You gonna bring the milk and cookies?

Hey honey! You gonna join me?” I yelled to my wife in the other room.

Bring the cookies and the milk!


So this weekend, I had the pleasure of crafting a “Bon Voyage” card using
my favorite rubber stamps. It’s been a fun way to explore my creative side.

There’s something truly satisfying about the ease with which rubber stamps can
transform a blank page into a piece of art. The challenge, of course, lies in finding
the perfect colors and design to create a visually appealing and fun result.

My choice of “Bon Voyage” stamps shows my deep love for travel, exploration, and
. I’m always planning my next trip to a new and exciting destination.
Are you with me?

As you may know, I’ve dedicated my career to helping people achieve their dreams.
I’ve discovered a specific strategy that can significantly accelerate your progress.
Unfortunately, trying to navigate this journey alone often leads to dead ends.

I’d love to share more about this strategy with you.
If you’re interested, simply reply with the word “share more with me.”

Let’s set off on this journey together.

Talk soon!


3 TIPS that can change your life.

Hey there!
Are you just trying to get by…
…or are you trying to get rich? 
. .​
Did you know that the poor and middle-class work FOR money?
Curious about what the rich do differently?
I know I was too.

Click HERE to see more



Breathe Easy: Achieve More with Less Stress (Yes, It’s Possible!)

“It was like my body was in one place, but my mind was somewhere
else entirely. I couldn’t focus on anything.”

Imagine this: you wake up feeling energized, ready to tackle your day. You breeze through
your to-do list, each task a chance to create something truly amazing. Sound too good to be true? It’s not!

Let’s face it, feeling overwhelmed and stressed is all too common. But what if there was a better way?
A way to achieve more while feeling calmer and more confident?

The secret lies in focusing on quality over quantity. Have you ever noticed how rushing through tasks
leaves you feeling drained and unsatisfied? Instead, what if we poured our hearts into just a few things,
making them truly exceptional?

Here’s the magic: when you put your full effort and vision into something, you build confidence and a
sense of accomplishment. This, in turn, fuels your faith in yourself and God and your ability to
achieve anything you set your mind to.

For me, faith has been a game-changer. Knowing that God is watching over me, guiding
me towards having a successful life, brings immense peace and reduces stress dramatically.
It allows me to focus on pouring my heart into each activity, knowing everything
else will fall into place.

Here’s the best part: you can experience this too! This principle remains
the same. When you believe in God, in yourself and trust that God has your back,
stress simply melts away.

Ready to take a step towards a calmer, more fulfilled you?

I’d love to share more about a community that empowers individuals to achieve their goals with less stress
and more joy. We believe in the power of focusing on quality over quantity and building unshakeable
confidence through accomplishment.

Click here to learn more and join us!

Here’s to a life filled with purpose, peace, and amazing results!

Talk soon,


P.S. Have questions or just want to chat? Don’t hesitate to reach out! I’m always happy to connect.

Relaxing with my feet in the water

“Can you believe this? Someone turned that old beach shack
into a cozy hut!”



Hey there. This is Albie and I’m down at the beach
…and I found this awesome beach hut!


Relaxing with my feet in the water felt so great!

It reminded me of how important it is to take time for myself and enjoy the simple

pleasures in life.

I’m so grateful for this moment of peace and tranquility. 

If you’re looking for a way to create your own moments of happiness and freedom,
I invite you to join my team and learn how to build a life on your own terms.

We offer a unique opportunity to work from anywhere, set your own schedule,
and help others achieve their dreams.

Are you ready to take control of your life and create a business that you love?

Simply reply back with “Tell me more” and I’ll get back to your right away!

Talk to you soon.


Taking Time Out


Wow. It’s really quiet up here!” I said looking up the mountain.
Here I was, hiking and reflecting…
I realized that very little of the things we do in life really matter.
I was struck by the realization that true impact often lies in the seemingly insignificant.
Amidst the noise of life, there are a handful of
that we do that make all the difference.
I also realized that if you’re not paying attention, you won’t realize the things that can change
your life from the other nonessentials.
It’s crucial to carve out MOMENTS of quiet contemplation.
Only then can we discern the nuggets of truth that can truly transform our paths.
There’s a book called “THINK and Grow Rich. Guess what the most important aspect of this book is?
As Napoleon Hill famously wrote, the ability to think without distraction is paramount.
Letting the “waves of unimportant things and thoughts pass over you like clouds”
And finding the nuggets of truth while you’re doing that.
Want to do something that can actually make a difference?
Just message me back with “Tell me more” and I will get back to you!

Time For Change…



“Ahhh!” It was like a breath of fresh air to walk along the
beach and see the waves rolling in.”

Perhaps you’re trying to escape the GRIND? Maybe you feel TRAPPED in a monotonous routine,

longing for something more fulfilling.

You’re not alone.

Time to change the algorithm.

