Becoming An Above Average Person…

Hi! This is Albie.

This weekend I’m at home (yup, not on my boat this time). But that doesn’t mean I have to be stuck in the mud, right! I actually had a really nice time this weekend going to visit Huntington Library in Pasadena with my wife and friends. They have a beautiful gardens there (that’s an understatement). We went to the Chinese garden this weekend and were surprised just how huge it was. It was acres and acres big. And that’s just one of the gardens there.

So this weekend I was also reading Jim Rohn and got blown away by one of his quotes: “How do you develop an above-average income? Simple. Become an above-average person.” (Work on you). That really woke me up (lol!). He went on to say:

“Develop an above-average handshake. A lot of people want to be successful, and they don’t even work on their handshake. As easy as that would be to start, they let it slide. They don’t understand,” he says. “Develop an above-average smile. Develop an above-average excitement. Develop an above-average dedication. Develop an above-average interest in other people. To have more, become more.”

That’s such an easy answer but profound really. I was so impressed with the Huntington Library and I had to admit, that it was far from just ordinary. I like the idea of becoming more than just average – and not just for myself. I want to help others change their lives. And I’m on a quest to work on that every day. Maybe you’re with me on that?

Sometimes people need a little push to get started and some “catalyst” to keep them moving forward toward their goals. I can think of a possible catalyst. Joining my mentors team was how it all started for me. And maybe you would like to join Elizabeta and me on our team? It might be a great way to great way to start learning how to earn online and start taking the daily steps to do something different and exciting with your life.

If you’re with me then simply reply back with the subject heading: “Let’s do this!” And I’ll know what you mean and share more with you about what we do.

Talk to you soon!

Want to a see a little into what we teach you on our team?

Go here



Required Disclaimer:  As with any opportunity there are many variables. Results cannot be guaranteed and any testimonials or examples given in this email may not be typical. You may do better or worse.

Importance of Personal Development!

“All SUCCESSFUL people I know and work with around the world are GREAT READERS. They just read, read, read. They are so curious that they are driven to read because they just have to know. It is one of the things they all have in common. Here is a good phrase: All leaders are readers.” *

*emphasis added

Quote by Jim Rohn


  “Rohn spent much of his life advocating for the power of self-discipline, and he delivered his seminars for more than 40 years. He died in 2009 with a net worth of more than $500 million dollars”






Find Out More About The Greatest
Quotes from Jim Rohn!


“What you BECOME is far more important
than what you GET…”

.Jim Rohn.


“Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying basic fundamentals.”

Jim Rohn


“We must all wage an intense, lifelong battle against the constant downward pull. If we relax, the bugs and weeds of negativity will move into the garden and take away everything of value.”

Jim Rohn


These are just a few…


Hear some of the BEST recorded speeches

from Jim Rohn PLUS:



Six Keys to Obtaining Your Dream


12 PILLARS that Will Change Your Life!

(By Jim Rohn & Chris Widener)


1o Core Commitments To Achieve Great Things!

(Inspired from Jim Rohns teachings)


12 Catalyst Books

(Jim Rohns suggested reading) 



Have you been trying to find success

in life all alone,


guessing your way through everything?




We’re Opening The WHOLE VAULT



Giving You Our 1:1 Personal Support…


to begin mastering The 5 KEYS to Success and work online
with confidence.  This Will Give You Real Leverage.
And that’s an Understatement.



Here’s the 1:1 Help
You’ve Been Looking For!


Okay, Take a Big Breath and

Prepare To Get Blown  Away

By EVERYTHING We’re Going To




We’re looking forward to getting to work with you!

Thank You!

~Albie Derbyshire
& Elizabeta Kuzevska

Online Marketing Academy © 2021
Cell: 626-379-5692



The Six KEYS

 KEY 1:
Man can FORM things in his thoughts
and can make what he thinks to be created. 
Being specific, we can IMPRESS our thoughts
on reality through our actions.
“Creating the Dream starts with your mind.”
So think about what will be different about your life AFTER
you succeed in your business. Try and see this picture very clearly.

