Achieve your dream (part one).

Hi! Albie here. This next year my wife Janette and I are planning to travel the United States.


I honestly can’t wait and we’re actively planning for our year long trip every day and hoping to leave in January of this next year (2022). We’re planning to go through many of the national parks – and Pueblo is the first place on our list. Just to clue you in, Pueblo was an ancient Indian village cut out of a cliff on a mountain. It’s always intrigued me and for some reason it’s one of the few national parks I haven’t visited yet. We’ve been to the Grand Canyon in Utah, Yosemite in California and Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming (plus a lot more). But this time around we hope to visit all these sites and more without the stress of a timeline. 


Maybe you have a dream also? I don’t know if you look forward to traveling also or if there’s something else in your mind. But whatever it is, we want to help you achieve your dream. 


Not only do we hope you achieve your dream but we have created a whole FREE REPORT about it! It’s taken us a couple weeks of solid work to make it for you. And inside it’s packed full of resources and valuable help, advice from millionaires (who have achieved dreams many may think were almost impossible) and exact instructions how to learn real marketing skills to finally
have success earning consistently on the internet. All this so that you can achieve your dream too. And if your dream does not involve finances, then there’s advice about that too. 


You know while we’re traveling, we will be working our business via satellite/ Internet and our laptop. That’s really all you need to create income from almost anywhere. 


To access the “Achieve your Dream” REPORT, you would normally have to pay 
$47 but because it’s in its promotional phase right now,, you can access it without doing anything except simply clicking the link! 


Fortunately many of you will take the REPORT seriously and realize it’s true value. When you pay for something, It often feels more valuable. So even though it’s free, don’t forget this REPORTS real value and be thankful for what it can do to help you achieve. 

Access “Achieve Your Dream” here. 


I look forward to helping you find the secrets and connecting the dots to succeeding online. I’m here for you and as always, you can simply reply back with the subject line “I would like to join your team” and I will send you info about it. 

Let’s talk soon! 

Albie Derbyshire


cell: 626-379-5692

REQUIRED EARNINGS DISCLOSURE: We cannot guarantee that you will be able to generate any income amount as this is based on work ethic, persistence and possibly your skill set.

Like a blue design stamped on paper



Hi! Albie here. My wife Janette and I love to use rubber stamps and make creative cards and designs. Have you ever tried anything like that before? It was art with a real twist (lol)! The cool thing is you didn’t have to be a good “artist” to make something nice. 🙂 


It was actually really fun to take a rubber stamp of a flower, ship, heart or lighthouse, dab it in a soft red or blue ink pad, huff hot air on it and then place it on the paper; push down carefully and then remove it. The end result was a wonderful design on your paper.



And it kept getting better and better if you began to learn how to add the next appropriate design next to it, dab a sponge on the paper just right to add multi-shades of color, a ribbon, corrugated paper backgrounds, embossed images in gold or silver, cut out stamped images mounted higher than the the other pictures on the paper or even if you knew a little origami and knew how to stamp the folded paper just right.



Just to let you know, we had a lot of fun with this and got really good at it too and could teach it really well. Before we even knew what we were doing, we became “demonstrators” with Stampin’ Up! and could earn income from it, teaching others how to do it and to sell stamp sets to others. Here’s a list of all the things we mastered!



1. Rainbow Stamping
2. Two color Stamping
4. Roller Stamping
5. ‘Two Step’ Stamping
6. Masking
7. Mounting Paper
8. Brayer Rolling
9. Paper Corrugator Techniques
10. Sponging
11. Border Punch techniques
12. Glitter techniques.
13. Liquid Applique
14. Air brush techniques
15. Watercolor Stamping
16. Stamping on Shirts
17. Stamping on Walls
18. Stamping on Flower Pots.
19. Acrylic Stamping
20. Using Color Papers
21. Stamping on Boxes and Bags
Here’s a video of Two Step Stamping for you!
I took a few minutes to put it together for you real quick so you could understand the concept: 

You know it took three years to get really good at this. And then I realized one day that my art business was all based on the customers I created in my hometown and the realization that I could not take my business around the world. This really shook my foundation and I decided to study real-estate instead. But years later settled on internet marketing because it was truly something I could build anywhere.


Many years later, everything changed and the whole world moved online, including the arts and crafts world and Stampin’ Up! You can join us too by just clicking the link below. We look forward to having fun together and earning at the same time!


===>> Share what you love and earn online! <===


All this to share with you two things: One, you have to like what you do if you want to do it really well.


Two, you have to give it real time to master it. And it’s the same for internet marketing. The thing about internet marketing is that you can share anything you love online and earn from it and also even if you’ve been trying for some time without success, there’s hope. It all begins with learning real marketing skills.



And that’s something we can teach you as we found it essential to earning consistently. And if that’s your goal too, then don’t take the easy way out. Learn them and begin to master a real skill. It will pay off for you much better than hoping in magic, luck and “done for you” garbage that doesn’t teach you anything. Nor do you become anything valuable. Your real value is who you become, not how many scams you can get suckered into buying. 


