Harmony’s (VA) Questions & Answers


My name is Harmony and thanks for reaching out. ??✨
If you are wondering who I am? I am Albie and Elizabeta’s virtual assistant here to assist you in this matter. It is my duty to manage their queries to expedite any issues that should arise.
Albie and Elizabeta have been made fully aware of this problem and have entrusted me to help solve the issue. I’m here to point, guide and direct you in the right direction. Unfortunately, this problem falls outside of my pay grade and I do not have the resources available. 
I am going to personally reach out to Albie and Elizabeta to escalate this query. Please allow up to 72 hours for the next response. 
For any further assistance just scroll down to see 100 emails that were sent to Albie & Elizabeta with the answers to them. You can also see our forum for additional answers too. I truly hope this helps! 
– Harmony (VA)?
For Albie & Elizabeta 


 100 Answers to Themes & Titles for: 

Key: = Most Asked Questions.
66 STRIPE Button
73 Importance of Your LIST!
75 Ending Message With a QUESTION
77 AUTORESPONDER- Why are they not inside my PMS As Tour Taker?
78 I Don’t Need to build CAPTURE PAGES
79 I Already Have LEAD LIGHTNING
81 Send me the Lead Lightning link
82 1000 Hits a Week?
83 CAPTURE PAGES Strategies
84 More UPGRADES???
85 GUARANTEE of Income?
86 Teaching new leader to SWITCH OVER Sponsor in PMS + Covid19
88 Still Wanting to SUCCEED ONLINE?
89 ADVERTISING Problems / MLM / Getting my business off the Ground.
90 ENCOURAGEMENT to Team Leaders
92 Constant UPGRADES?
93 RESEND MESSAGE 2 Days Later
94 Setting up your GDI BLOG
96 Set up TEAM PAGE GDI (for leaders)
97 Join GDI TEAM ELITE WITHOUT  Joining us in GDI?
99 Passup Sales to Lead Lightning and Details about LL for PMS Members.



Have Questions? Connect with us below.

We’re looking forward to working with you!

Kuzevska Albie Derbyshire


cell: 626-379-5692



Welcome from Albie Derbyshire and Elizabeta Kuzevska.

Welcome to




FAQ: 100 Questions, Answers & Scripts





1. Scripts


2. Email Swipes

(see GDI, PMS & PLS Swipes by scrolling down to #2)


3. 100 Questions & Answers



First Response, Second & Third Response Scripts:

Click on Subject:
You will need to ask your coach for the password for Scripts (but not for Q&A below:) .
Email us at EliAlbie67@gmail.com for password. 🙂




Email Ad Swipes: 

Click on Subject:

Email Ad Swipes for Prosperity Marketing System: 

For PLS Email Swipes, go to Power Lead System Backoffice and go to:

Promote Your Business” Tab and then “Email Swipes Copy“.


GDI Team Elite Email Swipes





How to Create Your Own Effective Email Swipe






100 Answers to Themes & Titles for: 

Key: = Most Asked Questions.
66 STRIPE Button
73 Importance of Your LIST!
75 Ending Message With a QUESTION
77 AUTORESPONDER- Why are they not inside my PMS As Tour Taker?
78 I Don’t Need to build CAPTURE PAGES
79 I Already Have LEAD LIGHTNING
81 Send me the Lead Lightning link
82 1000 Hits a Week?
83 CAPTURE PAGES Strategies
84 More UPGRADES???
85 GUARANTEE of Income?
86 Teaching new leader to SWITCH OVER Sponsor in PMS + Covid19
88 Still Wanting to SUCCEED ONLINE?
89 ADVERTISING Problems / MLM / Getting my business off the Ground.
90 ENCOURAGEMENT to Team Leaders
92 Constant UPGRADES?
93 RESEND MESSAGE 2 Days Later
94 Setting up your GDI BLOG
96 Set up TEAM PAGE GDI (for leaders)
97 Join GDI TEAM ELITE WITHOUT  Joining us in GDI?
99 Passup Sales to Lead Lightning and Details about LL for PMS Members.



Have Questions? Connect with us below.

We’re looking forward to working with you!

Kuzevska Albie Derbyshire


cell: 626-379-5692


The Science of Getting Rich & The “Certain Way”.

“I literally listened to the Science of Getting Rich book 10x on Audible before it began to sink in and change everything. I’m a Christian and I don’t believe everything in the book, but the crucial points are the foundational reasons why Elizabeta and I have had success online.”
Check out this summery of The Science of Getting Rich” to get a
basic understanding of the book. However, realize that the book
is packed with 10x more info and the reading of it is ESSENTIAL
to understanding it fully.
 “If you know these six points inside and out
and implement them daily, your chances of success are much higher.”


