Positives and Negatives of Worldprofit

Welcome to Online Marketing Academy
from Albie & Elizabeta!


An Unbiased Look at

World Profit

Are goal is not to criticize Worldprofit or any business
mentioned in these critiques. Many of these programs were
very helpful in our journey online and the
major strengths are listed first. 

WORLD PROFIT is primarily a Training Site with 
an unbelievable amount of tools to help the affiliate marketer
in advertising, SEO, email marketing etc…
Plus…there’s more:


You can see the positives and negatives below:


Five of the POSITIVES are:
1) Abundance of Training Videos on affiliate marketing.
Worldprofit’s ‘Boot Camp’ is one of the most comprehensive
and helpful training program I have ever been through. 


2) Tons of helpful tools including trackingcloaking toolsautoresponder,
Your own website set up for you and so much more.
4) Real people to talk to about affiliate marketing plus real weekly training.
5) They pay out for real.


The NEGATIVES are not clear cut:
I found that even though the training and tools were very helpful (in
fact it helped me to understand the basics of marketing with Safelists and Mailers)
I struggled earning with WorldProfit for these reasons:


On the positive side they understand the 5 Critical Skills
as you can see them using them practically on the site everyday:


They advertise effectively to get new clients all the time in the safelists,
they have a lot of effective capture pages to get new subscribers,
they communicate 1:1 with their clients through their “live”
reps that talk with you once you enter the site,
they obviously are building a huge mailing list
and they understand funnels because they take you through there
pre-planned funnel. These are the 5 Critical Skills, however
figuring out how to use these strategies for my
own business was not made clear to me.


A new person is taught to build your skill list (Skill #3) SEO skills,
to advertise on a lot of safelists (Skill #2),
but I was not taught 1:1 communication skills
(even though they are excellent in this skill themselves).
You can also benefit personally from the active communication that happens on the site.
You are also taught the basics of using their funnel
for your advantage (Skill #5) but I was not taught how to build my own funnel.
I was not taught how to build my own capture pages (Skill #1) but they
do have a lot of pre-made pages you can use to advertise.
This is good and bad. The positive is that you have lots of choices of
pages to promote, the negative is that you don’t learn how to take
control of dictating how many subscribers you can get by learning capture page skills.
I was also not taught how to see if an advertising site is effective or
not – even though they do teach tracking skills. 


Also you only earn about 20% through bringing a new person
into WorldProfit so it’s not as easy to make back your
$100 monthly investment
However, I suppose that eventually when
you had built up enough clients, you could break even
and make a profit.
 They do make it possible to sell other items
in which you can earn much higher. I tried to sell these items but really didn’t have
much success. The reason I didn’t have success was
because I didn’t understand how to promote these items effectively to my email list.
Essentially I didn’t understand how the 5 Skills all worked together.


I’m guessing that maybe if you stick
with the program for over a year, you might begin to catch on to these
marketing tactics happening around you inside their system.
However as a newbie, its not obvious at all as you get lost
in the details you’re learning.
This happens a lot in almost any program you join and
to be honest it takes years to master these skills.
I do think that perhaps if there was more of a focus on
mastering these skills, people may have more success.


It is also possible that some of these lack of skills not taught me were possibly
because I was only with the program for six months. Perhaps if I were there 
a year, I would have more to share with you about this. Nevertheless,
this is what I discovered for you. 



Hi! This is Albie
And here is my family: 



I used to be a school teacher for 20 years. But then in 2012


my school lost funding and all the teachers including
myself lost their jobs
. I started internet marketing
at that time thinking it would be easy to start earning online.
I was grossly mistaken. Long story made very
short, it took me years to learn the marketing skills
that changed everything 
for my business
partner Elizabeta and I in 2018.



And when we did begin to LEARN, IMPLEMENT & MASTER
them, everything changed for us earning online and we’re confident
it will for YOU too! 


How to succeed with the 5 Critical Skills
==>> Go here <<==


Want to chat about WorldProfit?


Email Elizabeta and I here:




 YES! Click Here to “Take The
Challenge” NOW!
I’m Ready To Check it Out!





.Welcome to Online Marketing Academy

from Albie & Elizabeta


Click on each business opportunity to see our  critiques

and suggestions about each one.


Find The Business Opportunity You Wish

to Examine Below To See Full Details.

The Positives & Negatives:






Secrets of the Big Dogs: 




Power Lead System:


Club Cash Fund:


Lead Lightning:


.More Coming Soon!

(So check back with us in a month or so…)



Have Questions? Connect with us below.

We’re looking forward to working with you!

Kuzevska Albie Derbyshire


cell: 626-379-5692



Inner Potential


This is Albie, writing you from a beautiful place where your heart feels surrounded by peace!

Today I want to talk about inner potential and how to develop it better. I’m not sure if you’re aware of this but the more skills that you have, the better you can earn and that’s in any area of life.

You can use that approach to get a better job or you can use that approach to grow your business and continually increase your profits every month. Really it’s not about coming up with a new scam or scheme to take money away from people that will help you or them. Scams usually backfire on yourself.

So I would say to take the route of becoming a better person and growing every day a little bit better. The best way to grow is to listen to people who have achieved great things and who have been through a lot of “battles” so to speak, and have learned some important things from life. I mean you’ve heard of a pool of water that has no inflow or outflow – it becomes stagnant. And if you aren’t growing, you will become stagnant too. It’s very easy to fall in a “rut” and stop growing.

