because I knew that if I wasn’t consistent I wouldn’t be able to achieve anything. Throughout the years since then I had been with 40 different business opportunities but found little success with them.
All the “done for you systems” failed me but I kept pressing on. During this time I stumbled upon the book called Secrets of the Big Dogs. This e-book changed the way I understood Advertising. And so from there on out I got a grasp on my advertising method. After going through the Big Dogs and in participating in the program, I found that I could do most of my advertising in about half an hour a day and still get my ads out to 10 million prospects a month. The reason I brought up the “Big Dogs” is because over five years, I found some very valuable programs that helped me a lot and will possibly help you too. I will talk about that later. 
Now you would of thought that having a grasp on advertising would have made all the difference in the world but it didn’t. Even though my sales went up a little bit more each month I still found myself wondering why I couldn’t get sales more consistently. So I knew there had to be something else. So for the next two years I kept increasing my advertising muscles just like the “Big Dogs” suggested but this only helped me later when I had figured out the other four Critical Skills
In 2017 I came across a quote by Jim Rohn. The quote said:
“formal education will earn you a living
but self education will earn you a fortune.”
I started becoming very disappointed with all the programs I had gone through. And I realized that maybe it wasn’t the programs that were to blame. Maybe it was my lack of marketing skills. So I stopped joining new programs and began diligently diving into learning marketing. I researched everything I could on the internet about it and it was by listening to different marketing strategies on YouTube that I came across Alan Cosens. Alan seem to have the same idea that Jim Rohn spoke about and I became really curious about him.
So I decided to join his program and learn everything I could from him. Alan brought me into PLS where I saw how he earned seven figures using it and other programs. So I worked this program really hard and Alan taught me how to start getting results.
.Alan taught me a lot of things but the most important was how vital real communication is with your new prospects and team. Up to this point I had already made thousands of dollars online. However, this key ingredient allowed me to start making money online consistently (I was so excited!) It’s also the reason GDI Team Elite, The Prosperity Marketing System and the Power Lead System works: real people connect with us (just like you did connecting with us) and communication allows us to earn trust and trust builds solid teams.
Long story short. I was learning and improving my skills and had more and more success on daily basis. Now I have big teams and residual income from GDI, PMS, PLS, I am the co-owner of AE Mailer with Elizabeta and I have income from promoting affiliate programs in my funnels. You can have the same!


Elizabeta Kuzevska



I’m  a professional internet marketing coach and has experience in blogging, social media, and affiliate marketing.


My site according to Google Analytics has almost 98K users and more than  147K page views per month and is approved with Google Adsense and Media Net. Almost 70%of the traffic is from social media. I have over 100000 followers on all socials .



My primary goal is helping people to gain their financial freedom is my ultimate goal. Because of that I accepted Albie’s offer to coach and help people to build their teams.


Our purpose in writing this guide is to walk you through some simple steps that will allow you to start making money with your affiliate programs. In addition to this, Our goal is to help you to take full control of your business!



An online business will ultimately provide the ability to travel where you want and have time freedom. The beauty of this business is that you can work and get paid over and over again for the work you did in the past (residual income). Residual income does however, require that you still maintain supporting your team and clients. 


This also gives you the opportunity to live and travel anywhere in the world, and still run your business at the same time. Where else can you find a system like that with a solid, proven company like GDI, PMS & PLS?



We really want to help you achieve this freedom and if you need anything, feel free to email us at: and/or





 Part Four:




Okay, we learned about the Sales Funnel.

Now we will give you a basic strategy to find success:


The Importance of

“The Power of One”


Why spend five mins to read this?
Because it will give you a real STRATEGY and vision that you can really FOCUS on! 
Now let me share with you our strategy to help you to begin earning. I’m going to be upfront with you and share with you exactly where we’re coming from. First of all, I’ve been in network marketing for over 10 years. And even though I’ve earned a lot of money inside of network marketing and created big teams, I’m not really a fan of talking to my friends and family. And I’m guessing that you might not be either.

However there are a few sales people out there and maybe you’re one of those who doesn’t mind talking to anyone. But no matter if you’re NOT that person, we have a strategy that will work for you. Now before I tell you what it is I want to be clear about this. We’re going to teach you how to earn from sending out your ads over the internet. Not from network marketing. Did you catch that?

