My wife Janette loves beautiful flowers, and
sharing them with you is her joy!
Enjoy many of these freshly cut flowers.*
*Click on each flower for specific details
Enduring Passion 24 Roses Vase Enduring Passion 24 Roses Vase

Send a message that’s sure to get noticed with two dozen beautiful roses designed and delivered in a tasteful glass vase. Exceptional! Available in your choice of colors. Florist delivery in the USA and Canada.

Sunny Sunflowers
Sunny Sunflowers Sunny Sunflowers

Brighten any room or occasion with these sunny sunflowers and fresh greens nestled in a clear glass bowl or vase. Approximately 8 to 10 inches in height. Available in most areas from late May through early November. Florist delivery in the USA and Canada.

FTD® In Loving Memory Sympathy Arrangement
FTD® In Loving Memory Sympathy Arrangement

FTD® In Loving Memory Sympathy Arrangement FTD® In Loving Memory Sympathy Arrangement

A bountiful basket of striking red and white blooms to express your sympathy and honor the departed, this popular arrangement features rich red roses and carnations designed with a garden of heavenly white blossoms, such as hydrangea, lilies, snapdragons, larkspur, Queen Anne?s Lace, or similar, for a traditional color scheme with a more stylish look. Appropriate for wakes, funerals, and memorial services. Florist delivery in the USA and Canada.

FTD® Dozen Roses and Teddy Bear

FTD® Dozen Roses and Teddy Bear

FTD® Dozen Roses and Teddy Bear

Send someone special a great big hug with this sure-fire combination of one dozen beautiful red roses vased with a loveable teddy bear, too. Popular for birthdays, romance, Valentine’s, or any time. Florist delivery in the USA and Canada.

FTD® True Romance Dozen Roses Vase
FTD® True Romance Dozen Roses Vase

FTD® True Romance Dozen Roses Vase FTD® True Romance Dozen Roses Vase

Send a message of love with style and flair. This gorgeous bouquet features one dozen beautiful long stemmed roses in red and pink hues for an unbeatable combination that says, “You’re Really Special!” Florist delivery in the USA and Canada.

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Dreams From the Heart Bouquet

Dreams From the Heart Bouquet

Dreams From the Heart Bouquet Dreams From the Heart Bouquet

A beautiful combination of fresh garden lilies, roses, hydrangea, stock, or similar fancy favorites, in soft white, light pink or peach tones, designed and delivered in a classic glass vase to express your love and caring. A symbol of hope, purity, appreciation and comfort. Florist delivery in the USA and Canada.

Kiss of Lavender Bouquet
Kiss of Lavender Bouquet

Kiss of Lavender Bouquet Kiss of Lavender Bouquet

Warm someone’s heart with this pretty vased bouquet in soft pink, purple, and laveder hues. Featured flowers include roses, alstroemeria, carnations, asters, daisy poms, or similar blooms. Soft, feminine, and full or beauty. Florist delivery in the USA and Canada.

Make A Wish Bouquet
Make A Wish Bouquet

Make A Wish Bouquet Make A Wish Bouquet

Cheery fresh seasonal blooms, such as daisy poms, alstroemeria, miniature carnations, and poms or asters, in a compact vased bouquet. Sure to brighten anyone’s day. Great for a birthday, get well, thanks, congratulations, or just because. Florist delivery in the USA and Canada.

Sweet Thoughts 3 Rose Bud Vase
Sweet Thoughts 3 Rose Bud Vase

Sweet Thoughts 3 Rose Bud Vase Sweet Thoughts 3 Rose Bud Vase

The simple beauty of three lovely roses displayed in a bud vase with a touch of fresh accents. When ordering, simply indicate your color preference. Florist delivery in the USA and Canada.

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FTD® Morning Stars Arrangement

FTD® Morning Stars Arrangement

FTD® Morning Stars Arrangement FTD® Morning Stars Arrangement

This stately design features fresh roses, Oriental lilies, gladioli, stock, carnations, Bells of Ireland, or similar fresh flower favorites in soft white and cream tones. A beautiful expression of peace, purity, and heavenly grace. Appropriate for ceremonies, memorials, funerals, and wakes. Florist delivery in the USA and Canada.

Eighteen Pink Roses Vase
Eighteen Pink Roses Vase

Eighteen Pink Roses Vase Eighteen Pink Roses Vase

Express your love, appreciation, or caring with 18 gorgeous pink roses, tastefully designed with assorted greens, and locally delivered in a aulity glass vase ready to be displayed. Soft, feminine, and full of beauty! Approximately 22 to 24 inches in height. Same day and next day florist delivery in the USA and Canada.