Jim Rohn talks about reading books so that you can bring out your inner potential. And honestly I have to say that reading various personal development books over the years has really challenged me and made me think about what I was doing what I could do better with my life. You know sometimes people don’t like reading very much but it’s a very powerful medium and there are things that you will never learn from just watching TV all the time. I have to say if I had not read these books that Jim Rohn talks about, I would be a completely different person (and not for the better).

What I often do when I’m very busy is listen to an audible book on my iphone while I’m driving or working on the computer with something that doesn’t require a lot of brain power. In this way I can keep growing and learning without actually having to read. So there’s an option for you. Either way Jim Rohn has another quote that really helps and that is “the books you don’t read won’t help.”

The other thing that will help you is working with a TEAM, especially if you are looking to create financial leverage for yourself. Our team builds financial leverage through selling monthly residual items, from creating leaders who will earn you team overrides and from selling high ticket items that can make 10 times the amount that you earn from just selling small ticket items each week.

Honestly we would love to have you on our team and all you have to do to find out more about it is to simply reply back to my email below with the subject title: “share with me more” and we will send you more information.

Sound like a plan?




Required Disclaimer:  As with any opportunity there are many variables. Results cannot be guaranteed and any testimonials or examples given in this email may not be typical. You may do better or worse.


Personal Development


This excellent book by Jim Rohn and Chris Widener, was such an easy read

and very enjoyable but at the same time so life changing!

Scroll down to see more about it.




Rohn spent much of his live advocating for the power of self-discipline, and he delivered his seminars for more than 40 years. He died in 2009 with a net worth of more than $500 million dollars.






“All successful people I know and work with around the world are great readers. They just read, read, read. They are so curious that they are driven to read because they just have to know. It is one of the things they all have in common. Here is a good phrase: All leaders are readers.”

Jim Rohn


I say, “John, I’ve got this gold mine. I’ve got so much gold,
 I don’t know what to do with it all.  Come on over and dig.” 
John says, “I don’t have a shovel.” 
I say, “Well, John, get you one.”
 He says, “Do you know what they want for shovels?”
 Hey, invest the money, get the CDs and books. 
The best money you can spend is money invested 
in your self-education. Don’t shortchange yourself
 when it comes to investing in your own future."
 Jim Rohn




Multi-millionaire, personal developement expert and mentor,

Jim Rohn suggested 7 Books Everyone Should Read:

(Click on link to find out more:)


1. The Bible


"Many years ago, I learned that some of the best advice ever
 given comes from the Bible. 
There is a phrase in that amazing book that says,
 “If you search you will find.” 
So that is the way to discover good ideas and life-changing 
information. Search. In order to find — you must search.

You must go to the seminars and to the training classes. 
You must listen to the audio programs that can give you 
breakthrough ideas.
 You must go and engage in conversations with people of substance. 
You must go looking, go searching. 
Rarely do good ideas interrupt you.
 And as you make a diligent search, you will find all the
 good ideas you need.

 You can learn from negative as well as positive.
 The Bible is such a great book because it is a collection
 of human stories on both sides of the ledger.
 One list of human stories is called examples: 
Do what these people did.
 And the other list of human stories is called warnings: 
Don’t do what these clods did. What a wealth of information. 
What to do and what not to do. I think it also means, however, 
that if your story ever gets in somebody’s book, 
make sure it’s used as an example, not a warning." 
Jim Rohn


2. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.


Mr. Shoaff got me started on my library.
 Here’s one of the books he recommended,
 "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. Think and Grow Rich.  
Mr. Shoaff said to me, “Doesn’t that little book intrigue you?”
Jim Rohn


3. How to Read a Book by Mortimer Adler.


4. As a Man Thinketh by James Allen


5. ​The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clancy


6. The Lessons of History by William James Durant.


7. The Story of Philosophy by William James Durant.


"Let me share with you two of the best sources of
 information available: First, learn from your own
experiences. Become a good student of your own life.
 It's the information you are
most familiar with and feel the strongest about. 
So make your own life one of your most important studies.
And in studying your own life, 
be sure to study the negative as well as the positive,
 your failures as well as your successes. 
Our so-called failures serve us well when they teach
 us valuable information. 
They’re frequently better teachers than our successes."
Jim Rohn.




Personal Development Books and Audible books:
“I literally listened to this book 10x on Audible
before it began to sink in and change
everything in my business life.”

The Science of Getting Rich Summery:


(Don’t forget that the actual book has 10x MORE info than the summery!)


Get the Audible version here
The Science of Getting Rich
.“I literally listened to this book 10x on Audible
before it began to sink in and change
everything in my business life.”
by Napoleon Hill
“This book gave me the practical tools to apply
what I had learned in the Science of Getting Rich.”

Think & Grow Rich Summery:

(Remember that the book is 10x better than the summery)
The Twelve Pillars
by Jim Rohn
“This book was such an easy to read book and at the
same time a life changer. It gave me clarity of purpose
and an understanding of what I needed
to do to accomplish my goals!

Twelve Pillars Summery:


(Don’t forget that the actual book has 10x MORE info than the summery!)




The Slight Edge

“This book changed my daily work habits
and how I understood duplication.”


The Slight Edge Summery:


(Don’t forget that the actual book has 10x MORE info than the summery!)



