Have you ever tried this?

Hi! Albie here. I don’t know if you’ve ever tried it, but there’s something awe inspiring about being out on a boat – miles and miles away from shore on the vast ocean with miles of depth underneath you! 

It’s not the adrenaline from fear that gets me going – as I feel quite safe out there. It’s just the pure adventure of it all. I think I was born for adventure so I come alive when I’m doing something  out of the ordinary. 

  Read  the rest here.


$189K IN 3 MONTHS?

Hi! Albie here. So I’m curious what you’re thoughts are on the possibility of making $189,000 in 3 months? You know, off the bat it looks like a “get rich quick” thing and would normally turn me off. However, there are a few valid opportunities out there where the math actually adds up. And there’s some new things happening, you should know about! 


Curious? Click on the video above to see more!



Aren’t these flowers beautiful! They’re “sympathy” flowers but honestly, they just look amazing to me for any occasion. I mean, they are just flowers after all. God didn’t make them and write “sympathy” on them – did he! 


FTD® In Loving Memory Sympathy Arrangement
FTD® In Loving Memory Sympathy Arrangement

FTD® In Loving Memory Sympathy Arrangement FTD® In Loving Memory Sympathy Arrangement

A bountiful basket of striking red and white blooms to express your sympathy and honor the departed, this popular arrangement features rich red roses and carnations designed with a garden of heavenly white blossoms, such as hydrangea, lilies, snapdragons, larkspur, Queen Anne?s Lace, or similar, for a traditional color scheme with a more stylish look. Appropriate for wakes, funerals, and memorial services. Florist delivery in the USA and Canada.



You may have tried earning
online in the past and understand what I’m talking about. It’s kind of
like playing a video game and thinking how easy it will be to win but then
the reality of it sinks in as you have to replay levels over and over a
again just to win that level. It’s the same with earning online.
You honestly will NOT get to the next level UNLESS you really dig
in and learn 5 Critical Marketing Skills that we’re going to explain to
you as we go along. 



You can explore more about adventures earning online here.


See for yourself how things will change for you too!


You can find out more about the 5 Critical Skills here.



Let us help you you find your “blindspots”. We will help you personally 1:1 to understand how to earn consistently online.




We walk you through step by step helping you achieve your dream!




==> You can see how to start PLS for FREE and get started with the Lead Generation Academy here <==


Want to chat with me about your story or any questions that you might have? I look forward to helping you find the secrets and connecting the dots to succeeding online. I’m here for you and as always, you can simply email me back with the subject line “I’m ready to start” and I will send you more info about our joining our team. 🙂 

I’m looking forward to working with you! 

Albie Derbyshire


cell: 626-379-5692



Enjoy our little adventure to San Diego and learn the skills that made all the difference! 


Interested in some great San Diego Tee-shirts and supporting us?



Click below:











& Thanks for your support! 



REQUIRED EARNINGS DISCLOSURE: We cannot guarantee that you will be able to generate any income amount as this is based on work ethic, persistence and possibly your skill set.


Who Needs a Mentor?

Let me share something lifechanging…


Hi! This is Albie. Let me share something with you: 

This week I want to share with you about “Who needs a mentor?” I want to show you two people who a mentor changed their lives: 


So here’s a little about Jim Rohn’s life before he met his mentor Earl Shoaff. He worked at Sears and shared that he was about broke. He then met his mentor and was challenged to change how he thought. At this time he blamed all his failures on the economy, on this and that but was then challenged to take responsibility for his failures and achievements. 

“Rohn began his career as stock clerk for Sears, but after attending a lecture given by entrepreneur John Earl Shoaff, he decided to follow a different path. He asked Shoaff to be his mentor and followed every bit of advice he could glean from him. Rohn became a direct marketing distributor. Within just six years, Rohn earned his first fortune…” (From Entrepenuer Magazine) 

Many years later, Tony Robbins came across Jim Rohn at a seminar. “He gave me a way of looking at life that allowed me to not ask [that] life would be easier, but to ask that I’d be better,” Robbins said in a tribute after Rohn passed away in 2009. “He got me to realize that the secret to life was to work harder on myself than my job or anything else because then I’d have something to give people and he really shaped me.” (From “Make It” and Tony Robbins).