Still there is a lot of power to network marketing especially at the beginning of starting your business because earning is all about “Know, Like & Trust no matter if your new or a professional. And it’s this that I want to talk with you about. It’s how I made $500 my first month when I first started network marketing. So I’m going to share with you now something called the “Power of One.

After this I’m going to share with you an amazing strategy that I learned from my mentor Alan. It will take all the stress off of you and help you to be able to do really great at a little network marketing. And as I said before we’re not going to focus on this. Because in step number two we’re going to teach you how to start developing your skill at sending out ads over the Internet. Let’s start now with the Power of One:


“Network Marketing Wealth With The Power Of One”

by Brian Rooney


Most of the time, when we hear about a powerful success story in network marketing, we are hearing about someone that just ran some incredible numbers on an almost impossible to believe level.


While it is exciting to read about this sort of success, most of us tend to think that we just can’t achieve that sort of wealth in network marketing unless we become a power house recruiter and put hundreds of people in to the business, personally.


This article is designed to show you what can be done when you commit to being consistent and focus your efforts for a while, no matter which network marketing business you are building.


I call it:

The Power Of One


This plan is designed for the part-timer that may only have a few hours to spend on their business each week. They aren’t going to quit their job any time soon but they do want to build a business on the side with the expectation that they will have the option to fire their boss or cut their job hours back should they choose to do so.


What we are going to focus on is bringing in 1 new referral each month. Just ONE.


Can you do more? Yes but this example is going to focus on the sort of power and leverage you can build up by bringing in just one new referral and (this is the important part) teaching and helping them to do the same.


Let’s take a look at what can happen with this incredible Power Of One system in your network marketing business.

Remember: We are focusing on getting ONE new referral each month. We are going to then work with that new referral to help them do the same.

So let’s take a look at what can happen.


Month 1: You are just getting started with your new business. You are excited, of course! You probably don’t know much about the pay plan or how it all works but you can definitely see the potential. You reach out to some friends and you bring in one new referral. You now have 1 referral in your team.


Month 2: You and your new team member from last month also bring in a new referral. Your group grows by 2 so you now have a total of 3 referrals in your team.


Month 3: You and your 3 referrals are getting the training. You are working together and you each bring in 1 new referrals. Your team now has 7 total referrals.


Month 4: You and your team are staying in touch with your upline leadership team. You are working together and you each add a new referral. Your network marketing business now has a total of 15 people on your team. You have personally referred just 4 of those!


Month 5: You continue learning about your business. You are now seeing some results and your team is getting excited! You each refer just ONE new referral in this 5th month which now brings your network marketing team to a total of 31 members!


Month 6: By this time, most people have quit their network marketing business. They probably said something like, “I don’t like get rich quick deals” but then got frustrated because they didn’t make money fast. Most folks have been working their regular jobs much longer than 6 months and not only are they not rich yet but they have no reasonable expectation that their job will ever make them rich. But they keep waking up in the morning and going to their job.


You and your team recognize that this is a process that may take some time. You are committed to each other and your future success so you continue working together,. You spend time on personal development. You keep learning more and you each put one new referral on the team this month! Now your network marketing business has a total of 63 people and your team is really starting to get excited!


Month 7: You are starting to feel the excitement in your team, now. This Power of One is really starting to have an impact on your network marketing business. Your team is growing and so is your income!


You and your team are building momentum. Some folks may be putting in more than 1 new referral now but let’s keep doing the math based on everyone on the team bringing in just one new referral this month. Your team continues to grow and now you have 127 people in your network marketing business.


Month 8: Now you are really starting to feel the excitement! This thing is actually working! Your network marketing team is seeing results and you continue working on personal development. Your team follows the system and you each add one new referral. Your team now has 255 members!


Month 9: Your team reaches 511 members this month! Depending on your company’s pay plan, bonus incentives, etc… your income should be at a very nice level by this time!


Month 10: By following the simplicity of The Power Of One, your network marketing business has now reached 1,023 team members!


Month 11: Can you believe your team is now 2,047 members strong?


Month 12: 4,095 members in your network marketing business in your first year!


And Now For The Reality Check: If you are like most folks, you probably gave up around month 3, 4, or 5. Somebody told you “no”. Guess what. That happens to folks who have been in the industry for years and are earning 5 and 6 figure monthly checks, too. We all hear “no”. Those who succeed just didn’t quit. They just talked to the next person on their list.


The key to successfully implementing this plan is for YOU to make up your mind that you are going to see the plan all the way through. Recognize that some will do more than others. Some will do less than others. Some will quit. Some will excel. That’s what happens in the real world and it’s no different in the network marketing arena.