The Richest Man in Babylon

“This book changed EVERYTHING for me
concerning money and how I used & saved it.”

The Richest Man in Babylon Summery:


(Don’t forget that the actual book has 10x MORE info than the summery!)



How to Win Friends & Influence People

“This book helped me develop the skills for
practical communication with people”

How to Win Friends & Influence People Summery:


(Don’t forget that the actual book has 10x MORE info than the summery!)




Cold Calling Techniques

(That Really Work)

“This book helped me develop the skills for
talking to people successfully on the phone!”

Cold Calling Techniques Summery:


(Don’t forget that the actual book has 10x MORE info than the summery!)



Influence: The Psychology of Selling

“This book helped me develop 
an incredible understanding of the deep rooted
subconscious nature of effective sales”


Influence: The Psychology of Selling Summery:


(Don’t forget that the actual book has 10x MORE info than the summery!)




Snowball by Warren Buffett


“This book gave me AMAZING insight into
one of the most successful investors ever”


Warren Buffetts 25 Most Important Investments Ever:



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AE Mailer
Elizabeta Kuzevska
Albie Derbyshire
cell: 626-379-5692
Skype: SailingwithAlbie

Click here for Privacy Policy


~Albie & Elizabeta

PS: Want a special 1:1 mentoring session with Albie or Elizabeta?

You can see more about it here



Commentary On The 10 Core Commitments


 “Income doesn’t far exceed Personal Development.”

Jim Rohn


10  Core Commitments to Success:

Success is found on a daily basis first.

Completing each practical assignment successfully is the most obvious step toward success.

Being an author, an entrepreneur and a millionaire who had started from scratch,
 Rohn was determined to assist people around him achieve in life that which they wished. …
 Jim Rohn won the CPAE award in 1985 from the National Speakers Association.
He wrote more than 25 books as well as audio and video programs…

Rohn spent much of his live advocating for the power of self-discipline, and he delivered his seminars for more than 40 years. He died in 2009 with a net worth of more than $500 million dollars.

I want to share Jim’s Rohn’s basic philosophy with you through each of these 10 Core Commitments

in the hope they will help you understand the principles that created them.  These 10 Core Commitments have

been a driving force in many of the topmost and successful MLM companies in the United States. The

10 Core Commitments were created by Jeff Olsen but inspired by Jim Rohn. I thought you might like to

see some of the inspiration behind these commitments that personally changed my life and

have helped create hundreds (if not thousands) of six figure earners. Please take the time to

listen to the video by Jim Rohn as it is business / life changing! 


The foundation of the 10 Core Commitments is discipline to a daily,
weekly, monthly and yearly plan.

"...drifting aimlessly through life only leads to bitterness and disappointment.”
And then he added: “Discipline is the foundation on which all success is built.
Lack of discipline inevitably leads to failure." Jim Rohn
"Help others see themselves better than they are." Jim Rohn. 

In order to do that, take the steps to first better yourself
and make a commitment to become better.




( Daily is in blue,

Weekly is in Green

and Monthly/Yearly is in Red )

1)  Finish the Getting Started Video and implementing it. Get back with your sponsor about it. Ask your sponsor to send it to you. 

Start from wherever you are and with whatever you've got.” 
“ Without constant activity, the threats of life will soon
overwhelm the values.”

“ If you don't like how things are, change it! ...Jim Rohn

2)  Take time each day to read or listen to personal development and encourage your inward strategy. You are your biggest asset, so treat yourself this way. Spend 10 mins to 30 mins a day. 

“It isn't what the book costs; it's what it will cost you if you don't read it."
“Hear or read something challenging, something inspirational,
at least 30 minutes a day, every day. You can get along without some meals,
but you can’t get along without some ideas, examples, and inspiration.” Jim Rohn

3)  Learn each of the 12 Pillars, SOGR and Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion. Implement them. See them here.

The Twelve Pillars, by Jim Rohn, is one of the most important books ever
written in personal development. It is one of my top ten favorite books
that has had a significant impact on my life! Study each one of the twelve
pillars, memorize them…then live them! I promise you that your life will
never be the same!

Preface To The Twelve Pillars by Chris Widener
I believe that there are core principles of success and universal and
timeless truths
that men and women of every generation can apply to
their lives that will help
them succeed in every area of their life.

4) Advertise your business every day, preferably 30 mins to 1 hour a day (but at least 10 mins a day).

The foundation of the 10 Core Commitments is discipline to a daily,
weekly, monthly and yearly plan.

"If you do something often enough, a ratio starts to appear." Jim Rohn.

5)  Connect with your sponsor, coach and team at least once each week.

 “You're the average of the five people spend the most time with,”
a quote attributed most often to motivational speaker Jim Rohn.
"But it’s common for entrepreneurs to underestimate the importance of the company they keep.
Bottom line: The people around you matter." Kai Sato
There's also the “show me your friends and I'll show you your future” and
There is a saying that goes: “Your net worth is correlated to your network”

6)  Find and connect with your “workout partner” each day.

Jim Rohn used to say, “If you don't design your own life plan, chances are
you'll fall into someone else's.
... Finding a workout buddy with similar goals can help with that."

7)   Attend a team webinar once a month.