 There is a “Certain Way” to riches that the book teaches.
Many of the thoughts below are direct quotes or ideas from SOGR. Follow these carefully:
1) Man can form things in his thoughts and can make what he thinks to be created. Being specific, we can impress our thoughts on reality through our actions.
2) Do everything you do in an efficient manner. But don’t hurry.

3) Be thankful for everything – even when things fail. Failure can often open the doors for better things. Thankfulness releases enthusiasm in life and happiness which you need to be successful. Also if we are not thankful for what we have, we may not deserve greater things.



.4) Have faith & purpose.
Faith is the ability to create and see in your mind the thing you are seeking.
This causes you to use a lot of brain power to do it successfully.
5) “Advance everyone you deal with. Every action is advancing you and advancing others. 
Give a greater use value than cash value than you take.” SOGR
6) “The creative mind is NOT a competitive mind.
Seeking power to control others is not the creative mind.” SOGR



There is a “Certain way” to riches that the book teaches. Follow these carefully.
The “Certain Way” is speaking of the other six or more points in the book. Let’s examine them in more detail below: 
1) Man can form things in his thoughts and can make what he thinks to be created.
Being specific, we can impress our thoughts on reality through our actions.
“Creating the Dream starts with your mind.”
So think about what will be different about your life after you succeed in this business. Try and see this picture very clearly.
Write down your thoughts and feelings and keep them somewhere special where you can look at them each week – especially your feelings on achieving your dream.
Get a very clear image of what you want and why.
Also, what will change in your future when your dream becomes a reality? This is very important and you have to take as much time as you need to impress this upon your mind. Go slow and remember everything so you can repeat this same practice again tomorrow. Each day, build your experiences upon each other so that your dream is always progressing forward.
Be very specific and try to feel exactly how you will feel. Creating all this in your mind is where it begins. Next, make your actions coincide and then go back to the drawing board (your mind) each day to see your progress and how you imagine achieving all this. Believing your dream is more than just “believing”.  It’s really building from one Success to the next and coming closer and closer to really figuring out how to do it. As your mind starts to figure it out each day you start to believe it more and more
As you can see the pieces coming together, then you’re mind begins to believe it more.
For example when I started making consistent income online, it helped my mind. I could see exactly how that happened and how to help others to duplicate it.
This was a puzzle piece for me that had got put in the right spot. So each day I try and see if there was a piece missing and if I could see how to make it fit. And then I can see my dream more clearly the following day or month now that each new puzzle piece has been put in place. Each piece makes it easier to believe.
Once a day is all it takes to visualize your success but do it when you are not going to be interrupted and when things are peaceful. Don’t forget: your thoughts is where it ALL starts. So nourish this. 
Some successes I’ve built on in the past would be like how many new members I get per week and how consistent am I at getting them. Is my advertising working, are my efforts duplicating …that’s very real and practical things to ask yourself and to build your dream upon each new success. Everything takes time, so don’t be impatient to succeed all at once.
Success can be defined as “…the PROGRESSIVE realization of a worthwhile ideal.” Earl Nightingale.
Some of our team members have said:
“I have doubts all the time about creating success online.”
 “I don’t know how to believe that I’ll make  $10,000 a month.”
 “I’m afraid”
 “and I don’t know whether I’ll have success”
Some possible answers for these:
Spend time each morning thinking about how to improve, what your mistakes were, what you could have done better.
 We have found a strategy that we know works. It’s based on KNOW, LIKE & TRUST. EVERYTHING we do online has to meet this standard.
If there is no way to communicate with people and build relationships then that business very likely doesn’t work* and we don’t use it.
There are a thousand business online and most of them don’t work for this exact reason.
*One Exception might be a big business that has built relationships over a very long time and is branded now with something very recognizable to the masses, such as “Macy’s” or “WallMart” in the USA. But this does not apply to small business that have not built this branding
Our Team allows people to opt into your email list so they actually read your emails and this motivates them to connect with you. That’s why our team building methods work. It builds Know, Like & Trust. Remember this as you are building from one success to the next! 
So having this strategy allows you to wake up and realize you are getting somewhere and it builds your faith. These visualizations help you feel your way down the path of success.
2) Do everything you do in an efficient manner. But don’t hurry.
“Efficient & Successful Work”
Here’s a quote from The Science of Getting Rich that is important to talk about:
“Every act can be made strong and efficient by holding your vision while you are doing it, and putting the whole power of your FAITH and PURPOSE into it. It is at this point that the people fail who separate mental power from personal action. They use the power of mind in one place and at one time, and they act in another place and at another time. So their acts are not successful in themselves; too many of them are inefficient. But if all Power goes into every act, no matter how commonplace, every act will be a success in itself, and as in the nature of things every success opens the way to other successes, your progress toward what you want, and the progress of what you want toward you, will become increasingly rapid.”
So what does this mean? Read it again, slowly…
In this case, your dream is driving you to do each act successfully and to allow yourself to be inspired and motivated to do an excellent job. People who have no enthusiasm don’t do an excellent job.
Someone may complete the job but someone who is inspired and who has enthusiasm is almost unstoppable.
If you work really hard but if you’re not able to complete what you start then you can’t be successful.
If you have ten things to do and finish only one
successfully – then what was the use of doing the other nine?
Better to do only the ones you can complete successfully! 
So if you have ten things to do and finish them all well then you have accomplished a lot. The more successful things you do will pull you faster towards your goal but remember it’s better to do five well than ten not very well.
Some tasks you do every day will be putting energy into getting your advertising done successfully and then to finish one more Step or task one at a time – each successfully done.