One of the things Jim Rohn said about changing your life was: “Work harder on yourself than you do on your job.” Maybe you can see why having a mentor changed Jim Rohns life, Tony Robbins life and your life too. My mentor Alan also changed my life. The things he said to me directed me on a whole new path. This path made all the difference for me and it was the reason why Elizabeta and I were able to figure out The 5 Critical Skills. And these skills changed everything for us earning online. 

I would also love to hear back from you! Just email me back with the subject title: “I have a question” and then share your question in the main email body. 
Talk soon! 

Want to see everything we give you when we mentor you 1:1?

Go here

Want to see ALL our Personal Development Articles?

Commentary on the Ten Core Commitments

Your Plans Will Work ON YOU

Inner Potential

Birds & Bugs Bugging You? 

Core Ingredients to Fulfill Your Dreams

Self Discipline or Regret?

For Things To Get Better…

Who Needs a Mentor?





Required Disclaimer:  As with any opportunity there are many variables. Results cannot be guaranteed and any testimonials or examples given in this email may not be typical. You may do better or worse.

Becoming An Above Average Person…

Hi! This is Albie.

This weekend I’m at home (yup, not on my boat this time). But that doesn’t mean I have to be stuck in the mud, right! I actually had a really nice time this weekend going to visit Huntington Library in Pasadena with my wife and friends. They have a beautiful gardens there (that’s an understatement). We went to the Chinese garden this weekend and were surprised just how huge it was. It was acres and acres big. And that’s just one of the gardens there.

So this weekend I was also reading Jim Rohn and got blown away by one of his quotes: “How do you develop an above-average income? Simple. Become an above-average person.” (Work on you). That really woke me up (lol!). He went on to say:

“Develop an above-average handshake. A lot of people want to be successful, and they don’t even work on their handshake. As easy as that would be to start, they let it slide. They don’t understand,” he says. “Develop an above-average smile. Develop an above-average excitement. Develop an above-average dedication. Develop an above-average interest in other people. To have more, become more.”

That’s such an easy answer but profound really. I was so impressed with the Huntington Library and I had to admit, that it was far from just ordinary. I like the idea of becoming more than just average – and not just for myself. I want to help others change their lives. And I’m on a quest to work on that every day. Maybe you’re with me on that?

Sometimes people need a little push to get started and some “catalyst” to keep them moving forward toward their goals. I can think of a possible catalyst. Joining my mentors team was how it all started for me. And maybe you would like to join Elizabeta and me on our team? It might be a great way to great way to start learning how to earn online and start taking the daily steps to do something different and exciting with your life.

If you’re with me then simply reply back with the subject heading: “Let’s do this!” And I’ll know what you mean and share more with you about what we do.

Talk to you soon!

Want to a see a little into what we teach you on our team?

Go here




Required Disclaimer:  As with any opportunity there are many variables. Results cannot be guaranteed and any testimonials or examples given in this email may not be typical. You may do better or worse.

For Things to Get Better…

“Things Will Get Better?”

This week I want to share with you about how things will get better! 

So Jim Rohn has a quote that sheds a lot of light on this: “The only way it gets better for you is when you get better. Better is not something you wish, it’s something you become.” Jim Rohn


How do things get better? Only when we get better. You know everyone it seems, just wants things to get better naturally. They don’t want to pay the price or learn and do what it takes to get the right skills to succeed. They just want the “Done for you” program” that most likely is 90% a lie. Not that all “done for you” things online are bad. There is a lot that a program CAN do for you. The thing it CAN NOT do for you is teach you the skills you need to succeed. It also can’t teach you how to think like a millionaire and have the persistence you need to stay in the game.


Unfortunately, most of you, you will quit because things get too hard, or because you don’t realize that you’re mind is the most powerful tool and that success is something within your reach. Taking control of your mind is the first step. Instead many will focus on what the little they have achieved and why they can’t win. They will focus on all the reasons that are against them such as having the wrong program or it taking too much work to find the ways that do work. It’s so easy to get down in the dumps and think inside that “it’s impossible”. But this is the negative side of your mind deceiving you. 


I want to encourage you that it is possible! One of the most powerful things in life is patience. It allows us to keep fighting on, learning and growing until you find the light at the end of the tunnel. In reality, its just the skills you don’t know that are the key to your success. Yes, I thought it all looked impossible too but because I refused to give up, it allowed me time to find the skills from other marketers much better than myself. What gave me the ability to not give up? It was simply that my “why” was stronger than the obstacles in front of me. And you have to find this “why” inside of you. Something inside of you will not let you give up if it has to do with you achieving your dreams or in order to make things better for your family etc. You have to dig down deep to find it.

