Traffic Secrets


TRAFFIC, Part I: Free Solo’s

& Details





In order to get tons of FREE SOLO’s at

then you just need to view about 50 AEMailer Solo ads a day to get a Free Solo PLUS lots of ADDITIONAL Credits!


Just go to your email where you get AEMailer ads and click on the email and then click the link inside that allows you to earn points when the timer finishes. You will see the free credits you earned after the timer finishes (its at the very top of the page). Do this about 50 times (view email solo’s) and earn a FREE SOLO worth about $10 each!


NOTE: My suggestion is to just click about 100 ads in your email box and you will most likely click about 50 solo’s in the process. This usually takes me about 15 mins. ~Albie


just go to the home page of AEMailer and click the “Earn Credits” tab and click 50 solo’s. You will see your rewards at the very top of the ad after the timer finishes. You should be able to earn a free solo with 50 total solo clicks.  I hope this helps you! 🙂 






















Click for an up-close look. 🙂 

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If you want to learn Traffic & Marketing,
You will find it on this page!

We look forward to hearing from you!

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This excellent book by Jim Rohn and Chris Widener, was such an easy read

and very enjoyable but at the same time so life changing!

Scroll down to see more about it.


“All successful people I know and work with around the world are great readers. They just read, read, read. They are so curious that they are driven to read because they just have to know. It is one of the things they all have in common. Here is a good phrase: All leaders are readers.”

Jim Rohn


I say, “John, I’ve got this gold mine. I’ve got so much gold,
 I don’t know what to do with it all.  Come on over and dig.” 
John says, “I don’t have a shovel.” 
I say, “Well, John, get you one.”
 He says, “Do you know what they want for shovels?”
 Hey, invest the money, get the CDs and books. 
The best money you can spend is money invested 
in your self-education. Don’t shortchange yourself
 when it comes to investing in your own future."
 Jim Rohn



Multi-millionaire, personal developement expert and mentor,

Jim Rohn suggested 7 Books Everyone Should Read:

(Click on link to find out more:)


1. The Bible


"Many years ago, I learned that some of the best advice ever
 given comes from the Bible. 
There is a phrase in that amazing book that says,
 “If you search you will find.” 
So that is the way to discover good ideas and life-changing 
information. Search. In order to find — you must search.

You must go to the seminars and to the training classes. 
You must listen to the audio programs that can give you 
breakthrough ideas.
 You must go and engage in conversations with people of substance. 
You must go looking, go searching. 
Rarely do good ideas interrupt you.
 And as you make a diligent search, you will find all the
 good ideas you need.

 You can learn from negative as well as positive.
 The Bible is such a great book because it is a collection
 of human stories on both sides of the ledger.
 One list of human stories is called examples: 
Do what these people did.
 And the other list of human stories is called warnings: 
Don’t do what these clods did. What a wealth of information. 
What to do and what not to do. I think it also means, however, 
that if your story ever gets in somebody’s book, 
make sure it’s used as an example, not a warning." 
Jim Rohn


2. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.


Mr. Shoaff got me started on my library.
 Here’s one of the books he recommended,
 "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. Think and Grow Rich.  
Mr. Shoaff said to me, “Doesn’t that little book intrigue you?”
Jim Rohn


3. How to Read a Book by Mortimer Adler.


4. As a Man Thinketh by James Allen


5. ​The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clancy


6. The Lessons of History by William James Durant.


7. The Story of Philosophy by William James Durant.


"Let me share with you two of the best sources of
 information available: First, learn from your own
experiences. Become a good student of your own life.
 It's the information you are
most familiar with and feel the strongest about. 
So make your own life one of your most important studies.
And in studying your own life, 
be sure to study the negative as well as the positive,
 your failures as well as your successes. 
Our so-called failures serve us well when they teach
 us valuable information. 
They’re frequently better teachers than our successes."
Jim Rohn.