We all know that there are tremendously successful people involved in network marketing. The first question is for you to ask yourself: Am I ready to become one of the success stories? If you are, then make the decision to follow this plan. Don’t beg people to join your opportunity. Invite people to partner with you as you follow a plan to create financial freedom together.


Consider working harder on the front end and go for 2, 3, or 4 new referrals and work with them to do the same. Momentum is a powerful ally in your network marketing venture. Put it to work for you. Build as fast or as slow as you like but the key is to continue building your business!”


Brian Rooney

About The Author: Brian Rooney escaped the rat race in the year 2000 by starting his own home based business. Since that time, Mr. Rooney has provided tools and training for thousands of network marketing professionals via his internet marketing services.


Brain Rooney is the owner of TrafficWave. Even though we use PLS as our main autoresponder, it is still an option you can choose from later. 


Part Four



“The Power of One”


Wasn’t that great! 


Do you see how if each of us implements this, just how powerful this will be for our team and what it will do for each of us!


Okay, so to begin implementing this simply go get your affiliate link in your Backoffice either in GDI, PMS or PLS.


Now you can begin advertising this link and/or give this link out to anyone you can think of that you think might be interested to join you. If you make a list of 100 people, you will likely find a few who might want to join you. Just make sure you use the method explained in the video below or you most likely have a lot of problems and we want to take as much stress and worry off of you as possible. 


If you are concerned about how they might react or don’t know what to say to them, please listen to this video by our seven figure mentor Alan Cosens about sharing opportunities with others. It will greatly help you:



Now if you understand advertising on Safelist’s you can begin promoting this way too. You can find your team leaders Traffic Sites on his Team Leaders page. If you’re in GDI Team Elite, you may also ask your team leader for your special team link to promote for the team too. We will talk about this in Step One.


You can take a test run of it here: TEAM LEADERS LINK.

Don’t forget to find your team leaders name and click on it to go to their page!


Always remember that things of value take time to build so be patient with yourself!



Part Five

Wrapping It All Up



To get a little better understanding of some of your team members, we are putting together a Team Photo Page so you can get an idea of who your team is and the team leaders who use the Sixteen Steps. Please remember that this is a work in progress. Go here: 

We want you to be on here too! To have your picture added, please send a picture to Albie at this email address:



At the end of each Step are a few questions that you will need to answer to be able to qualify to get to the next Step or training. Simply email your team leader back with your answers and they will help coach you through. 


Coaching & Mentoring



If you see that you are:

1) Having a real hard time with simple computer skills


2) You are passionate about succeeding and want our full 1:1 attention beyond and above what we are normally able to do, then we suggest you join the Mentoring Program where we can afford to give you more attention.

The Mentoring program comes with personal 1:1 guidance, over 60 personally made videos, the Mentoring Course part 1-4, Simple Traffic Solutions, Secrets to Building Your Email List, Importance of Personal Development, How the 10 Core Commitments can help you, and much, much more (See details here).


CONCLUSION: So, are you ready to start making money on the internet? Start working the “Power of One” to the best of your ability. Also make a file on your computer for this link to the Intro to the Sixteen Steps and the password so you will have it to give to your team when you become a leader: Password: AE67



Simply Email back your Team Leader the answers to these questions below so you can get feedback on how you’re doing and go to the next assignment!

Make sure to let them know you read this and what your thoughts were concerning:

1)Did you watch the video? Any thoughts?

2) The advantages of GDI, PMS & PLS

3) Implementing “The Power of One”. How many people are on your list to contact

4) Were you able to find your team leaders special links page?


We look forward to helping you! Email us at:



To your success!

Your Personal Team Leader


~Albie Derbyshire Elizabeta Kuzevska

GDI Team Elite Leaders


Marketing Team:

Albie Derbyshire,

Elizabeta kuzevska,

John Vance




Copywritten by Albion Derbyshire and Elizabeta Kuzevska 2021

No authorization to use or copy original material within the Sixteen Steps without permission.

The only exception is unless material is originally owned by a different author.


