Been to Hawaii?

Hi! Albie here.

I’m curious if you’ve ever been to Hawaii or somewhere tropical? I remember the water being so warm and clear with this blueish green tint. It always made me feel so happy being there. I couldn’t seem to stay long enough (lol). But I’m sure it’s like anywhere else. Once you live and work there, it becomes “normal” and you eventually lose that “this place is different high”. 



Anyway, something that ALWAYS stays fun and fresh for me is sharing what I love with you! I can share something new and exciting everyday, because everyday is something awesome to do or share. I mean, even if you haven’t gone outside for even a second, there’s still amazing things you’ve done in your life that are just waiting to be shared with others. And the cool thing is that you can earn from it too! Earn from home or earn from anywhere you are on the internet. 🙂 


So if you’re anything like me and love earning and sharing what you love with others or are interested in learning how to, then you definitely want to check out my New REPORT, called: “Earn Sharing What You Love“. And what else is exciting is you don’t have to subscribe or anything to get it! Just click the link and GO AFTER IT! 


You can check it out for free here.


Finally I want to share with you again that having a solid foundation in marketing is really important if you want to work successfully online without trouble. Honestly there are five critical skills you have to begin learning to succeed here and its my passion to help you to learn them. 


So if you’re looking to find a safe place to begin succeeding, then we want you on our team. If that’s the case, then please
email me back by simply replying back to this message. Put in the subject title: “Share with me more” and I will do exactly that.


Talk soon. 

Albie Derbyshire


cell: 626-379-5692

REQUIRED EARNINGS DISCLOSURE: We cannot guarantee that you will be able to generate any income amount as this is based on work ethic, persistence and possibly your skill set.


Ever think about your destiny?


Albie here from Pasadena (or from my boat which is very likely also lol). 

As you know, each of us have special talents and abilities and a desire to succeed at using these talents – hopefully to help others too. 

When we get caught in a rut and aren’t pushing forward to fulfill this destiny, then we lose our passion for life and find ourselves frustrated and “spinning our wheels”. 

It’s also important to know however, that God loves us no matter where we’re at and no matter what we have achieved. Tomorrow is a new day and even the time we have left in our day is a good place to change gears and start thinking, dreaming and working again to fulfill this in our lives. 

After listening to Joel Oilstone talk about this, I instantly realized what I loved to do and what I wish I could do more for God and for people. I honestly love to write and explore new places and share life with others and help others with the insights God has given me. 

A few months ago we were in the State of Washington visiting family and went to Cape Disappointment. 

While we were there, we saw some really beautiful sites of the Washington coast, beautiful waves and sunsets and had a lot of smiles and happiness being around family. I took a lot of beautiful pictures and shared some of these with you in my blogs. 

However, without God in the center of all of this – there is an emptiness. A beautiful sunset without a connection to God and his love makes the sunset seem cold and empty. But knowing God loves you and is working on your behalf to help you and support you and help you to grow are encouraging. 

When you truly know that God gave his life for you and cares about you like no other – it changes things and you feel alive to want to love him back and to do all you can to let others know about this awesome love too. When you lift up your hands to thank God for his love, it allows you to open your heart even more to receive back his affection for you. Not only this but it opens your heart to achieve like never before because you know what you do will not be in vain. 

Want to work with me online building a business where we can use the skills we have to make an impact and earn at the same time? Just respond back to me with the subject title: “I would love to work with you in my spare time, please share with me more.” And I will! 



PS: Expectation involves faith and works those “muscles”. The more you work them and practically pursue your dreams with real action, the better and stronger your faith and your results will be. 


cell: 626-379-5692


REQUIRED EARNINGS DISCLOSURE: We can not guarantee that you will be able to generate any income amount as this is based on work ethic, persistance and possibly your skill set.