Personal Development Books and Audible books:
“I literally listened to this book 10x on Audible
before it began to sink in and change
everything in my business life.”
Get the Audible version here
The Science of Getting Rich
“This book gave me the practical tools to apply
what I had learned in the Science of Getting Rich.”
The Twelve Pillars
by Jim Rohn
“This book was such an easy to read book and at the
same time a life changer. It gave me clarity of purpose
and an understanding of what I needed
to do to accomplish my goals!


The Slight Edge

“This book changed my daily work habits
and how I understood duplication.”


The Richest Man in Babylon

“This book changed EVERYTHING for me
concerning money and how I used & saved it.”


How to Win Friends & Influence People

“This book helped me develop the skills for
practical communication with people”


Cold Calling Techniques

(That Really Work)

“This book helped me develop the skills for
talking to people successfully on the phone!”


The Psychology of Selling

“This book helped me develop 
an incredible understanding of the deep rooted
subconscious nature of effective sales”

10,000 information products is now OPEN!
Your One Stop Storefront for instant Downloads
of e-books & Software here.


Twenty OneHelpful Topics:

 Master & Dominate Traffic Sources


 Body Building

WeightLoss / Fitness

Dating & Romance

Preventative Legal
or Need help. For those who live in U.S only. 

Online Business
Tips & Tricks

Key Word Research Tools

Get Your Ex Back

Womens Ebook Store


Day Trading

Credit Repair

Body Detox

ACNE Removal

Get your own Clickbank

Want to Create a 6 Figure
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Secrets of The Big Dogs
Learn how to send ads to 5 million
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Mail to 97 Mailers & Safelists
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Best Travel, Hotel
& Travel Business


AE Mailer
Elizabeta Kuzevska
Albie Derbyshire
cell: 626-379-5692
Skype: SailingwithAlbie

Click here for Privacy Policy


~Albie & Elizabeta

PS: Want a special 1:1 mentoring session with Albie or Elizabeta?

You can see more about it here


Oh wow…



Hi Albie here! Have you ever been caught in the “majestic grip” of a huge mountain? Haha! That’s quite a way to describe it but it’s kind of how it feels to be somewhere so beautiful, you could hardly breath.


I wonder if you would mind if I share a quick experience with you? See if you can feel what I felt being there. From a few sentences in my journal: 


“The mountain, reaches far up into the atmosphere before me.
Its giant form blocks out most of the sky, only leaving a tiny piece of it left.

Its white shining cliffs fall down, down, down before your eyes.
Pine trees grow up diagonally off the sides of cliffs that form the side of the trail,
their prickly needles bursting forth into what sky is left.
It’s very dark on this trail except for the glowing light reflected from the moon on the mountain and the bright stars above.
I can hear a thousand crickets chirping around me.
There is also the sound of running water down in the distant valley below where the river flows.

Little stars twinkle above my head in the dark stratosphere.
It’s a beautiful place to stop and catch your breath. Truly majestic as I sit here looking up in awe.”

Well, that kind of sums it up! Could you imagine being there? To me, reading it brought back memories and a sense of what majesty feels like. Going to beautiful places is definitely part of what I’m encouraging you to experience. But also having a dream and living it. To me that’s why I work online. It’s walking another step toward the dream of working anywhere in the world and taking
your business with you, something I’m realizing more and more each day with each small success.


Want to see real life footage sailing to Catalina plus
hear the story in more detail? 


Want to work, earn online too and create a business that you can take with you anywhere with an internet connection? I believe in you. I also believe in helping you understand the real skills that will help you achieve this.


If you hadn’t noticed, this email was all about sharing something that meant a lot to me – with you. And that’s a lot different then me just buying a bunch of pre-written emails to share with you. And that’s the difference between “effective communication” (Critical Skill #4) and just another attempt to sell you on something. See what I mean? 


–> Have questions about joining our team? See more here <–


So I shared something real with you about myself. And I look forward to meeting you too and learning a little about you also. That’s what a team does. They get to know each other, support and help each other to succeed. And Elizabeta and I are here to help you find success online! We want to hear from you! Just simply reply back with:
Share with me more” and I will get back with you!

To our success, 




cell: 626-379-5692

REQUIRED EARNINGS DISCLOSURE:  Any statements of particular income amounts, or any experiences shared by the individuals in this email or on our website are exceptional and likely do not represent the typical results. The info being shared here applies only to specific individuals and does not indicate that you will have the same results.