Our contact information and address:

Albion Derbyshire


189 N Marengo Ave #100

Pasadena, CA. 91101


REQUIRED EARNINGS DISCLOSURE:  Any statements of particular income amounts, or any experiences shared by the individuals in this email or on our website are exceptional and likely do not represent the typical results. The info being shared here applies only to specific individuals and does not indicate that you will have the same results. As the only data we have to share with you comes from people such as these who voluntarily share what their incomes or experiences have been, it is factually impossible for us to state what the “typical” experience is. It is not possible for us to measure all results of all participants. All income derives only from the sale of products. This email and any content on our website shows only the potential possibilities of the program as it relates to these specific individuals. Again, THESE RESULTS MAY NOT BE TYPICAL. No results from any person using our program in the past should serve as any indication that your results will be similar in the future. In short, this is a business and there are no guarantees in business. Nothing in this presentation or on this website is intended to convey that there is any guarantee of income. Your results will depend on your execution in your business and how many sales you close/how much business you acquire, just as it would in any business in the world. If anything in this disclosure if not 100% clear to you, please do not continue. If you are offered another opportunity where they share testimonials or individual accounts of their results, and they do not make sure that the above disclosure clear, just know that they are not following the law of the USA. Hypothetically, even if every single participant became a millionaire (which they absolutely do not, this is only a hypothetical example to make a point), and we could document that hypothetical, we would still be required to make this disclosure.

Your Business Training Link




Click below to go back:



However, If you want to focus on your business immediately and

skip our suggestions, you can start right away on it

by clicking on your business link below:


(Password AE67).





Albie Derbyshire
Elizabeta Kuzevska
cell: 626-379-5692

Who Needs a Mentor?

Let me share something lifechanging…


Hi! This is Albie. Let me share something with you: 

This week I want to share with you about “Who needs a mentor?” I want to show you two people who a mentor changed their lives: 


So here’s a little about Jim Rohn’s life before he met his mentor Earl Shoaff. He worked at Sears and shared that he was about broke. He then met his mentor and was challenged to change how he thought. At this time he blamed all his failures on the economy, on this and that but was then challenged to take responsibility for his failures and achievements. 

“Rohn began his career as stock clerk for Sears, but after attending a lecture given by entrepreneur John Earl Shoaff, he decided to follow a different path. He asked Shoaff to be his mentor and followed every bit of advice he could glean from him. Rohn became a direct marketing distributor. Within just six years, Rohn earned his first fortune…” (From Entrepenuer Magazine) 

Many years later, Tony Robbins came across Jim Rohn at a seminar. “He gave me a way of looking at life that allowed me to not ask [that] life would be easier, but to ask that I’d be better,” Robbins said in a tribute after Rohn passed away in 2009. “He got me to realize that the secret to life was to work harder on myself than my job or anything else because then I’d have something to give people and he really shaped me.” (From “Make It” and Tony Robbins).



One of the things Jim Rohn said about changing your life was: “Work harder on yourself than you do on your job.” Maybe you can see why having a mentor changed Jim Rohns life, Tony Robbins life and your life too. My mentor Alan also changed my life. The things he said to me directed me on a whole new path. This path made all the difference for me and it was the reason why Elizabeta and I were able to figure out The 5 Critical Skills. And these skills changed everything for us earning online. 

I would also love to hear back from you! Just email me back with the subject title: “I have a question” and then share your question in the main email body. 
Talk soon! 

Want to see everything we give you when we mentor you 1:1?

Go here

Want to see ALL our Personal Development Articles?

Commentary on the Ten Core Commitments

Your Plans Will Work ON YOU

Inner Potential

Birds & Bugs Bugging You? 

Core Ingredients to Fulfill Your Dreams

Self Discipline or Regret?

For Things To Get Better…

Who Needs a Mentor?




Required Disclaimer:  As with any opportunity there are many variables. Results cannot be guaranteed and any testimonials or examples given in this email may not be typical. You may do better or worse.

Beginning List Building

Welcome to Albie & Elizabeta’s 

 Building A Big List Basics



Program Details:

How All Five  


Interact Together



What does building Capture pages have

to do with growing your list quickly? ANSWER ___

What’s the difference between building someone else’s list and your own list? ANSWER___


You can have ALL the best advertising in the world but if your capture page isn’t effective, what good is it? ANSWER___


You can have the BEST converting capture page in the world but if you don’t have a LOT of effective advertising, what good is it? ANSWER___


What’s the difference between a “generic” capture page made for you by a biz opp and a page you create on your own? ANSWER___


My seven figure mentor used to always say to me:
“Your marketing doesn’t even BEGIN until they are on your list.”

Alan Cosens.


