“Your Plans Will Work On You…”

Hi! This is Albie.

This week I want to share with you about your plans. Jim Rohn says “if you go to work on your plans, your plans will go to work on you.”


So what plans have and how are you going after them? Many people have plans but don’t go to work on them because the plans aren’t perfect or they don’t see the complete vision.


But you have to remember that you have to start somewhere and like Jim Rohn says ‘…your plans will go to work on you.” So start your plans and then let them work on you.


For example, even though a spaceship has its destination already set in its system, it has to keep adjusting its direction as it goes along. So do we. We can change and adjust our plans as we go. Our destination will get closer as we move toward it and the vision clearer. So we can adjust what needs to be adjusted. But if you don’t move forward, your plan won’t give you any feedback and you won’t get anywhere. 

Also in setting plans, you need a solid information to build it on. So I’m curious if you have tried other programs in the past and wanted feedback about them? 
Curious about the positives and negatives of such programs as: 
  1.  World Profit 
  2. GDI Team Elite
  3. The Power Lead System 
  4. Club Cash Fund 
  5. Lead Lightning 
  6. Secrets of the Big Dog
  7. AIOP
Got questions? Well, good, because I have unbiased answers. You can access all the information about them here. 
I would also love to hear back from you! Just email me back with the subject title: “I have a question” and then share your question in the main email body. 
Talk soon! 

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Required Disclaimer:  As with any opportunity there are many variables. Results cannot be guaranteed and any testimonials or examples given in this email may not be typical. You may do better or worse.

Club Cash Fund, Scam or Legit?

Welcome to Online Marketing Academy
from Albie & Elizabeta!


An Unbiased Look at

Are goal is not to criticize Club Cash Fund or any business
mentioned in these critiques. Many of these programs were
very helpful in our journey online and the
major strengths are listed first. 

CLUB CASH FUND is a business you can find advertised online.
Once you subscribe, fill in your name and actual physical
address, then you receive a brochure in the mail about a
week or two later describing why you should take advantage
of this great opportunity and send in your $100 so that you
can turn around and advertise and get people to send you
$100 in return. The brochure mentions that it has a marketing
product but does not mention what it is about in any manner. 

You can see the positives and negatives below:


1)  Club Cash Fund have a great follow up
system where you can learn all about thier opportunity from opening
your regular mail
. In this day of age, where most correspondence is by
email, it’s interesting to actually get a brochure in the mail about
the opportunity. In the old days their was so much junk mail that
this wouldn’t have had as big of a chance of catching your eye
but now it appears to have a higher chance of catching your attention.

2) Possible basic training in Safelist and Social Media Marketing.

3) It also communicates effectively to your prospects
and brings them through an effective funnel where you can get paid.


The NEGATIVES are here:

1) Club Cash Fund is very close to being a “Cash Gifting”
program (even though its technically not). It just too close for
comfort and I’ll explain why on #2 and #3 below. First
understand what Cash Gifting is:

“When people get together in a circle to give each other gifts without exchanging any money,
that is called a gifting circle. When people gather in person or online because they are recruited
and the recruiter receives money or gifts for each person recruited, that is a
gifting scheme — which is also an illegal pyramid scheme.”
(From Michigan.gov Dept of Attorney General).

2) I found that even though Club Cash Fund claims to have a product
(a suite of marketing courses that are being sold at $100 month), that
this product is questionable and we wonder why there is not a website
provided to actually view what these products are?

2) Also why is the opportunity being sold without even mentioning what the product
really is all about?
 This crosses the line in my estimation. A company should
primarily be ABOUT ITS PRODUCT 
The opportunity should ONLY EXIST because of the PRODUCT

3) Sending money in the mail is always risky – especially since you won’t
get a receipt right away. It’s NOT illegal to send money in the mail unless 
for purposes that are illegal, for example, money laundering, tax evasion or
purchasing tickets in a foriegn lottery. So even though it’s not illegal
to send money in the mail
, I would think this business would be a higher risk
than usual and only people truly desperate to earn would try it. I will also
note that its possible to send a money order too (still risky).

4) Club Cash Fund impliments the 5 Critical Skills by
effective advertising (Skill #1) for his program and also through other
affiliates who promote it too. I don’t know how often the capture pages are changed
to keep continued interest (Skill #2) but I have my doubts that it’s not enough
to get a lot of daily subscribers. Club Cash fund is
actively building a big list for themselves (Skill #3) but I highly doubt that using these
premade capture pages actually build YOUR list.

Even though you will get a sale if someone signs
up with your link, you probably have limited means to continue contacting these people back
(as these people will not be subscribers to your email autoresponder).
Club Cash Fund communicates at a very
high level with his list by sending them effective brochures in the mail (Skill #4),
but even though this may mean a possible sale for you, it does not build you
or your personal brand and does not allow you to become an expert in the field 

(which in our opinion, needs to happen for you to have a lot of success online).

Club Cash Fund has aslo built an effective funnel (Skill #5)
that pays well on the front and back end.

However, even though you can benefit from Club Cash Fund implementing
all of the 5 Critical Skills, he probably does not teach you
how to build your own capture pages, how to grow your own list so you can
take possesion contacting your own customers yourself or how to
communicate with them yourself 
and how to build your own funnels.

This would be the negatives I have. Have an answer or different view
and want to email me? Go 



and may be a scheme



Hi! This is Albie
And here is my family: 


I used to be a school teacher for 20 years. But then in 2012

my school lost funding and all the teachers including
myself lost their jobs
. I started internet marketing
at that time thinking it would be easy to start earning online.
I was grossly mistaken. Long story made very
short, it took me years to learn the marketing skills
that changed everything 
for my business
partner Elizabeta and I in 2018.

And when we did begin to LEARN, IMPLEMENT & MASTER
them, everything changed for us earning online and we’re confident
it will for YOU too! 

How to Succeed with the 5 Critical Skills
==>> Go here <<==

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Want to chat about Club Cash Fund?

Email Elizabeta and I here:
