San Diego Adventure!

Hi! Albie here. This last weekend we had bit of adventure in San Diego. We stayed overnight on Shelter Island and in the morning woke up to see the beautiful view of the water in the bay. We sat under a shady flower arbor and watched kayakers and boats sail by while we ate ham, eggs and pancakes. Sounds relaxing huh!


Sunny Sunflowers
Sunny Sunflowers Sunny Sunflowers

Brighten any room or occasion with these sunny sunflowers and fresh greens nestled in a clear glass bowl or vase. Approximately 8 to 10 inches in height. Available in most areas from late May through early November. Florist delivery in the USA and Canada.


Then we went to the beach and I took my dog Kiba into the ocean. It was low tide and we were able to wade out together over the jade green rocks. The water was so cool and refreshing and I was surprised to see Kiba enjoying the water as much as I was. You can see more about the fun we had in the video at the top of the page. 🙂 



I share my adventure with you only to encourage you that we support you achieving your dreams and having adventures of your own too. I know many of you are tied down to jobs you don’t like and situations that you want to change. I totally understand and have been there myself. That’s why I’m sharing this message with you, to encourage you that change is possible. Many of you have shared with me how many programs you’ve been in and how many times you’ve been taken advantage of in your quest to earn online. I understand this too because it also happened to me. The thing I eventually realized was that there are 5 Critical Skills that you have to begin to understand and master before things will change for you online. Once you understand these skills, you can almost earn from any program out there. 


You can learn more about these skills here


Want to chat with me about your story or any questions that you might have? I look forward to helping you find the secrets and connecting the dots to succeeding online. I’m here for you and as always, you can simply reply back with the subject line “Share with me more” and I will send you more info about our team. 🙂 


Let’s talk soon! 

Albie Derbyshire


cell: 626-379-5692



Interested in some great San Diego Tee-shirts and supporting us?



Click below:







& Thanks for your support! 



REQUIRED EARNINGS DISCLOSURE: We cannot guarantee that you will be able to generate any income amount as this is based on work ethic, persistence and possibly your skill set.

Your Ads: Bring home dinner


Albie here. Today, I want to share with you how to get an amazing amount of traffic to your site with the least amount of expense. Now I’m not talking about using free traffic today, as this would  literally take you and I all day to click for credits to get the amount of weekly hits I’m talking about.

The site I’m taking about today is called Referral Frenzy. This site allows you to send to over 99 ad sites with only three or four clicks. It literally saves me hours of time each day.
Normally, most ad sites will give you about 40,000 ad credits a month for $10-15, but for that same $15 a month, Referral Frenzy will give you around 100,000 credits or more a month and these credits can be used in over 100 ad sites with just a few clicks!
So you can see why I’m always excited about sharing this with others!
Each month I get new subscribers to my email list and I’m able to connect with them via email as I’m doing with you today and that’s how Elizabetta and I get new sales every day online. 
So if you would like to check out our free training about it and get things rolling for you…

Just go here to get

On that site you can see the video and everything about it.
Of course you’re welcome to contact me about it also and if you would like to join our team so that I can help you learn the 5 marketing skills that will make all the difference for you, then just simply reply back to this email with the subject heading “share with me more” and I will send you more information. 🙂 

Talk to you soon!

Albie Derbyshire


cell: 626-379-5692

REQUIRED EARNINGS DISCLOSURE: We cannot guarantee that you will be able to generate any income amount as this is based on work ethic, persistence and possibly your skill set. 


Positives and Negatives of Worldprofit

Welcome to Online Marketing Academy
from Albie & Elizabeta!


An Unbiased Look at

World Profit

Are goal is not to criticize Worldprofit or any business
mentioned in these critiques. Many of these programs were
very helpful in our journey online and the
major strengths are listed first. 

WORLD PROFIT is primarily a Training Site with 
an unbelievable amount of tools to help the affiliate marketer
in advertising, SEO, email marketing etc…
Plus…there’s more:


You can see the positives and negatives below:


Five of the POSITIVES are:
1) Abundance of Training Videos on affiliate marketing.
Worldprofit’s ‘Boot Camp’ is one of the most comprehensive
and helpful training program I have ever been through. 


2) Tons of helpful tools including trackingcloaking toolsautoresponder,
Your own website set up for you and so much more.
4) Real people to talk to about affiliate marketing plus real weekly training.
5) They pay out for real.


The NEGATIVES are not clear cut:
I found that even though the training and tools were very helpful (in
fact it helped me to understand the basics of marketing with Safelists and Mailers)
I struggled earning with WorldProfit for these reasons:


On the positive side they understand the 5 Critical Skills
as you can see them using them practically on the site everyday:


They advertise effectively to get new clients all the time in the safelists,
they have a lot of effective capture pages to get new subscribers,
they communicate 1:1 with their clients through their “live”
reps that talk with you once you enter the site,
they obviously are building a huge mailing list
and they understand funnels because they take you through there
pre-planned funnel. These are the 5 Critical Skills, however
figuring out how to use these strategies for my
own business was not made clear to me.


A new person is taught to build your skill list (Skill #3) SEO skills,
to advertise on a lot of safelists (Skill #2),
but I was not taught 1:1 communication skills
(even though they are excellent in this skill themselves).
You can also benefit personally from the active communication that happens on the site.
You are also taught the basics of using their funnel
for your advantage (Skill #5) but I was not taught how to build my own funnel.
I was not taught how to build my own capture pages (Skill #1) but they
do have a lot of pre-made pages you can use to advertise.
This is good and bad. The positive is that you have lots of choices of
pages to promote, the negative is that you don’t learn how to take
control of dictating how many subscribers you can get by learning capture page skills.
I was also not taught how to see if an advertising site is effective or
not – even though they do teach tracking skills. 


Also you only earn about 20% through bringing a new person
into WorldProfit so it’s not as easy to make back your
$100 monthly investment
However, I suppose that eventually when
you had built up enough clients, you could break even
and make a profit.
 They do make it possible to sell other items
in which you can earn much higher. I tried to sell these items but really didn’t have
much success. The reason I didn’t have success was
because I didn’t understand how to promote these items effectively to my email list.
Essentially I didn’t understand how the 5 Skills all worked together.


I’m guessing that maybe if you stick
with the program for over a year, you might begin to catch on to these
marketing tactics happening around you inside their system.
However as a newbie, its not obvious at all as you get lost
in the details you’re learning.
This happens a lot in almost any program you join and
to be honest it takes years to master these skills.
I do think that perhaps if there was more of a focus on
mastering these skills, people may have more success.


It is also possible that some of these lack of skills not taught me were possibly
because I was only with the program for six months. Perhaps if I were there 
a year, I would have more to share with you about this. Nevertheless,
this is what I discovered for you. 



Hi! This is Albie
And here is my family: 



I used to be a school teacher for 20 years. But then in 2012


my school lost funding and all the teachers including
myself lost their jobs
. I started internet marketing
at that time thinking it would be easy to start earning online.
I was grossly mistaken. Long story made very
short, it took me years to learn the marketing skills
that changed everything 
for my business
partner Elizabeta and I in 2018.



And when we did begin to LEARN, IMPLEMENT & MASTER
them, everything changed for us earning online and we’re confident
it will for YOU too! 


How to succeed with the 5 Critical Skills
==>> Go here <<==


Want to chat about WorldProfit?


Email Elizabeta and I here:




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