What a seminar did for Jim Rohn: 
"Rohn began his career as stock clerk for Sears,
but after attending a lecture given by entrepreneur John Earl Shoaff,
he decided to follow a different path. He asked Shoaff to be his
mentor and followed every bit of advice he
could glean from him. Rohn became a direct marketing distributor.
Within just six years, Rohn earned his first fortune,...

8)  Learn and implement the 5 Critical Skills in some way each day. Either be working through the “Training Points”, “The Challenge” or Coaching/Mentoring. 

“Don't wish it was easier, wish you were better. Don't wish for less problems,
wish for more skills." Jim Rohn
Service to many leads to greatness." Jim Rohn quoted "the master teacher (Jesus)". 

9)  Go through the Effective Communication Workbook a little each day. Go here

“There is immense power when a group of people with similar interests gets
together to work toward the same goals.”

"Everything magic is challenging." Jim Rohn
"Let's go do it. Not 'You go do it'. It's 'let us go do it!"...
"The power of people working together."

10)  Be here a year from now. 

"Here is a good question to ask yourself: Where are you going? 
Ten years from now you will surely arrive." Jim Rohn
"Discover the four "seasons" of opportunity and make them work for you. Jim Rohn
"Reverse failure by uncovering the essence of it." Jim Roh

“We have a chance to participate in the miracle process.
You can go do that everyday…changing someone’s life…”

Jim Rohn


Have Questions? Connect with us at EliAlbie67@gmail.com We’re here to help you!
Elizabeta Kuzevska
Albie Derbyshire

The 5 Keys to Earning Online


Hi! This is Albie.

Welcome to our blog! We want to help you really find the keys to earning consistent sales online!

So first of all I want to share a little of my story with you. From 2012 to 2018 I joined over forty different business opportunities trying to earn and find success online. I worked 10 – 12 hour days in my pursuit and spent literally thousands of dollars.

Each time I joined a new program, I thought I had figured it out and that I was about to “make it big!” Unfortunately, a few months down the road, I realized it was just another “rabbit hole” and disappointment became increasingly more hard to stand each time this happened (and it happened a lot). Not only this but I put a lot of effort into each opportunity and worked hard to learn as much as I could and get everything set up. Usually I gave a program about three months but often more and occasionally less. Maybe you can relate to my story?

By the time 2018 rolled around, I had learned a lot but still knew that my advertising was nowhere near enough to get consistent sales and that there must be gaping holes in my strategy. It was at this time that I ran into a seven figure mentor quite by accident (still in pursuit of success). I had run across a lot of mentors but this time something was different. Even though he earned a lot and only gave me tiny pockets of time via Facebook Messenger, each interaction with him filled in pieces of the puzzles for me. Just to be honest with you, it took me months to earn even these small pockets of time I got from him. One time I remember having one of those “aha” moments. In fact, it was that moment that I learned the third critical skill. Of course, it wasn’t in order but I knew I had turned a corner!

So let’s get into some of the the finer details of the Five Critical Skills. The first skill is “Effective Advertising”. As I’ve shared with you before, many people go and start advertising but they don’t know if there advertising is truly effective or not. They also don’t know the market and they think that everybody’s going to love the product and service that they they promote. Imagine that you’re starving for a second. What are you looking for? Food or some cosmetic products? It’s the same with the market. It would be better to find out what people are already looking for and then offer that. The chances that they will buy your products are then much higher. 


The next thing about effective advertising is this: the only way you’re actually going to see if your offer is is compelling or not is to track it and see how many subscribers and conversions that you get from each market that you advertised in. That’s basically what we’ve done. We spent years tracking our advertising, seeing where we got the best results (we’re going to share these same results with you also). I want to show you the exact advertising sites we use: 




You can see from this list of ad sites that we use Safelists and Mailers to the majority of our advertising. The thing is that most people who use these sites get little or no results from them. But this is because they don’t know how to use them properly. The key to successful marketing using Safelists is to be able to create your own effective capture pages (Critical Skill #2). Also realizing you’re not looking for sales right away. Your goal for advertising is to get subscribers – period. Then build a relationship with your list with your automatic emails (Critical Skill #3). When your emails are written correctly, you can get replies and interaction with your email list. Building communication with your list is the essential spark you need to create “know, like and trust” with your list. This is eventually what will get you a sale. And these sales will come in every day, if you do it correctly. But it takes a while to get the system working for you. It doesn’t happen overnight. Also, having clever funnels to pull your list through is the next key to sales (Critical Skill #5). 


So as far as advertising is concerned, you will then need to learn how to track your hits to these Safelists and what your conversions are. You really have to make sure what safelists are working for you and those that are not. Also don’t forget that just because one safelist doesn’t work for you – it may be because your audience is not connecting with your advertising capture pages. I’ve realized over time that you have to edit, re-edit and review your splash and capture pages over and over again and measure your hits and conversions to create the ad pages that will convert the best. Also testing different pages and finding which ones work the best is also a key. The thing about tracking is that this takes time and work to figure out how to track your links. We use two systems to track our links. The first system we use is the Power Lead System. You will see in the next chapter some details about how to use PLS to track your links. We also use Clixtrax to track our conversions. You can find out your conversions using PLS (and they do a great job, but strictly for finding your conversions, Ciixtrax is easier.)