Write down your thoughts and feelings and keep them somewhere special where
you can look at them each week – especially your feelings on achieving your dream.

Most people don’t take the time to actually see the success they
desire and PLAN it out beforehand.

Success on a DAILY basis is what eventually leads to
success on a greater scale…

Find Out More About the SIX KEYS!



“What you BECOME is far more important
than what you GET…”

Jim Rohn.

Personal Developement Cutting Edge:


Six Keys to Obtaining Your Dream

12 PILLARS that Will Change Your Life!

1o Core Commitments To Achieve Great Things!

12 Catalyst Books 

Have you been trying to market all alone,
guessing your way through everything?


We’re Opening The WHOLE VAULT


for You, PLUS:

Giving You Our 1:1 Personal Support
to begin mastering The 5 KEYS to Success and work online
with confidence.  This Will Give You Real Leverage.
And that’s an Understatement.

Here’s the 1:1 Help
You’ve Been Looking For!


Okay, Take a Big Breath and

Prepare To Get Blown  Away

By EVERYTHING We’re Going To




We’re looking forward to getting to work with you!

Thank You!

~Albie Derbyshire
& Elizabeta Kuzevska

Online Marketing Academy © 2021
Cell: 626-379-5692


I’ll fight for this…


This is Albie. I just came back from being out at my boat trying to fix my broken mast.

It came crashing down on a wild but exhilarating day at sea (and just in case you don’t know what a mast is, it’s the long pole that stands high off the boats deck that holds up the sails). Anyway, I know that you’ve had setbacks too and things that really woke you up. Losing my mast really shook me up I can tell you.


Broken mast on the bow of my boat

So as you can guess that’s not the first time I’ve had really bad things happen (and that’s not even “bad” in the grand spectrum of things). 

The point being that often you have to learn things the hard way and sometimes more than once! And all this to say, I would love to show you our secrets of how we get sales every every single day working online but take my word for it – it wasn’t always easy and I spent years in frustration looking back at my achievements and wondering where I was going.

Finally here’s the catch: you will have hard times too – no matter how much I teach you. Unfortunately, life is always about growth and growth doesn’t come “done for you”. Sure I can make things ten times easier for you than what I had to deal with by myself- but again, you have to go into this with the right mindset.

One of my mentors told me that only one or two out of 100 are the actual leaders you’re looking for. Everyone else asks the wrong questions. They always ask “how much will I make”, “how much is it”, “how hard is this?” etc. But the ones that are leaders just wanna know one thing: “who can I follow to find success no matter what the cost.” Also understand this: “at any cost” shouldn’t mean at the cost of your family.

 What I’m taking about is the fruit of persistence over years of time to get the results of being able to go anywhere in the world you want and for how long and it not inconvenience your work. Or being able to grow and experience life to the fullest without having to go into a job every day. I think you know where I’m going with this.

Ok so if you’re thinking: “wow, he’s totally taking about me” then I definitely want to hear back from you. Simply respond back to this email with the subject line: “I’m willing to fight for this” And I’ll know what you mean and share more with you about what we do.

Talk to you soon!

PS: Want to see the program Elizabeta and I are in and earn high monthly residual income from? Go here



Required Disclaimer:  As with any opportunity there are many variables. Results cannot be guaranteed and any testimonials or examples given in this email may not be typical. You may do better or worse.


Positives and Negatives of Worldprofit

Welcome to Online Marketing Academy
from Albie & Elizabeta!


An Unbiased Look at

World Profit

Are goal is not to criticize Worldprofit or any business
mentioned in these critiques. Many of these programs were
very helpful in our journey online and the
major strengths are listed first. 