Hi! Albie here. Would like to hear my real life adventure story? I’m sure you will enjoy it and it will explain how you can succeed earning online too!

The story started on the beach and ended up with me sailing 27 miles over to Catalina Island.

One day I went down to the beach and was wading through the breakers…


Read the rest here.


In 2017 I finally met a seven figure earner who gave me some of his time and helped open my eyes to how to do it properly. And after a few years learning from him and others, my business partner Elizabeta and I realized there were 5 main skills that you needed to begin mastering in order to earn consistently online. 

Since that time, we make sales all the time online and have created a big team of paying members under us. And we can help you to learn these same skills we’ve been teaching our whole team. 

It’s not rocket science and these skills have really been around since the beginning of time – just modified for the internet. You can learn them just like we did and begin to have success IF you have the right mindset and realize just what I did when I went after my dream of sailing to Calalina island by myself. You’re going to need time, patience, an ability to fail and get back up again, the perseverance to save up the money that you need and
the dedication each day and week to learn and practice the 5 critical skills. 

You can find out more about how to succeed from my mentor and 7 figure earner, Alan below:

==> Find out more about how to succeed <==


Hi! Albie here. Yes, I do believe in ghosts and spirits but can’t honestly say I’ve ever seen one (though it would be fun to speculate lol).


I’m a Christian and find that since I gave my life to God, that I have walked down a path that has kept me from walking a life of fear. That doesn’t mean that I have always been unafraid – only that I know that God is with me and I try to keep my mind on things that strengthen me and others. 
And it has been a beautiful and life changing experience.


That leads me to a different topic but with a similar feeling – because not everyone believes in it.
And that’s the subject of making a lot of money quickly. And that leads me to tell you about a very real but “mysterious power” that exists and has changed peoples lives…


See the rest here



Aren’t these flowers beautiful! They’re “sympathy” flowers but honestly, they just look amazing to me for any occasion. I mean, they are just flowers after all. God didn’t make them and write “sympathy” on them – did he! 


FTD® In Loving Memory Sympathy Arrangement
FTD® In Loving Memory Sympathy Arrangement

FTD® In Loving Memory Sympathy Arrangement FTD® In Loving Memory Sympathy Arrangement

A bountiful basket of striking red and white blooms to express your sympathy and honor the departed, this popular arrangement features rich red roses and carnations designed with a garden of heavenly white blossoms, such as hydrangea, lilies, snapdragons, larkspur, Queen Anne?s Lace, or similar, for a traditional color scheme with a more stylish look. Appropriate for wakes, funerals, and memorial services. Florist delivery in the USA and Canada.



You may have tried earning
online in the past and understand what I’m talking about. It’s kind of
like playing a video game and thinking how easy it will be to win but then
the reality of it sinks in as you have to replay levels over and over a
again just to win that level. It’s the same with earning online.
You honestly will NOT get to the next level UNLESS you really dig
in and learn 5 Critical Marketing Skills that we’re going to explain to
you as we go along. 


You can explore more about adventures earning online here.


See for yourself how things will change for you too!


You can find out more about the 5 Critical Skills here.



Let us help you you find your “blindspots”. We will help you personally 1:1 to understand how to earn consistently online.



A little secret.



Hi! Albie here. Today I wanted to share with you a little secret. Every week, my business partner Elizabeta adds a new training inside the Prosperity Marketing System to help you learn how to earn online. I really appreciate this about her because she’s always trying to help our team in some way.


This actually gives you a ton of additional value! I mean last week, Elizabeta gave some incredible tips like:


“Want To Know The Secret To Writing Good Email Subject Lines?”


How valuable do you suppose that is? I don’t know if you understand how important this subject is but it can change your open rates, conversions and sales. Check out the the subjects of the last few weeks:


Week 1
Find Your Why – The most important thing in your online journey


Week 2
Find Your Niche


Week 3
How to be sure your new product/promotion will be profitable? 


Week 4
Want To Know The Secret To Writing Good Email Subject Lines?