Learning advanced tracking for your links is a whole course in itself and is beyond the scope of this post. However, as I mentioned before, there are some practical details about basic tracking in the ebook. Watching the webinar about this, will also help you as you can see the pictures and examples better. Also I will give you a clue on advanced tracking and how to track your links properly. Once you set up your tracking link inside Clixtrac, then you will be able to find the “conversion code”. Add this html code to your opt in page (if possible) or your welcome sales page (that they come to after opting in). Then set it up so Clixtrac will send you an email every time someone converts. You can then also check your conversions inside Clixtrac to see what source they came from. The final word on tracking is that you should get a mentor to help you learn it effectively or it will take you a long time to learn it and to learn how to track your conversions is even harder. You can find more info about mentors in the last two chapters of this eBook. 


Okay, so the final thing I want to mention about advertising is that the more advertising you can get, the better. Many people think that if they find one good source of advertising, that this is enough. I have never found this to be true. It takes real work to advertise every day and you should get into a daily routine of advertising consistently to be effective. I would encourage you, if you use Safelists and Mailers, to open two new gmail accounts specifically for advertising. This will help you so that you don’t “kill” your regular email address. You will get a lot of email ads to these two emails and you don’t want these ads to ruin your main email account. There are whole eBooks written on the best way to advertise with Safelists (if that’s what you choose to use as an advertising method) and you should read these. There is a whole section written in the Power Lead System on using Safelists. You will find more about this in the next chapter.

So coming back to what we were talking about – advertising. So as you learn to track your links, you should start off by trying to get 1000 hits a week to your link. This will get you moving in the right direction. You need a 1000 hits at least usually to see if your ads are effective. If you’re getting at least two subscriber per 1000 hits, then this means you’re on the right track. When I say hits”, I’m not talking about how many people you send your ad to. I’m talking about how many people actually visit your web link (your capture page link). If you use the Safelists and Mailers we advise you to use, then you should not get “bots” visiting your site. Using the wrong ad sites can destroy your ability to be effective in your advertising. If you see you’re not getting at least two subscribers per 1000 hits, then this either means two things: 1) You’re using the wrong ad sites or 2) Your capture page is not converting. If you use the safelists and mailers we suggested, then most likely you’re only dealing with problem #2 and your capture pages need more work so that they convert. You can also learn about almost every kind of advertising inside the Power Lead System, such as Facebook Marketing, Youtube Marketing, other Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, SEO etc…


The last thing I want to mention about advertising is that after you’re successful at getting two or more subscribers to your list with 1000 hits a week, then you should work next on getting more than 2-3 subscribers per 1000 to your ad site (capture page). This will mean working more on your capture pages to get them working better. The next thing is working on getting 2000 – 5000 hits a week to your site. Then you can move on to 5000 – 20,000 hits a week. However, in your quest to get lots of hits to your site, don’t spend your whole day on this (or all the time you have allotted to work on your business). You will need to work a little each week on all the skills. 


Critical Skill number two is “Effective Capture Page Making”. As you can see we use the Power Lead System because it gives our new members the tools that they need to be able to make effective capture pages very easily and also has the right tools for our advanced members. The thing about creating effective capture pages is you need to get into your prospective buyers “head” so to speak and start thinking about what “they’re” looking for and why “they” need your product. You basically have two seconds to capture their attention and you have to be unique in how you do that. For instance, your headline needs to “speak to them”. It must get their attention. And to do this, we’re always thinking about what people in our niche (the “make money online niche) are looking for. And the two things they are all looking for is more traffic (so more people will see their offers) and having success online. So if you can offer them ways to get this in a convincing way, then you will get subscribers. 


The reason I’m telling you all this is because making a capture page is one thing but having the wisdom and knowledge to know what to say on that page is another. This is where we will help you and mentor you on learning this skill when you start getting good at making your own splash pages. You can start getting subscribers every single day to your list and eventually you can start controlling how fast you build your list. There’s a vicious cycle between skill number one (effective advertising) and skill number two (effective capture page making). I’m going to go into a little bit more detail with you about it right now. So you know you can have the best advertising in the world but if you have a terrible capture page then all that advertising is for nothing and it’s the same thing vice versa if you have the best capture page in the world but you have terrible advertising then it’s going to have the same effect. You’re gonna have terrible results. 

As a new marketer you find yourself caught up in this vicious circle. Asking yourself the question: “was it my advertising that was bad or was it my capture page that was bad?” That’s where we come in. We have the experience and the understanding to know the difference between which problem you’re having and that’s where we can help you to find the solution. Really that’s the importance of having a mentor and that’s really where we come in to help you one-on-one to be able to show you and help you identify things that you’re doing right from the things that you need help with.


Critical Skill number three is “Effective List Building and building your list is really all about mastering your advertising, mastering your capture page making and having a really good strategy about what to promote and how to promote it to get lots of subscribers. You’re going to find that if you’re not succeeding with skill number one and skill number two, then really you’re not going to be building your list very fast and that’s the key to building a big list: it’s not only building it big but building it fast. I mean can you really imagine spending the next 10 years building a big list? You need to build it but much faster than that!