WORLD PROFIT is primarily a Training Site with 
an unbelievable amount of tools to help the affiliate marketer
in advertising, SEO, email marketing etc…
Plus…there’s more:


You can see the positives and negatives below:


Five of the POSITIVES are:
1) Abundance of Training Videos on affiliate marketing.
Worldprofit’s ‘Boot Camp’ is one of the most comprehensive
and helpful training program I have ever been through. 


2) Tons of helpful tools including trackingcloaking toolsautoresponder,
Your own website set up for you and so much more.
4) Real people to talk to about affiliate marketing plus real weekly training.
5) They pay out for real.


The NEGATIVES are not clear cut:
I found that even though the training and tools were very helpful (in
fact it helped me to understand the basics of marketing with Safelists and Mailers)
I struggled earning with WorldProfit for these reasons:


On the positive side they understand the 5 Critical Skills
as you can see them using them practically on the site everyday:


They advertise effectively to get new clients all the time in the safelists,
they have a lot of effective capture pages to get new subscribers,
they communicate 1:1 with their clients through their “live”
reps that talk with you once you enter the site,
they obviously are building a huge mailing list
and they understand funnels because they take you through there
pre-planned funnel. These are the 5 Critical Skills, however
figuring out how to use these strategies for my
own business was not made clear to me.


A new person is taught to build your skill list (Skill #3) SEO skills,
to advertise on a lot of safelists (Skill #2),
but I was not taught 1:1 communication skills
(even though they are excellent in this skill themselves).
You can also benefit personally from the active communication that happens on the site.
You are also taught the basics of using their funnel
for your advantage (Skill #5) but I was not taught how to build my own funnel.
I was not taught how to build my own capture pages (Skill #1) but they
do have a lot of pre-made pages you can use to advertise.
This is good and bad. The positive is that you have lots of choices of
pages to promote, the negative is that you don’t learn how to take
control of dictating how many subscribers you can get by learning capture page skills.
I was also not taught how to see if an advertising site is effective or
not – even though they do teach tracking skills. 


Also you only earn about 20% through bringing a new person
into WorldProfit so it’s not as easy to make back your
$100 monthly investment
However, I suppose that eventually when
you had built up enough clients, you could break even
and make a profit.
 They do make it possible to sell other items
in which you can earn much higher. I tried to sell these items but really didn’t have
much success. The reason I didn’t have success was
because I didn’t understand how to promote these items effectively to my email list.
Essentially I didn’t understand how the 5 Skills all worked together.


I’m guessing that maybe if you stick
with the program for over a year, you might begin to catch on to these
marketing tactics happening around you inside their system.
However as a newbie, its not obvious at all as you get lost
in the details you’re learning.
This happens a lot in almost any program you join and
to be honest it takes years to master these skills.
I do think that perhaps if there was more of a focus on
mastering these skills, people may have more success.


It is also possible that some of these lack of skills not taught me were possibly
because I was only with the program for six months. Perhaps if I were there 
a year, I would have more to share with you about this. Nevertheless,
this is what I discovered for you. 



Hi! This is Albie
And here is my family: 



I used to be a school teacher for 20 years. But then in 2012


my school lost funding and all the teachers including
myself lost their jobs
. I started internet marketing
at that time thinking it would be easy to start earning online.
I was grossly mistaken. Long story made very
short, it took me years to learn the marketing skills
that changed everything 
for my business
partner Elizabeta and I in 2018.



And when we did begin to LEARN, IMPLEMENT & MASTER
them, everything changed for us earning online and we’re confident
it will for YOU too! 


How to succeed with the 5 Critical Skills
==>> Go here <<==


Want to chat about WorldProfit?


Email Elizabeta and I here:




 YES! Click Here to “Take The
Challenge” NOW!
I’m Ready To Check it Out!





.Welcome to Online Marketing Academy

from Albie & Elizabeta


Click on each business opportunity to see our  critiques

and suggestions about each one.


Find The Business Opportunity You Wish

to Examine Below To See Full Details.