Learning how to build effective capture pages will change your ability to control how many subscribers you get weekly.

Share your answers with your Albie or Elizabeta. 

Continue learning about the 5 Skills, List building, Communication with your list

and funnel building here


Have Questions?
Connect with us at

We’re here to help you!

Elizabeta Kuzevska
Albie Derbyshire


cell: 626-379-5692


“Your Plans Will Work On You…”

Hi! This is Albie.

This week I want to share with you about your plans. Jim Rohn says “if you go to work on your plans, your plans will go to work on you.”


So what plans have and how are you going after them? Many people have plans but don’t go to work on them because the plans aren’t perfect or they don’t see the complete vision.


But you have to remember that you have to start somewhere and like Jim Rohn says ‘…your plans will go to work on you.” So start your plans and then let them work on you.


For example, even though a spaceship has its destination already set in its system, it has to keep adjusting its direction as it goes along. So do we. We can change and adjust our plans as we go. Our destination will get closer as we move toward it and the vision clearer. So we can adjust what needs to be adjusted. But if you don’t move forward, your plan won’t give you any feedback and you won’t get anywhere. 

Also in setting plans, you need a solid information to build it on. So I’m curious if you have tried other programs in the past and wanted feedback about them? 
Curious about the positives and negatives of such programs as: 
  1.  World Profit 
  2. GDI Team Elite
  3. The Power Lead System 
  4. Club Cash Fund 
  5. Lead Lightning 
  6. Secrets of the Big Dog
  7. AIOP
Got questions? Well, good, because I have unbiased answers. You can access all the information about them here. 
I would also love to hear back from you! Just email me back with the subject title: “I have a question” and then share your question in the main email body. 
Talk soon! 

Want to see everything we give you when we mentor you 1:1?

Go here



Required Disclaimer:  As with any opportunity there are many variables. Results cannot be guaranteed and any testimonials or examples given in this email may not be typical. You may do better or worse.

The Positives and Negatives of GDI Team Elite


Welcome to Online Marketing Academy
from Albie & Elizabeta!


An Unbiased Look at

Are goal is not to criticize GDI Team Elite
or any program or business mentioned
in these critiques. Many of these programs were
very helpful in our journey online and the
major strengths are listed first. 

GLOBAL DOMAINS INTERNATIONAL has been around since 1999,
providing websites, training and an effective comp plan to help its affiliates
earn each month from bringing in new members.
Plus…there’s more:

You can see the positives and negatives below:

The POSITIVES of GDI Team Elite are:

GDI Team Elite has been helping creating team leaders for years and years. GDI
Team Elite promises that it will help place 6 members under you and help your
new members get members too. I am a personal testimony that this system works
with a capable team leader. I have also personally helped create over nine team leaders,
each with thier six members. 

Understand that Global Domains International does not condone or support
any group such as GDI Team Elite. Global Domains International only supports its own
policies and practices.*

Positive Benefits of GDI:

1) GDI provides great support, email, tools to help you market to potential clients,
webpages to help you advertise and sign up new members, tools to
understand who is in your downline and communicate with them and much more.

2) Special paid bonuses you can earn. The first is the “GDI Learning Bonus”
that pays out $25 for completing all the steps in the GDI Learning Bonus. Another
one is the GDI Duplication Bonus which gives $250 for every 10 directly referred
new customers that earn their $25 Learning Bonus. And there are more!


 I found that the original email campaign passed down to many team leaders
(from original GDI Team Leader Sanjinka I’m guessing) and is very effective and if you
study and implement all its 27 emails, you will understand how personal
connection is achieved through your email autoresponder. This email campaign
changed my understanding of Critical Skill #4: Effective Communication. 
This campaign
version was implemented inside TrafficWave. However,
the updated version with links in it, I personally believe to be mostly uneffective.
I have personally seen a team leader lose almost all their team from this
new email campaign.

  The method we use to build GDI Team Leaders, teach the 5 Critical Skills
to our leaders through the Sixteen Steps program
(however, there are many teams that do not use this system): 

The Sixteen Steps teaches effective advertising (Skill #1) through sharing
good Safelists and Mailers that bring in subscribers and eventually new
members. However, we encourage everyone to see our recommended
mailers and safelists in AEMailer.CLUB as these sites have been tracked
and confirmed for thier effectiveness for years by us. 