So now it’s time to think about what will you risk to achieve your dreams? The thing is, you don’t have to search everywhere to figure out the formula like Elizabeta and I did.

A mentor is the ONLY reason Elizabeta and I were able to pull out of being in a rut advertising for years without much to show for it. A mentor is the only reason I was able to figure out the five critical skills. It was the difference between success and failure online for us. And it will be for you too.  Want to know more about it? Go here


Don’t forget everything of real value takes time to build! Be patient with yourself. 🙂


After learning the Five Critical Skills, everything changed for us. And they will for you too. See the Webinar on the Five Critical Skills for FREE here.




PS: If you’re curious to see one of the three programs Elizabeta and are team leaders with, you can see them here. If you join, we will help you and train you to learn to be effective: 

Want to check out GDI? Go here. (GDI – make income five levels deep).

want to check out the Prosperity Marketing System? go here (100% monthly Income) 

Want to check out the Power Lead System? Go here (All the right internet tools, mo. residual income, team overrides & high ticket sales). 



If you want to ask me a question about this, Email me: SailingWithAlbie@gmail.com


How to “Share What You Love” Online!

So let me go into the MOST effective way to share what you love with people online and get results! Have you ever heard of building your mailing list? Of course you have! So as you begin to build your list, you just need to start learning how to write effective emails to your list. And do what I do: Share what you LOVE with them! Not only that, as you gain more experience, you will learn how to transition into a topic that will help them and encourage them at the end of the email to communicate with you and help you begin to earn online! 


So how do you share what you love in an email? Let me get into it: 

I start out by thinking of something I’m interested in writing about. It could be anything. However, I love talking about sailing the most – to be honest. If a boat is in the conversation, my ears perk up like a dog that smells food! (LOL!). So I start off by introducing myself. Then I tell them that I love sailing and that I was just out sailing last weekend (for instance) and sailed through powerful wind blown waves that wanted to push me into the rocks. I write something that is true and that is interesting. Then I TRANSITION. I share with them that just as the ocean often has an “agenda” of taking me places I don’t want to go (such as the rocks!), so it’s the same with internet marketing. There are always negative things that happen to your business online. Here’s an example: new members can create problems. For instance, when I get a new member that pays and signs up but then has no interest in actually succeeding or following the training to have success. Its irritating and disheartening because I’m thinking “well this person’s not going to get anywhere! Not only that, they won’t have success and they won’t bring new people into our business and in addition, I won’t earn anything more from this member as they won’t want to buy anything else (such as advertising for instance), and they won’t bring anyone else in under them so I won’t earn the team overrides. And of course, I feel sad too because they will give up in a month or two and then have a bad experience. So you can see how my feeling of “fighting the waves” and “fighting online” are similar. I then transition again. I write something like this: 
“But you know, then I learned something. I learned that in sailing, you can get where you want to go by adjusting the sails and tacking (in a 90 degree angle to the wind for instance) and online, you realize that out of every ten people that sign up, only one or two will be really worth your time and to concentrate more energy on those ones. Try to help them but if they turn into “bad eggs”, leave them alone and move on. This helped me a lot!” So then I transition again to a ‘call to action‘, like this: “So now I want you to understand that life always brings struggle into the equation. If you’re wondering how I’ve managed to figure out how to have success not only at sea, but online too, just simply reply back with the subject line “tell me more” and I will send you more info.” 
See how I did that? That’s how I’ve managed to write about 200 emails and put them in my autoresponder over the years. But it all started by starting with one email. And I was scared to get started. I was afraid that people would unsubscribe to my list and even more scary was the thought that they would think my emails were stupid. This almost stopped me from learning. But it didn’t. I decided that it would take me a year, writing one email a day, to get any good at this. So that’s the route I took and after 30 or so emails, I started getting the hang of this…and you will too!
You just need a good autoresponder to get started. Here’s one of the best: http://powerspa.swalbie.com

So now it’s time to think about what will you risk to achieve your dreams? The thing is, you don’t have to search everywhere to figure out the formula like Elizabeta and I did.


A mentor is the ONLY reason Elizabeta and I were able to pull out of being in a rut advertising for years without much to show for it. A mentor is the only reason I was able to figure out the five critical skills. It was the difference between success and failure online for us. And it will be for you too.  Want to know more about it? Go here



Albie Derbyshire & Elizabeta Kuzevska 