People buy what they want, not what they need. Find your target audience’s wants and fill it. 


See what I mean?




When Elizabeta and I were first starting out, we found that the Prosperity Marketing System (PMS) had an excellent funnel system that we could add all our programs, traffic sites, training and bonuses and allows people to earn $10 from each member that joins under you* (And it only costs $12 monthly!).


*See the PMS compensation plan for more details.


Not only that but it allows you to check it out completely for free for 7 days. To be completely open with you however, you do have to put in your credit card details and become a “student” in order to access all of our bonuses. But you still get seven days without any charge. Elizabeta and I found this to be an excellent way to give a lot of value, training and bonuses to you completely for free! As we build our team bigger and bigger, we noticed that our members joined all our programs from inside PMS and this was really awesome. You can do the same! 


In addition, we were able to market and email to all our downline 5 levels down! Now that’s leverage.


–> Check Out All our Bonuses Inside the Prosperity Marketing System here <–

“Want to chat with me? Simply reply back with: “Share with me more” and I will answer you back ASAP!
To our success, 



cell: 626-379-5692

REQUIRED EARNINGS DISCLOSURE:  Any statements of particular income amounts, or any experiences shared by the individuals in this email or on our website are exceptional and likely do not represent the typical results. The info being shared here applies only to specific individuals and does not indicate that you will have the same results. As the only data we have to share with you comes from people such as these who voluntarily share what their incomes or experiences have been, it is
factually impossible for us to state what the “typical” experience is. It is not possible for us to measure all results of all participants. All income derives only from the sale of products. This email and any content on our website shows only the potential possibilities of the program as it relates to these specific individuals. Again, THESE RESULTS MAY NOT BE TYPICAL. No results from any person using our program in the past should serve as any indication that your results will be
similar in the future. In short, this is a business and there are no guarantees in business. Nothing in this presentation or on this website is intended to convey that there is any guarantee of income. Your results will depend on your execution in your business and how many sales you close/how much business you acquire, just as it would in any business in the world. If anything in this disclosure if not 100% clear to you, please do not continue. If you are offered another opportunity where they
share testimonials or individual accounts of their results, and they do not make sure that the above disclosure clear, just know that they are not following the law of the USA. Hypothetically, even if every single participant became a millionaire (which they absolutely do not, this is only a hypothetical example to make a point), and we could document that hypothetical, we would still be required to make this disclosure.



Want to see real life footage sailing to Catalina plus
hear the story in more detail? 

Hi! Albie here. Would like to hear my real life adventure story? I’m sure you will enjoy it and it will explain how you can succeed earning online too!

The story started on the beach and ended up with me sailing 27 miles over to Catalina Island.

One day I went down to the beach and was wading through the breakers…


Read the rest here.


But in 2017 I finally met a seven figure earner who gave me some of his time and helped open my eyes to how to do it properly. And after a few years learning from him and others, my business partner Elizabeta and I realized there were 5 main skills that you needed to begin mastering in order to earn consistently online. 

Since that time, we make sales all the time online and have created a big team of paying members under us. And we can help you to learn these same skills we’ve been teaching our whole team. 

It’s not rocket science and these skills have really been around since the beginning of time – just modified for the internet. You can learn them just like we did and begin to have success IF you have the right mindset and realize just what I did when I went after my dream of sailing to Calalina island by myself. You’re going to need time, patience, an ability to fail and get back up again, the perseverance to save up the money that you need and
the dedication each day and week to learn and practice the 5 critical skills. 

You can find out more about how to succeed from my mentor and 7 figure earner, Alan below:

==> Find out more about how to succeed <==

Want to know what these skills are? Just respond back to this email with the subject line: “I want to join your team” and we will teach them to you! 

Talk to you soon! 


Albie Derbyshire


cell: 626-379-5692

REQUIRED EARNINGS DISCLOSURE: We cannot guarantee that you will be able to generate any income amount as this is based on work ethic, persistence and possibly your skill set.


Hi! Albie here. Yes, I do believe in ghosts and spirits but can’t honestly say I’ve ever seen one (though it would be fun to speculate lol).