Team Leaders who complete Step 10 of the Sixteen Steps will learn how
to create effective 
capture pages (Skill #2). Our team teach our leaders
to build thier l
ist (Skill #3) through using the PLS,
TrafficWave or AWeber autoresponder. 

Team Leaders who use the original GDI Team Elite email campaign,
learn effective communication  (Skill #4) with their list through Step Nine of the Sixteen Steps
and from practical implementation by responding to emails encouraged by this campaign.
Effective funnel buiding (Skill #5) is also taught in Step 16 of the Sixteen Steps. 

The NEGATIVES of GDI Team Elite are:

1) I personally have found that there are some bad team leaders out there
who do not communicate properly with their team 
(However, I know many good team leaders).
Some of these team leaders sign up new members only to stop
connecting with them after that. I’m sad that this happens. However, there
is no way to keep these people accountable as each GDI Team Elite is
a seperate entity (each team leader controling their own team). 

2) I found that those team leaders who do not implement a training program
do not show much concern for their team actually learning real marketing skills.
There are however, some team leaders without the experience to create their own
training and many teams do not even realize the Sixteen Steps
Training even exists – just to be fair. 

This would be the negatives I have. Have an answer or different view
and want to email me? Go 


Finally, I am a big advocate of GDI Team Elite and encourage
everyone to see how a team can help you succeed and change
your understanding of online marketing.


Hi! This is Albie
And here is my family: 


I used to be a school teacher for 20 years. But then in 2012

my school lost funding and all the teachers including
myself lost their jobs
. I started internet marketing
at that time thinking it would be easy to start earning online.
I was grossly mistaken. Long story made very
short, it took me years to learn the marketing skills
that changed everything 
for my business
partner Elizabeta and I in 2018.

And when we did begin to LEARN, IMPLEMENT & MASTER
them, everything changed for us earning online and we’re confident
it will for YOU too! 

How to Succeed with the 5 Critical Skills
==>> Go here <<==

Want to join our GDI Team Elite?
Go here.

Want to chat about GDI?

Email Elizabeta and I here:




Positives and Negatives of the Power Lead System (PLS)


Welcome to Online Marketing Academy
from Albie & Elizabeta!


An Unbiased Look at

Are goal is not to criticize the Power Lead System or any business
mentioned in these critiques. Many of these programs were
very helpful in our journey online and the
major strengths are listed first. 


The Power Lead System is a marketing system with a lot of
marketing tools 
such as autoresponder, tracker, capture page maker
for making lead capture pages, video sales pages, audio and video postcards,
unlimited sub domains for your sales pages, Google Hangouts pages, tons of
internet marketing training, team support…

Plus…there’s more:

You can see the positives and negatives below:


1) Practical capture page making tools to help you get unlimited viral leads
and subscribers to the double or single opt in autoresponder that you can
build your email list with. Also an ad tracker, unlimited sub domains, tons of
marketing training and team support and much more.

2) Good Ad Tracker
3) Unlimited sub domains.
4) Tons of Marketing Training on all these Subjects:
5) Facebook Marketing
6) Youtube Marketing
7) Social Media Marketing
8) Email Marketing
9) Solo Marketing
10) Safelists Marketing
11) Offline Marketing

5) Make Videos using Google Hangout
6) Video Postcards
7. Online Support
8. Power VIP Club
9. Our team enjoys having access to
Alan Cosens PLS Masterminds. If you join
under Albie, you will also have access.

The NEGATIVES are here:

1) I found that even though the training in PLS is extensive, that I didn’t succeed
until I learned the 5 Critical Skills taught me from my seven figure mentor Alan Cosens
(who is also in PLS). Once you learn these skills then all the training in PLS becomes
relavant at that point.

2) Some people consider the high ticket items a negative. I do not. I
think the training you buy is a good quality and that having something of
value to sell as an asset is a good way to earn as well. Once you buy them,
then you can sell them over and over again. If the trainings you bought were
of low quality than yes, I would agree that it is a negative.
However, this is not the case.

This would be the negatives I have. Have an answer or different view
and want to email me? Go 



Hi! This is Albie
And here is my family:

I used to be a school teacher for 20 years. But then in 2012

my school lost funding and all the teachers including
myself lost their jobs
. I started internet marketing
at that time thinking it would be easy to start earning online.
I was grossly mistaken. Long story made very
short, it took me years to learn the marketing skills
that changed everything 
for my business
partner Elizabeta and I in 2018.

And when we did begin to LEARN, IMPLEMENT & MASTER
them, everything changed for us earning online and we’re confident
it will for YOU too! 