Critical Skill number four is “Effective Communication with your List” and really, it’s effective communication that is like the spark that ignites your “list” so to speak. Without that spark you can have the biggest list in the world but nothing will happen. Honestly this skill is not easy to learn it takes time patience, correct scripts to learn from and a mentor to help you understand what you’re doing right and what you’re doing wrong. Honestly I spent a year on my own trying to learn this skill on my own and failed miserably. To tell the truth, I almost gave up three times. It’s not until I joined a team, learned from my mentor how to how to effectively communicate, did I begin to succeed. Nevertheless, here are some tips on succeeding with communicating with your list: 

The biggest breakthrough I had creating effective communication online (and the first step to creating a sale) was a simple “call to action” in my emails. I would simple end the email with “if you’re interested to find out more, simple reply back to this email with the subject heading: ‘tell me more’ and I will.” The second breakthrough was having effective scripts to share with those who did ask me to “tell them more”. A sample script for this would be to say hello, build a little repport with them and then share a bit of your online story with them. Then transition it to asking them if they would like to join your team. Be direct or they will not understand where your going. A sample email script I use looks like this: 


Beginning of Script =====>>>
“Hey (name). So nice to meet you! ?? 
 Do you mind me sharing my story with you (name)? It might help you:
In 2012 our school lost funding and I lost my job as a teacher (been a kindergarten teacher for 20 yrs) 
So over the years I was in 40 different business opportunities and never had real success with any of them.
Sure I made some money here and there but my biggest problem was consistent online sales.
Anyway my online business changed when I came across my seven figure income mentor.
My mentor taught me a lot of things but the most important was how vital real communication is with your
new prospects and team. Today we have over 104 paying members on our team with over 9 leaders
and it keeps growing daily. We make sales every single day and often It’s because of our team and not even
our personal efforts anymore. Before I used to have trouble even making a sale maybe once a month. 
Anyway, my business partner (from Macedonia) and I (from California) have had a lot of frustrations for many
years working online until we were mentored by a professional and began making consistent income.
We also teach these same principles to everyone on our team. We actively promote the
[add the system you want to promote here] together because we found we were making
more and more monthly income online then any other program we’ve worked with and now encourage
everyone to join us. We promote differently then most people and will share all our methods and best
traffic sources with you. Would you like to join our team (NAME)? 
<<<====== End of Script 


So advertising will take a big chunk of your time. But the next big thing to work on is writing your own emails and communicating with your list (Critical Skill #4). I know this may sound “scary” but don’t be scared. Just realize you will get better and better at this over time. I was honestly intimidated too but I knew I had to get better, so I just wrote one email a day and eventually I got better. Know that I was bad for quite a while before I got better. And you have to start somewhere. Their is a lot to learn about writing emails and you will find a lot of content and help inside the Power Lead System about setting up and writing emails (see the next chapter). However the formula to writing good email copy can be summed up basically here: 1) Think about what pain you’re subscriber is having, (such as having to wake up early every single day to go to work instead of being able to work on their own schedule from home) and then share how that pain effected you. 2) Then describe how you got past the pain and succeeded (or are beginning to succeed or how someone you respect succeeded). 3) Then transition to a call to action and how they need to contact you for you to “share more” with them on having success online. Also you can use other online “hero’s”, your mentor or sponsor and share their examples of success to help make your case and your email work. My mentor Alan has a very comprehensive training of this and you will have access to his training after the seven day free trial of PLS is finished. You only need to send me an email at “SailngWithAlbie@gmail.com” for me to send you the information to access his awesome free training. 


Also realize that building your list (Critical Skill #3 and communicating with them (Critical Skill #4) IS the most important part of the 5 Critical Skills. All the five skills revolve around this. If you lose focus on this, you will begin to fail and we’re telling you this now so that you will succeed. So don’t lose your perspective!


So Critical Skill number five is “Effective Funnel Page Building” and this is kind of like having your own “Walmart” except it’s your own online store where people can come in and buy lots of affiliate products from you. When you get this to work for you, it’s really great. The only problem is is that you actually have to have all these other skills that proceeded, such as skill one, two, three and four to be working effectively in order to have an effective funnel. I mean, can you imagine having a funnel but not having anyone to actually go through the funnel? That’s why having an effective list is so important and and communicating with your list so you can bring them through your funnels. Make sense right? In fact, getting new prospects onto your list is also part of an effective funnel. As far as building funnels, you know honestly I think the best way is to learn from pre-made templates that are made for you already so you don’t have to go out there and learn everything from scratch. Then you can create your own funnels without too much trouble. You can also copy similar ideas and learn from your mentors how they made their funnels. This is exactly what I did. You will also find videos on setting up a complete funnel inside the Power Lead System under “Websites” Tab and then “Sales Funnel Duplicator”. Simply click on the “Click here” link and a whole page of videos will come up! 


Okay, so you don’t really have to become a super “techie” person as there are programs out there that can help you build funnels without too much trouble. Honestly we use the Power Lead System because PLS has an excellent funnel page builder. Having a mentor available to help you give you suggestions on your funnel is really important so you build them correctly. Once you have made the funnel, then you need to understand the correct strategies to get your prospects, your team members and customers to go through your funnels and make sure that they’re working correctly. Having the right affiliate products in place with the correct information to give back to your customers and making sure that everything is looking professional is really vital!


So now we really want to give you some solid reasons why creating capture pages, building up your list and building funnels is so essential. Imagine with me you’re on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter and then some ad interrupts what you’re doing. You see it, read it and then continue back to what you were doing before. You want to read more about it at the end of the day but then – what do you know – you can’t find it anymore! As a customer you might have lost a really great opportunity but as a marketer you might have lost a sale. So as a marketer, it’s your job to make sure that you don’t lose your prospects. Remember if they don’t subscribe to your capture page, you’re going to lose them forever.