There is a book called “The 10X Rule and it talks about going out there and making it happen – no matter how hard you work every day. It’s a great book and you should read it but there’s something it doesn’t mention. It doesn’t mention about being efficient about completing things and about not draining your energy so you can be efficient for tomorrow too.


I totally agree with having the mentality to just make it happen but I also know it’s important to just
finish what you start and to not be stressed out about trying to complete too much????
It’s also important to enjoy life too and yes it’s important to be successful, but both are important and have to have the right balance.
So SOGR talks about completing things every day and having success with each task allows you to achieve success little by little, day by day, each successful action adding up.

And as you read the Science of Getting Rich again …watch for things we have talked about here.


3) “Be thankful for everything – even when things fail.
Failure can often open the doors for better things.” SOGR.
Thankfulness releases enthusiasm in life and happiness which you need to be successful. Also if we are not thankful for what we have,
we may not deserve greater things.
As you read in the book, try to be grateful for every big or little success.
It is a good thing to write every day’s gratitude in your diary or journal. You can read them from time to time and you can be thankful for your successes. This can be one of your best practices! 
4) Have faith & purpose.
Faith is the ability to create and see in your mind the thing you are seeking. This causes you to use a lot of brain power to do it successfully.
 “It’s easy to just accept things as they are but to change things completely takes enormous faith,  creativity and mind power.” SOGR
You literally have to get up each morning and bring your dream to fruition in your mind and show your mind how it’s coming to pass with your effort and strategy.
If you are lazy in your mind
you will see yourself begin to fail. Be very alert about this!
5) “Advance everyone you deal with. Every action is advancing you and advancing others.
 Give a greater use value than cash value than you take.” SOGR
6) “The creative mind is NOT a competitive mind.
Seeking power to control others is not the creative mind.” SOGR
Get the book here:
“I literally listened to this book 10x on Audible
before it began to sink in and change everything.”
Get the Audible version here:
I truly hope this helps you has much as it has helped us!
Please follow up with us in the forum and share your comments
if this has helped you. 🙂 
~Albie & Elizabeta
PS: Want a special 1:1 two hour paid mentoring session with Albie or Elizabeta?
You can see more about it here

I’ve been through a lot of difficulty too…

How are you today. ??
I understand exactly how you feel because I’ve been there myself for many years.
So I want to share a couple things with you real quick.
As you know I’ve been working online since 2012 and been in 40 different business over the years
and have had very little success with most of them. It was very frustrating ride for a long time.
But in 2017 I started to break through. Since 2018 I’ve had success working on the internet and it’s because
of the skills i learned – not so much the business opportunity (even though that is important too).
Here are the skills I’m talking about:
1) Understanding how to get a lot of effective advertising.
2) Knowing how to build your own capture pages
3) Getting your own subscribers to your mailing list and building a big list.
4) Real engaging communication with your list
5) Understanding funnels and taking your list through your funnels (or to put it in a simple way – taking them through your online stores).
So we can teach you how to begin mastering all of these! However, nothing is easy.
But if you have a good work ethic and are persistent, I will show you how to succeed online.
Please contact us so we can help you. 🙂

Have Questions? Connect with us below.

We’re looking forward to working with you!

Elizabeta Kuzevska
Albie Derbyshire


cell: 626-379-5692