How to Succeed with the 5 Critical Skills
==>> Go here <<==

Want to join our PLS Team?
Go here.

Want to chat about PLS?

Email Elizabeta and I here:




Club Cash Fund, Scam or Legit?

Welcome to Online Marketing Academy
from Albie & Elizabeta!


An Unbiased Look at

Are goal is not to criticize Club Cash Fund or any business
mentioned in these critiques. Many of these programs were
very helpful in our journey online and the
major strengths are listed first. 

CLUB CASH FUND is a business you can find advertised online.
Once you subscribe, fill in your name and actual physical
address, then you receive a brochure in the mail about a
week or two later describing why you should take advantage
of this great opportunity and send in your $100 so that you
can turn around and advertise and get people to send you
$100 in return. The brochure mentions that it has a marketing
product but does not mention what it is about in any manner. 

You can see the positives and negatives below:


1)  Club Cash Fund have a great follow up
system where you can learn all about thier opportunity from opening
your regular mail
. In this day of age, where most correspondence is by
email, it’s interesting to actually get a brochure in the mail about
the opportunity. In the old days their was so much junk mail that
this wouldn’t have had as big of a chance of catching your eye
but now it appears to have a higher chance of catching your attention.

2) Possible basic training in Safelist and Social Media Marketing.

3) It also communicates effectively to your prospects
and brings them through an effective funnel where you can get paid.


The NEGATIVES are here:

1) Club Cash Fund is very close to being a “Cash Gifting”
program (even though its technically not). It just too close for
comfort and I’ll explain why on #2 and #3 below. First
understand what Cash Gifting is:

“When people get together in a circle to give each other gifts without exchanging any money,
that is called a gifting circle. When people gather in person or online because they are recruited
and the recruiter receives money or gifts for each person recruited, that is a
gifting scheme — which is also an illegal pyramid scheme.”
(From Dept of Attorney General).

2) I found that even though Club Cash Fund claims to have a product
(a suite of marketing courses that are being sold at $100 month), that
this product is questionable and we wonder why there is not a website
provided to actually view what these products are?

2) Also why is the opportunity being sold without even mentioning what the product
really is all about?
 This crosses the line in my estimation. A company should
primarily be ABOUT ITS PRODUCT 
The opportunity should ONLY EXIST because of the PRODUCT

3) Sending money in the mail is always risky – especially since you won’t
get a receipt right away. It’s NOT illegal to send money in the mail unless 
for purposes that are illegal, for example, money laundering, tax evasion or
purchasing tickets in a foriegn lottery. So even though it’s not illegal
to send money in the mail
, I would think this business would be a higher risk
than usual and only people truly desperate to earn would try it. I will also
note that its possible to send a money order too (still risky).

4) Club Cash Fund impliments the 5 Critical Skills by
effective advertising (Skill #1) for his program and also through other
affiliates who promote it too. I don’t know how often the capture pages are changed
to keep continued interest (Skill #2) but I have my doubts that it’s not enough
to get a lot of daily subscribers. Club Cash fund is
actively building a big list for themselves (Skill #3) but I highly doubt that using these
premade capture pages actually build YOUR list.

Even though you will get a sale if someone signs
up with your link, you probably have limited means to continue contacting these people back
(as these people will not be subscribers to your email autoresponder).
Club Cash Fund communicates at a very
high level with his list by sending them effective brochures in the mail (Skill #4),
but even though this may mean a possible sale for you, it does not build you
or your personal brand and does not allow you to become an expert in the field 

(which in our opinion, needs to happen for you to have a lot of success online).

Club Cash Fund has aslo built an effective funnel (Skill #5)
that pays well on the front and back end.

However, even though you can benefit from Club Cash Fund implementing
all of the 5 Critical Skills, he probably does not teach you
how to build your own capture pages, how to grow your own list so you can
take possesion contacting your own customers yourself or how to
communicate with them yourself 
and how to build your own funnels.

This would be the negatives I have. Have an answer or different view
and want to email me? Go 



and may be a scheme



Hi! This is Albie
And here is my family: 


I used to be a school teacher for 20 years. But then in 2012

my school lost funding and all the teachers including
myself lost their jobs
. I started internet marketing
at that time thinking it would be easy to start earning online.
I was grossly mistaken. Long story made very
short, it took me years to learn the marketing skills
that changed everything 
for my business
partner Elizabeta and I in 2018.