Delightfully Daisies Bouquet
Delightfully Daisies Bouquet

Delightfully Daisies Bouquet Delightfully Daisies Bouquet

A delightful assortment of fresh daisy poms and more in a pretty purple, lavender, and hot pink vased bouquet. Adorable! Florist delivery in the USA and Canada

Goodness and Light Bouquet Premium
Goodness and Light Bouquet Premium

Goodness and Light Bouquet Premium Goodness and Light Bouquet Premium

Show someone how much you care with this upgraded bouquet of cheerful yellow, pink, and lavender blooms, designed and delivered in a clear glass vase. This premium design features roses, alstroemeria, stock, asters, carnations, monte casino, button poms, or similar seasonal fresh cut flower favorites. Fabulous! Approximately 16 to 18 inches in height. Popular for Mother’s Day or any thoughtful occasion. Florist delivery in the USA and Canada.

Shades of Pink Roses
Shades of Pink Roses

Shades of Pink Roses Shades of Pink Roses

Send a message of love or appreciation with this charming bouquet of pink rose blossoms clustered in a petite glass cube or vase. Delightful! Florist delivery in the USA and Canada.

Country Basket of Blooms
Country Basket of Blooms

Country Basket of Blooms Country Basket of Blooms

This charming basket bouquet features seasonal fresh flowers, such as spray roses, asters, alstroemeria, miniature carnations, monte casino, or similar favorites, in pretty pink, hot pink, and lavender tones with butterfly accents, too. It?s sure to lift anyone?s spirits! Approximately 15 inches wide x 14 inches high. Some flowers will vary seasonally. Florist delivery in the USA and Canada.

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Teleflora® Timeleess Romance Bouquet
Teleflora® Timeleess Romance Bouquet

Teleflora® Timeleess Romance Bouquet Teleflora® Timeleess Romance Bouquet

Send your love, appreciation, congratulations, comfort, or support with this striking bouquet of rich red roses and elegant white lilies designed and delivered in a tasteful glass vase. Stunning! Popular for love, romance, or any heartfelt expression. Florist delivery in the USA and Canada.

Vivid Reflections Sympathy Basket
Vivid Reflections Sympathy Basket

Vivid Reflections Sympathy Basket Vivid Reflections Sympathy Basket

Send comfort and support with this uplifting basket of fresh garden blooms. Featured flowers include Asiatic lilies, glads, carnations, daisy poms, alstroemeria, or similar seasonal favorites. A ray of hope amidst the sorrow. Appropriate for wakes, funerals, and memorial services. Florist delivery in the USA and Canada.

Large Floor Plant in Basket
Large Floor Plant in Basket

Large Floor Plant in Basket Large Floor Plant in Basket

Spruce up any decor with the natural, living beauty of an indoor tropical floor plant. For the best local value, our florists will select a variety just for you, such as the stately palm shown here. A great gift for the new home or office. Florist delivery in the USA and Canada.

Colors of the Rainbow Bouquet
Colors of the Rainbow Bouquet

Colors of the Rainbow Bouquet Colors of the Rainbow Bouquet

Send a summer garden of blooms with this colorful bouquet featuring hydrangea, roses, lilies, alstroemeria, delphinium, snapdragons, or similar fresh flower favorites, designed with assorted foliage and delivered in a quality glass vase. Bold and beautiful! Available in most areas May through October. Approximately 24 to 28 inches in height. Some flowers may vary seasonally. Florist delivery in the USA and Canada.

Teleflora® Sunny Memories Floral Tribute
Teleflora® Sunny Memories Floral Tribute

Teleflora® Sunny Memories Floral Tribute Teleflora® Sunny Memories Floral Tribute

Express your sympathy with this striking funeral flowers tribute in sunlit yellow hues. Featured flowers include roses, gladioli, daisies, button poms, solidago, or similar garden-fresh favorites. It?s a wonderful way to soften the sorrow and commemorate a beautiful life. Appropriate for wakes, funeral, and memorial services. Florist delivery in the USA and Canada.

Love Struck Flowers Bouquet

Love Struck Flowers Bouquet

Love Struck Flowers Bouquet Love Struck Flowers Bouquet

Knock somone’s socks off with this stunning bouquet of fresh roses, lilies, alstroemeria, and more, in a lush red and pink color scheme that is sure to get noticed. Gorgeous! Approximately 18 to 22 inches in height. Especially popular for love, anniversaries, Valentines, and romance. Local florist design and delivery in the USA and Canada.

Deluxe Indoor Flowering Plant
Deluxe Indoor Flowering Plant

Deluxe Indoor Flowering Plant Deluxe Indoor Flowering Plant

Send your warmest wishes for any occasion with a beautiful long-lasting flowering plant! For the best seasonal selection, our florists will individually choose one premium plant just for you, such as an azalea, hydrangea, or cyclamen, shown here. Other seasonal varieties may include kalanchoes, gloxinias, persion violets, and many more. But, regardless of the variety, your blooming plant is sure to be a thoughtful gift of quality and value. Florist delivery in the USA and Canada.

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Thanks for stopping by! 
Albie Derbyshire
Elizabeta Kuzevska