The Positives & Negatives:






Secrets of the Big Dogs: 




Power Lead System:


Club Cash Fund:


Lead Lightning:


.More Coming Soon!

(So check back with us in a month or so…)



Have Questions? Connect with us below.

We’re looking forward to working with you!

Kuzevska Albie Derbyshire


cell: 626-379-5692


Inner Potential


This is Albie, writing you from a beautiful place where your heart feels surrounded by peace!

Today I want to talk about inner potential and how to develop it better. I’m not sure if you’re aware of this but the more skills that you have, the better you can earn and that’s in any area of life.

You can use that approach to get a better job or you can use that approach to grow your business and continually increase your profits every month. Really it’s not about coming up with a new scam or scheme to take money away from people that will help you or them. Scams usually backfire on yourself.

So I would say to take the route of becoming a better person and growing every day a little bit better. The best way to grow is to listen to people who have achieved great things and who have been through a lot of “battles” so to speak, and have learned some important things from life. I mean you’ve heard of a pool of water that has no inflow or outflow – it becomes stagnant. And if you aren’t growing, you will become stagnant too. It’s very easy to fall in a “rut” and stop growing.

Jim Rohn talks about reading books so that you can bring out your inner potential. And honestly I have to say that reading various personal development books over the years has really challenged me and made me think about what I was doing what I could do better with my life. You know sometimes people don’t like reading very much but it’s a very powerful medium and there are things that you will never learn from just watching TV all the time. I have to say if I had not read these books that Jim Rohn talks about, I would be a completely different person (and not for the better).

What I often do when I’m very busy is listen to an audible book on my iphone while I’m driving or working on the computer with something that doesn’t require a lot of brain power. In this way I can keep growing and learning without actually having to read. So there’s an option for you. Either way Jim Rohn has another quote that really helps and that is “the books you don’t read won’t help.”

The other thing that will help you is working with a TEAM, especially if you are looking to create financial leverage for yourself. Our team builds financial leverage through selling monthly residual items, from creating leaders who will earn you team overrides and from selling high ticket items that can make 10 times the amount that you earn from just selling small ticket items each week.

Honestly we would love to have you on our team and all you have to do to find out more about it is to simply reply back to my email below with the subject title: “share with me more” and we will send you more information.

Sound like a plan?



Required Disclaimer:  As with any opportunity there are many variables. Results cannot be guaranteed and any testimonials or examples given in this email may not be typical. You may do better or worse.


Personal Development


This excellent book by Jim Rohn and Chris Widener, was such an easy read

and very enjoyable but at the same time so life changing!

Scroll down to see more about it.




Rohn spent much of his live advocating for the power of self-discipline, and he delivered his seminars for more than 40 years. He died in 2009 with a net worth of more than $500 million dollars.






“All successful people I know and work with around the world are great readers. They just read, read, read. They are so curious that they are driven to read because they just have to know. It is one of the things they all have in common. Here is a good phrase: All leaders are readers.”

Jim Rohn


I say, “John, I’ve got this gold mine. I’ve got so much gold,
 I don’t know what to do with it all.  Come on over and dig.” 
John says, “I don’t have a shovel.” 
I say, “Well, John, get you one.”
 He says, “Do you know what they want for shovels?”
 Hey, invest the money, get the CDs and books. 
The best money you can spend is money invested 
in your self-education. Don’t shortchange yourself
 when it comes to investing in your own future."
 Jim Rohn




Multi-millionaire, personal developement expert and mentor,

Jim Rohn suggested 7 Books Everyone Should Read:

(Click on link to find out more:)


1. The Bible


"Many years ago, I learned that some of the best advice ever
 given comes from the Bible. 
There is a phrase in that amazing book that says,
 “If you search you will find.” 
So that is the way to discover good ideas and life-changing 
information. Search. In order to find — you must search.