I’m a Christian and find that since I gave my life to God, that I have walked down a path that has kept me from walking a life of fear. That doesn’t mean that I have always been unafraid – only that I know that God is with me and I try to keep my mind on things that strengthen me and others. 
And it has been a beautiful and life changing experience.


That leads me to a different topic but with a similar feeling – because not everyone believes in it.
And that’s the subject of making a lot of money quickly. And that leads me to tell you about a very real but “mysterious power” that exists and has changed peoples lives…


See the rest here



Aren’t these flowers beautiful! They’re “sympathy” flowers but honestly, they just look amazing to me for any occasion. I mean, they are just flowers after all. God didn’t make them and write “sympathy” on them – did he! 


FTD® In Loving Memory Sympathy Arrangement
FTD® In Loving Memory Sympathy Arrangement

FTD® In Loving Memory Sympathy Arrangement FTD® In Loving Memory Sympathy Arrangement

A bountiful basket of striking red and white blooms to express your sympathy and honor the departed, this popular arrangement features rich red roses and carnations designed with a garden of heavenly white blossoms, such as hydrangea, lilies, snapdragons, larkspur, Queen Anne?s Lace, or similar, for a traditional color scheme with a more stylish look. Appropriate for wakes, funerals, and memorial services. Florist delivery in the USA and Canada.



You may have tried earning
online in the past and understand what I’m talking about. It’s kind of
like playing a video game and thinking how easy it will be to win but then
the reality of it sinks in as you have to replay levels over and over a
again just to win that level. It’s the same with earning online.
You honestly will NOT get to the next level UNLESS you really dig
in and learn 5 Critical Marketing Skills that we’re going to explain to
you as we go along. 


You can explore more about adventures earning online here.


See for yourself how things will change for you too!


You can find out more about the 5 Critical Skills here.



Let us help you you find your “blindspots”. We will help you personally 1:1 to understand how to earn consistently online.




We walk you through step by step helping you achieve your dream!




==> You can see how to start PLS for FREE and get started with the Lead Generation Academy here <==


Want to chat with me about your story or any questions that you might have? I look forward to helping you find the secrets and connecting the dots to succeeding online. I’m here for you and as always, you can simply email me back with the subject line “I’m ready to start” and I will send you more info about our joining our team. 🙂 

I’m looking forward to working with you! 

Albie Derbyshire


cell: 626-379-5692


Enjoy our little adventure to San Diego and learn the skills that made all the difference! 


Interested in some great San Diego Tee-shirts and supporting us?



Click below:







& Thanks for your support! 



REQUIRED EARNINGS DISCLOSURE: We cannot guarantee that you will be able to generate any income amount as this is based on work ethic, persistence and possibly your skill set.




One of my favorite things…


Hi! Albie here. As you can tell, I’m a big fan of the ocean! One of my most favorite places to be is either out at sea or walking along the beach! I love to take my shoes off and walk up streams too (maybe you do too?).



So, I honestly couldn’t help wanting to share my love of the ocean with you! I have tons of sea related things in my “Sea Shop” as well as stories, shells, art, flowers, pictures and much more.


But I also love to earn online and help others to do the same – so I didn’t forget to add some of my best advertising links in there as well so that you could find tons of good advertising methods and strategies in there too.


–> You can check out my Sea Shop here (I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!) <–


Have some questions and want to connect with me? Just respond back to this email with the subject line: “I want to know more about earning online” and I will reply back!
To our success, 

PS: Want to find out more about joining our team?  Go here.


cell: 626-379-5692

REQUIRED EARNINGS DISCLOSURE:  Any statements of particular income amounts, or any experiences shared by the individuals in this email or on our website are exceptional and likely do not represent the typical results


Want to see real life footage sailing to Catalina plus
hear the story in more detail? 

Hi! Albie here. Would like to hear my real life adventure story? I’m sure you will enjoy it and it will explain how you can succeed earning online too!

The story started on the beach and ended up with me sailing 27 miles over to Catalina Island.

One day I went down to the beach and was wading through the breakers…


Read the rest here.