All right, now let’s turn the clock backs and imagine that you had done it correctly. For your prospect everything is exactly the same except that when they clicked on the ad, you asked them to put their email on there to get more information. Your prospect then got a welcome email about the product. They got it the next day and the day after that and so on. As a customer you learn something new about the program, the product or the service every single day. According to the stats your prospect needs seven to twelve emails to decide to join you in the program, buy the product or pay for the service, so understanding this is critical.


So I hope this overview of the Five Critical Skills has been helpful for you! Just to sum everything up, the first skill is to have effective advertising, the second is effective capture page making, the third is effective list building, the fourth is effective communication with your list and finally the fifth is effective funnel page building. If you continue reading the ebook, we are going to learn how to access the awesome training, tools and some practical things that will help you to implement the Five Critical Skills. 


Albie & Elizabeta




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Swimming Upstream and the 10 Core Commitments

“Swimming Upstream?”

This week I want to share with you about the strategy of “swimming upstream” and getting better at it. 

Trout swim upstream and are really good at it! And we can learn from this. 

Read this awesome quote by Jim Rohn:

“Discipline is the bridge between thought and accomplishment. Discipline comes to those with the awareness that for a kite to fly it must rise against the wind; that all good things are achieved by those who are willing to swim upstream; that drifting aimlessly through life only leads to bitterness and disappointment.” And then he added: “Discipline is the foundation on which all success is built. Lack of discipline inevitably leads to failure.


This is so true. Ever feel like you’re swimming upstream? I sure do sometimes! You know the formula for earning online is not pursuing running after money. It’s pursuing running after becoming more skillful.


Just like trying to make a seed grow is useless, but watering it and getting better at protecting the seed and giving it what it needs, will allow it to grow. Developing your skills will bring you higher and better opportunities.


But developing your skills is not easy. You have to go outside of your comfort zone to grow and become better. And this can be painful. It’s what I can imagine “swimming upstream” feels like. It reminds me of the phrase “no pain, no gain.”


Did you know there’s an “expiration date” on people giving up and giving an opportunity a “shot”? It’s usually about 3 months. People usually start a new business expecting to get somewhere soon. But often this doesn’t happen – for multiple of reasons.


The most obvious reason is because people are not willing to put in the work to create the success. And the more upstream they feel they’re going, the more closer the expiration date looms closer. So how do you keep going against this tide? The best way is to “understand your enemy” so to speak. And your “enemy” is idleness and not taking advantage of pockets of time given us and not attempting to get better and achieve something each day. Also the enemy is discouragement. It’s not feeding yourself encouraging things but instead allowing yourself to get discouraged. So reading or listening to something encouraging each day is important. 


Understanding that when you grow, it hurts and that growing means working towards becoming better. The good news is that if you keep “moving forward” and learning, digging in to get better all the time, eventually you will find success.


Honestly, I’ve been through a lot of pain online. Like in 2016 when I could not seem to get consistent online sales no matter how hard I tried. In 2017 I realized I just didn’t have enough effective advertisement for my business to grow properly. That took me year to learn on my own and effective communication took me three years. When I finally found a good mentor, I began to find the answers I needed.


And to be truthful, success is found on a daily basis first. Completing each practical assignment successfully is the most obvious step toward success.


There are 10 Daily/ Monthly Commitments that will help you go the right direction with your business:



( Daily is in blue, Weekly is in Green and Monthly/Yearly is in Red )

1) Finish the Getting Started Video and implementing it. Get back with your sponsor about each point. Ask your sponsor to send it to you. 

2) Take time each day to read personal development and encourage your inward strategy. You are your biggest asset, so treat yourself this way. Spend 10 mins to 30 mins a day. 

3) Learn each of the 12 Pillars, SOGR and The Rules of “Influence”. Implement them. See them here.

4) Advertise your business every day, preferably 30 mins to 1 hour (but at least 10 mins a day).

5) Connect with your sponsor, coach and team at least once each week.

6) Find and connect with your “workout partner” each day.

7) Attend a team webinar once a month.

8) Learn and implement the 5 Critical Skills in some way each day. Either be working through the “Training Points”, “The Challenge” or Coaching/Mentoring. 

9) Go through the Effective Communication Workbook a little each day. Go here

10) Be here a year from now. 

*Ten Core Commitment Sheet

So now it’s time to think about what will you risk to achieve your dreams? The thing is, you don’t have to search everywhere to figure out the formula like Elizabeta and I did.

A mentor is the ONLY reason Elizabeta and I were able to pull out of being in a rut advertising for years without much to show for it. A mentor is the only reason I was able to figure out the five critical skills. It was the difference between success and failure online for us. And it will be for you too.  Want to know more about it? Go here


Don’t forget everything of real value takes time to build! Be patient with yourself. 🙂

PS: If you’re curious to see one of the three programs Elizabeta and are team leaders with, you can see them here. If you join, we will help you and train you to learn to be effective: 

Want to check out GDIGo here. (GDI – make income five levels deep).

want to check out the Prosperity Marketing Systemgo here (100% monthly Income)

Want to check out the Power Lead SystemGo here (All the right internet tools, mo. residual income, team overrides & high ticket sales)




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The 10 Core Commitments



Success is found on a daily basis first.

Completing each practical assignment successfully is the most obvious step toward success.