You must go to the seminars and to the training classes. 
You must listen to the audio programs that can give you 
breakthrough ideas.
 You must go and engage in conversations with people of substance. 
You must go looking, go searching. 
Rarely do good ideas interrupt you.
 And as you make a diligent search, you will find all the
 good ideas you need.

 You can learn from negative as well as positive.
 The Bible is such a great book because it is a collection
 of human stories on both sides of the ledger.
 One list of human stories is called examples: 
Do what these people did.
 And the other list of human stories is called warnings: 
Don’t do what these clods did. What a wealth of information. 
What to do and what not to do. I think it also means, however, 
that if your story ever gets in somebody’s book, 
make sure it’s used as an example, not a warning." 
Jim Rohn


2. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.


Mr. Shoaff got me started on my library.
 Here’s one of the books he recommended,
 "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. Think and Grow Rich.  
Mr. Shoaff said to me, “Doesn’t that little book intrigue you?”
Jim Rohn


3. How to Read a Book by Mortimer Adler.


4. As a Man Thinketh by James Allen


5. ​The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clancy


6. The Lessons of History by William James Durant.


7. The Story of Philosophy by William James Durant.


"Let me share with you two of the best sources of
 information available: First, learn from your own
experiences. Become a good student of your own life.
 It's the information you are
most familiar with and feel the strongest about. 
So make your own life one of your most important studies.
And in studying your own life, 
be sure to study the negative as well as the positive,
 your failures as well as your successes. 
Our so-called failures serve us well when they teach
 us valuable information. 
They’re frequently better teachers than our successes."
Jim Rohn.




Personal Development Books and Audible books:
“I literally listened to this book 10x on Audible
before it began to sink in and change
everything in my business life.”

The Science of Getting Rich Summery:


(Don’t forget that the actual book has 10x MORE info than the summery!)


Get the Audible version here
The Science of Getting Rich
.“I literally listened to this book 10x on Audible
before it began to sink in and change
everything in my business life.”
by Napoleon Hill
“This book gave me the practical tools to apply
what I had learned in the Science of Getting Rich.”

Think & Grow Rich Summery:

(Remember that the book is 10x better than the summery)
The Twelve Pillars
by Jim Rohn
“This book was such an easy to read book and at the
same time a life changer. It gave me clarity of purpose
and an understanding of what I needed
to do to accomplish my goals!

Twelve Pillars Summery:


(Don’t forget that the actual book has 10x MORE info than the summery!)




The Slight Edge

“This book changed my daily work habits
and how I understood duplication.”


The Slight Edge Summery:


(Don’t forget that the actual book has 10x MORE info than the summery!)



The Richest Man in Babylon

“This book changed EVERYTHING for me
concerning money and how I used & saved it.”

The Richest Man in Babylon Summery:


(Don’t forget that the actual book has 10x MORE info than the summery!)



How to Win Friends & Influence People

“This book helped me develop the skills for
practical communication with people”

How to Win Friends & Influence People Summery:


(Don’t forget that the actual book has 10x MORE info than the summery!)




Cold Calling Techniques

(That Really Work)

“This book helped me develop the skills for
talking to people successfully on the phone!”

Cold Calling Techniques Summery:


(Don’t forget that the actual book has 10x MORE info than the summery!)



Influence: The Psychology of Selling

“This book helped me develop 
an incredible understanding of the deep rooted
subconscious nature of effective sales”


Influence: The Psychology of Selling Summery:


(Don’t forget that the actual book has 10x MORE info than the summery!)




Snowball by Warren Buffett


“This book gave me AMAZING insight into
one of the most successful investors ever”


Warren Buffetts 25 Most Important Investments Ever:



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Your One Stop Storefront for instant Downloads
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AE Mailer
Elizabeta Kuzevska
Albie Derbyshire
cell: 626-379-5692
Skype: SailingwithAlbie

Click here for Privacy Policy


~Albie & Elizabeta

PS: Want a special 1:1 mentoring session with Albie or Elizabeta?

You can see more about it here