Click HERE to see more





*Disclaimer: Of course, you may never make money if you don’t have a good work ethic or are not willing to do what it takes to make it happen. Some people quit before they even read the instructions! No claims are made here. This information may not convey typical results and your results may be better or worse.

Smelling The Roses

I feel so happy…” I said to myself.

The wind feels so cool on my skin as it blows in

through the upper windows.

Looking out, I can see the shimmering lights of the

sun on the blue ocean.

Two sailboats are sailing by, out in the distance. 

Sunlight is streaming in the open windows and I’m
stretched out on the carpeted floor watching the ocean

(a little bit mesmerized).

I can see the zig-zags designs of the wind on the water.

A feeling of contentment came over me.

The one where you realize that you’re in the

process of “smelling the roses” so to speak.

I think I can see the distant plume of water shooting

up from a whale.

This is one of the fun things about being able to share
what I love with you and earn income each day from it.
Want to learn how to do the same and share what you
love and earn?
Or simply email me back with “Show me how” and I will!
Talk soon!




I can’t believe this!I said angrily. “What’s going on here?” Obviously, someone had
got into a bad accident as the freeway wasn’t moving even an inch. It was really

frustrating because now I would be late to my dentist appointment. 

Traffic, IMPATIENT people, stress, irritating situations and so forth…

It’s for these reasons, that you need to get up EARLIER, so that you can start your day with VISION,

hope, excitement, envisioning your dreams, and wisdom to navigate all the CRAZINESS that comes

your way.
 GOD’S LOVE is a big part of that! Knowing that you are important, that you’re loved, that you have

an amazing purpose, and that your DREAMS matter, are crucial to you living your days with passion

Want to learn how to SHARE what you love and EARN online?
​Let me help you achieve your dreams!

Simply reply back and let me know if you want to know more!
Talk soon! 


Wow!” This changed my life and has the power to also change yours too!


One day I was praying to God and realized I had done many things
in my life that hurt others. My thoughts and actions were far from
being loving like Gods. So I surrendered to God, bowed my head
and asked God to forgive me.

I felt God’s love all around me and I felt God forgiving me. I knew it was because Jesus
had taken my punishment. He had taken my sin and paid
the price on the cross.

I felt God’s love surround me and his arms lifting me high. I could see God’s smile in my mind
and his eyes looking into mine. I was his child
and I belonged to him. I was his and he loved me.

Suddenly I realized that everything in life, he was. He is my happiness, he is my joy.
Everything I needed, he had, and was. If I imagined myself a year from now and my life was perfect,
it would only be because he made it that way.

When God gives me power, it is only enough to do the job he has given me and help others.
It is not enough to corrupt me. When he gives me money, it is just enough to achieve his goals
in my life and to also let me know he loves me.

When we “delight ourselves in the Lord, he gives us the desires of our heart.

It’s important that we realize that it is in making God our joy and our whole world, that
brings God to give us the desires
of our heart.

God wants to heal us, help us, and help others through us. He wants us to be his hands in this world.
I can love and laugh right now because God is awesome and he can turn the “lemons into lemonade”
so to speak.

Don’t forget to get up early each morning and start your day off right, getting a vision of what God can do through you today.
Don’t start your day off in a rush. You will just repeat the same “rut” you were in yesterday if you do.

I hope this really helps you! 🙂

>> Click here to ant to join our team and learn how to share what you love and earn from it?

There are real skills to achieving this. Come learn them from us. Of course, we can’t guarantee
results and income, but it’s been my observation that the right actions produce the right results.

Talk to you soon!



Wanting More Out Of Life?
Put your “FAITH GLASSES” on…
I don’t know if you’re like me, but I often feel “down” or discouraged in my day for no real reason. Often I’m not seeing results as fast as I would like and maybe that explains it.
Ever feel the same?
I realized one day, that my “Faith glasses” were OFF (lol!)
Why do I say this? Well, I was looking at life with my own perspective instead of looking at my life in God’s perspective.
In other words, looking at your life through the lens of faith.
SOMEBODY SPEAK ENGLISH…Let me make this practical.
Seeing that God is super rich, why am I worrying about money?
Seeing that God has my back, why am I worrying about my day?
See what I mean?
Want to know more? Email me back and let’s talk!

Howdy! How are you?

This weekend, I went up the mountain to a beautiful river and waterfall.
It was really fun taking off my shoes and wading downstream, over the
rocks and sand.

I love sharing what I love with you, and earning great income doing it
at the SAME TIME (haha!). Want to see how I do it?

>> Simply Click Here To Break-The-Job-Chains







Want to hear something C-R-A-Z-Y?

I’ve been sharing this with people a little each day and have surprisingly been getting 1-3 new PAID members every day from it!

The crazy thing is that I’ve only been promoting it a little in my spare time…imagine what would happen if I put in more time (lol!)

Click HERE to see more






*Disclaimer: Of course, you may never make money if you don’t have a good work ethic or are not willing to do what it takes to make it happen. Some people quit before they even read the instructions! No claims are made here. This information may not convey typical results and your results may be better or worse.