But in 2017 I finally met a seven figure earner who gave me some of his time and helped open my eyes to how to do it properly. And after a few years learning from him and others, my business partner Elizabeta and I realized there were 5 main skills that you needed to begin mastering in order to earn consistently online. 

Since that time, we make sales all the time online and have created a big team of paying members under us. And we can help you to learn these same skills we’ve been teaching our whole team. 

It’s not rocket science and these skills have really been around since the beginning of time – just modified for the internet. You can learn them just like we did and begin to have success IF you have the right mindset and realize just what I did when I went after my dream of sailing to Calalina island by myself. You’re going to need time, patience, an ability to fail and get back up again, the perseverance to save up the money that you need and
the dedication each day and week to learn and practice the 5 critical skills. 

You can find out more about how to succeed from my mentor and 7 figure earner, Alan below:

==> Find out more about how to succeed <==

Want to know what these skills are? Just respond back to this email with the subject line: “I want to join your team” and we will teach them to you! 

Talk to you soon! 


Albie Derbyshire


cell: 626-379-5692

REQUIRED EARNINGS DISCLOSURE: We cannot guarantee that you will be able to generate any income amount as this is based on work ethic, persistence and possibly your skill set.


Hi! Albie here. Yes, I do believe in ghosts and spirits but can’t honestly say I’ve ever seen one (though it would be fun to speculate lol).


I’m a Christian and find that since I gave my life to God, that I have walked down a path that has kept me from walking a life of fear. That doesn’t mean that I have always been unafraid – only that I know that God is with me and I try to keep my mind on things that strengthen me and others. 
And it has been a beautiful and life changing experience.


That leads me to a different topic but with a similar feeling – because not everyone believes in it.
And that’s the subject of making a lot of money quickly. And that leads me to tell you about a very real but “mysterious power” that exists and has changed peoples lives…


See the rest here



Aren’t these flowers beautiful! They’re “sympathy” flowers but honestly, they just look amazing to me for any occasion. I mean, they are just flowers after all. God didn’t make them and write “sympathy” on them – did he! 


FTD® In Loving Memory Sympathy Arrangement
FTD® In Loving Memory Sympathy Arrangement

FTD® In Loving Memory Sympathy Arrangement FTD® In Loving Memory Sympathy Arrangement

A bountiful basket of striking red and white blooms to express your sympathy and honor the departed, this popular arrangement features rich red roses and carnations designed with a garden of heavenly white blossoms, such as hydrangea, lilies, snapdragons, larkspur, Queen Anne?s Lace, or similar, for a traditional color scheme with a more stylish look. Appropriate for wakes, funerals, and memorial services. Florist delivery in the USA and Canada.



You may have tried earning
online in the past and understand what I’m talking about. It’s kind of
like playing a video game and thinking how easy it will be to win but then
the reality of it sinks in as you have to replay levels over and over a
again just to win that level. It’s the same with earning online.
You honestly will NOT get to the next level UNLESS you really dig
in and learn 5 Critical Marketing Skills that we’re going to explain to
you as we go along. 



You can explore more about adventures earning online here.


See for yourself how things will change for you too!


You can find out more about the 5 Critical Skills here.



Let us help you you find your “blindspots”. We will help you personally 1:1 to understand how to earn consistently online.




We walk you through step by step helping you achieve your dream!




==> You can see how to start PLS for FREE and get started with the Lead Generation Academy here <==


Want to chat with me about your story or any questions that you might have? I look forward to helping you find the secrets and connecting the dots to succeeding online. I’m here for you and as always, you can simply email me back with the subject line “I’m ready to start” and I will send you more info about our joining our team. 🙂 

I’m looking forward to working with you! 

Albie Derbyshire


cell: 626-379-5692


Enjoy our little adventure to San Diego and learn the skills that made all the difference! 


Interested in some great San Diego Tee-shirts and supporting us?



Click below:







& Thanks for your support! 



REQUIRED EARNINGS DISCLOSURE: We cannot guarantee that you will be able to generate any income amount as this is based on work ethic, persistence and possibly your skill set.