And when we did begin to LEARN, IMPLEMENT & MASTER
them, everything changed for us earning online and we’re confident
it will for YOU too! 

How to Succeed with the 5 Critical Skills
==>> Go here <<==

Want to join our PLS Team?
Go here.

Want to chat about Club Cash Fund?

Email Elizabeta and I here:



How to Avoid a Scam



How to Avoid Scam Programs


We actively promote PLS,PMS and GDI Team Elite. We get a lot of emails from unemployed people

and single parents asking us if the programs are scam or if they actually works.

We always let them know that it is working very well for us.

We get asked the question if our programs are scam so many times that we decided to write a list of things to look for

to avoid scam online programs. We hope that It will help you when you are thinking about joining a new program.

Here is how to avoid scam programs:

1. If the program doesn’t have a real product or service to sell, don’t join it.

If there is no actual product or service, it’s nothing more than a scam.

If a money making program has no product that people are purchasing,

then it is considered a pyramid scheme by the government and will be shut down.

One of the opportunities we promote is GDI. It offers website domains, hosting, ten email accounts, and an affiliate program which pays to 5th level. It is one of the 50 fastest growing companies on the Inc 500 listing.

PMS offers 100% commission, page builder, autoresponder from which you can email 5 level deep to your members once a week, miny affiliate system, training about how everything works online… We are so confident in the program that we offer our bonuses for joining it

PLS offers everything you need to start with online business. You can see the features it offers here

2. If the program talks about getting rich quickly without work, it is another scam.

There are a lot of fake ads on the internet claiming that you can become rich quickly

with a small investment of time and money.

Being successful will require you to spend some money and be patient for the long term, building

your business. If on opportunity says that it is quick and easy to make money, then beware.

3. Avoid fake training programs.

There are a lot of training programs which are conducted by people without experience.

You do not want a 20 year old “life coach”. You need to check using Google search and do other research

if the person offering the training truly has the experience and success they are showing online.

When you decide to invest in yourself, you must choose the best training.

4. Avoid programs which promise you everything on autopilot.

This goes along with # 2. Being successful is hard and will require time and lots of learning.

If you don’t work at least 3-4 hours a day, you will never succeed.

If you are not willing to learn new skills, you will never succeed.

Legitimate online marketing takes a bit of time to learn.

You can make money from it but it doesn’t happen overnight.

You need a strategy, and you need to implement it well before you make any income.

5. Avoid programs which offer you overly large commissions.

If a program is offering 75% commissions then the product is probably not good because

they are not investing in the program. Creating good products and programs are expensive,

so they don’t need to not give all the money to the affiliates.

In addition, a lot of people sign up to programs which offer “high ticket” programs where the product

is expensive, so you can make a lot with every sale.

These products are very difficult to sell because most people do not have $500 to $5000 to purchase them.

They sound attractive, but are very hard to profit from.

6. Always check if the program has a legitimate website.

All reputable programs have a professional website. If there is no website, this should be a red flag for you.

If you follow these tips, it will help to make sure you don’t get caught up in an affiliate marketing scam.


7. 1) Be careful about joining “Cash Gifting” programs. Here’s
a good definition of what Cash Gifting is:

“When people get together in a circle to give each other gifts without exchanging any money,
that is called a gifting circle. When people gather in person or online because they are recruited
and the recruiter receives money or gifts for each person recruited, that is a
gifting scheme — which is also an illegal pyramid scheme.”
(From Department of Attorney General).


Click on the banner below to see if your program is mentioned

and details or alerts about your program. 

Hope that helps.


Elizabeta & Albie



“What you BECOME is far more important
than what you GET…”

.Jim Rohn.

Here’s how Jim Rohn found himself with empty pockets at 25  and a millionaire by 31.

How did an Idaho farm boy do that?  This is how…

“At 25, there was nothing in my bank and I needed to provide for my family. As I was considering what to do, I met John Earl Shoaff, a wealthy entrepreneur who became my employer for the next five years. He revolutionized my life and taught me the importance of developing my personal philosophy, to look for those few things that make the most difference and to spend most of my time doing those things. It isn’t a complex or mystical process but a principle that can make a difference in how your life turns out.”
Jim Rohn.

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We’re looking forward to getting to work with you!

Thank You!

~Albie Derbyshire
& Elizabeta Kuzevska

Online Marketing Academy © 2021
Cell: 626-379-5692