10  Core Commitments to Success:


There are 10 Daily/ Monthly Commitments

that will help you go the right direction with your business.





( Daily is in blue,

Weekly is in Green

and Monthly/Yearly is in Red )

1)  Finish the Getting Started Video and implementing it. Get back with your sponsor about each point. Ask your sponsor to send it to you. 

2)  Take time each day to read personal development and encourage your inward strategy. You are your biggest asset, so treat yourself this way. Spend 10 mins to 30 mins a day. 

3)  Learn each of the 12 Pillars, SOGR and Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion. Implement them. See them here.

4) Advertise your business every day, preferably 30 mins to 1 hour a day (but at least 10 mins a day).

5)  Connect with your sponsor, coach and team at least once each week.

6)  Find and connect with your “workout partner” each day.

7)   Attend a team webinar once a month.

8)  Learn and implement the 5 Critical Skills in some way each day. Either be working through the “Training Points”, “The Challenge” or Coaching/Mentoring. 

9)  Go through the Effective Communication Workbook a little each day. Go here

10)  Be here a year from now. 







Have Questions? Connect with us at EliAlbie67@gmail.com We’re here to help you!
Elizabeta Kuzevska
Albie Derbyshire

Effective Communication

Welcome to Albie & Elizabeta’s 

 Effective Communication

With Your List 



Welcome from Albie Derbyshire & Elizabeta Kuzevska

Program Details:

All the types

of Communication


Communication Skills:

1) Email communication skills 
2) Direct response email communication
3) Responding to your emails using Scripts 
4) Building your skills to respond to people
5) Telephone communication skills
6) Using Skype, Facebook Messenger and Zoom to communicate .
. .

Part I

Email Communication

Tips: 1.

Communicating With Your Email List


So far we have taught you how important KNOW,LIKE and TRUST is.
We want to show you how professionals set up their autoresponders to bring people to them and begin the process of allowing them to get to know, possibly like and trust you. There is a simple thing you can do to achieve this. By simply ASKING your audience to RESPOND back to your email, you can create wonders to happen!
Here is the first tip: If you have a link in your email, your chances of getting them to respond DROP. This is because they will often take the easy way out and just click the link and investigate that instead of contacting you. And if they don’t contact you, then they can’t get to know, like or trust you! I’m not saying to never have a link, but just remember to have a balance.
Here is the second tip: This simple tip has helped me build a really big team online. This can be like MAGIC if you use it carefully and correctly – so don’t skip this! Build up to the last line of your email and then at the end simply say something like this: .
If that catches your attention then simply reply back to this email with the simple subject: “Tell me More” and I will get back with you.”
That’s it! Build up a big list and use this tip often and you will see people responding back to you if your emails are interesting.
Now we are going to show you how you can continue to build know, like and trust through your mailing list.
Here’s a question:
What happens to your list once the autoresponder series has finished. Is that it? This prospect now never hears from you again?
No!That is not what should happen. You should be creating new letters to send them and continue building the relationship between you.
It’s important to know that after a person has gone through the series of letters, that if they haven’t responded by that time they may not be in the right frame of mind to ever respond to you or at least not until something changes in their life. So it won’t hurt you to change up the letters to talk about something else.
My seven figure mentor taught me that after the first 10 letters, to then talk about something else.
So having another business opportunity to share with them or service or product will change things up a bit and keep your readers interested.
The question is what do you do AFTER your prospects finish the pre-made email series you or your leader placed in your autoresponder?

Now you come to the point where it will be up to you to create your own letters.


You are probably wondering how you can possibly do that!
It’s not as hard as you think.
And here’s the thing. You will be building a PERSONAL CONNECTION with your prospects by writing your OWN letters.
You will building Know, Like and Trust through your email list.
This is a whole second dimension to that equation and the one that my mentor uses the most.
In fact there’s not a day that goes by where I don’t get an email from him sharing some thoughts and what the newest thing is.
2. How to Write Effective Emails:
So have you ever read the ebook by Michael Price about understanding the importance of “Selling the Desired Result”.
If so you remember the story about the drill being the object to buy but what people desire is the “hole” the drill makes. So selling the drill is not the object. Selling the desired result (the hole) is! Remember this. 
Now, when I first started writing email letters for campaigns, I wasn’t very good at writing at all.
Even today I have a lot to learn.
However, I knew that by simply writing one letter each day (whether it was good or not)
I would build my experience and would get better.
After writing 20 of them I started to figure it out …and you will too!
What are some guidelines for writing emails?
I will be honest, you should really take the course my mentor shared with me about this.
But here are some basic points he shared with me:


Share something painful they might be going through
like having to get up early each morning to go to work.
Give a practical example of this pain
and explain it well so they really can feel it.
Give a solution to this pain.
Give them a call to action to do something about it
(Either by clicking on a link or by replying back to the email to contact you).
Got that?
You should write that formula down and practice this with 20 different letters.
Only by that time will it really have sunk in! 
Now you can see why a coach or mentor is so important!
You can meet and work with a coach or mentor personally (or virtually).
This I promise you, will take you to a whole new dimension.
There are so many little things we can’t cover that are vital.
That’s why having an amazing successful mentor at your fingertips is such a great idea.
Now practice, practice and practice again!

Part II

 Direct Response Emails:




Have Questions? Connect with us at EliAlbie67@gmail.com We’re here to help you!
Elizabeta Kuzevska
Albie Derbyshire