So now it’s time to think about what will you do to achieve your dreams? The thing is, you don’t have to search everywhere to figure out the formula like my business partner, Elizabeta and I did. Let me encourage you to learn the Five Critical Skills that will enable you to start achieving online. 


===>> Share what you love and earn online! <===

Just simply reply back to this email with this subject heading: “ share with me more” and I will send more info to you – or click the link below and make a decision to learn all the skills to working online you can from this valuable free training called “Take the Challenge!”



Talk to you soon! 🙂




cell: 626-379-5692

REQUIRED EARNINGS DISCLOSURE: We can not guarantee that you will be able to generate any income amount as this is based on work ethic, persistance and possibly your skill set.

You Won’t Believe This…

Hi! Albie here. Ok, so now we have an online flower shop too! Haha.
Want to hear how much I earned for selling a bouquet of flowers on Amazon? You won’t believe this! 


Yeah, well for selling a $35 bouquet of beautiful roses on Amazon (as an affiliate), I sold and earned a whole 35 cents! Can you believe that. I nearly fell off my chair. I couldn’t stand it and went and took a nap. When I woke up, I told myself that I was done with Amazon. LOL! 


One of the first things I did was to join an affiliate business that I could sell flowers with on CJ (Commission Junction). At least they will give me 20% of the sale. That’s a lot better than 1%, if you know what I mean!


==>> So go here to see our new online flower shop <<===




Here’s a sample bouquet!

Sunny Sunflowers
Sunny Sunflowers Sunny Sunflowers

Brighten any room or occasion with these sunny sunflowers and fresh greens nestled in a clear glass bowl or vase. Approximately 8 to 10 inches in height. Available in most areas from late May through early November. Florist delivery in the USA and Canada.

Honestly, I’m really used to seeing 50% – 100% commissions, so even 20% is really low for me. But I decided this year to branch out and sell a wider reach of things my wife and I were interested in. I know that some of you are interested to know about how to earn this way too. But whether or not you are, like I always say, if you don’t understand some basic marketing skills, you can have a website and plenty of things to sell and you won’t earn a
thing. You really have to understand advertising and connecting with your email list in order to succeed online. And Elizabeta and I am willing to help you to learn!




Another thing is working with passion and that your heart is into what you’re doing and selling. That’s why I encourage my team to make their business about them. Yeah, we all have to do the tedious stuff like advertising every day so that people see what we’re doing and can join us but work brings you closer to your dreams and work can be a good thing. That’s why
I’m going to encourage you to work a little toward your dream every day and if you would like the encouragement our team has to offer as well as the essential training that you need to succeed, then I would love to hear from you! 


Just simply reply back to this email with the subject line: “share with me more” and I will share with you all about it. Don’t hesitate to say something interesting back too if you like, as I truly enjoy hearing from you!

Let’s talk soon! 


PS: Want to see what our program is all about?

===> Go here to see all the details  <===



Thanks for stopping by! 

Albie Derbyshire


cell: 626-379-5692

REQUIRED EARNINGS DISCLOSURE: We cannot guarantee that you will be able to generate any income amount as this is based on work ethic, persistence and possibly your skill set.

Star Wars vs Reality?


Hi! Albie here. Ever wonder if fiction is more than it appears?
Check this out:

The reason that fiction is more interesting than any other form of literature,
to those who really like to study people, is that in fiction the author can really tell the truth without humiliating himself.”

You know when I think back on the Star Wars movies, it blows my mind how similar the actions of Chancellor Palpatine were with the actual real movements of what Hitler did in real life. I mean, Palpatine basically used Princess Amidala to encourage the Senate to see the desperateness of her cause and usher in total power for the Chancellor. Check out this quote from :

 But part of Palpatine’s impact is also due to the writing of George Lucas and his decision to model the rise of The Emperor after the rise of Adolf Hitler. This historical anchor allows audiences to see McDiarmid’s over-the-top performance as vaguely familiar – and all the more chilling.”

From Escapistmagazine:

Now check this out if you want to hear it all:

One of the defining moments in Revenge of the Sith is the enactment of Order 66. This is the order that leads to the simultaneous execution of nearly every off-world Jedi by clone troopers (while also being carried out by Anakin in the Jedi temple the same night). Apparently all clones had been programmed to turn on their Jedi commanders by order of the Chancellor. All of
the wartime camaraderie established between the clones and Jedi didn’t matter once Palpatine set Order 66 in motion. This plan helps to explain how just two Sith could wipe out all of the Jedi, thereby taking control of the galaxy. It can be seen as merely a Deus Ex Machina to help the end of Revenge of the Sith match up with the setting of A New Hope, but knowledge of history helps to bring focus to the purpose and intent of Palpatine at this


Adolf Hitler had his own “Order 66” moment between June 30th and July 2nd 1934, known as the Night of the Long Knives. During this time, he ordered one branch of his military (the SS) to wipe out much of the leadership of another branch of his military (the SA), along with a number of political
adversaries and personal enemies. Most of the SA leadership was rounded up simultaneously on the first night so that the executions could be swift, clean, and without warning. The SA outnumbered the SS troops, just as the Jedi vastly overpowered their Clone trooper comrades with their force abilities. The element of surprise was crucial to the success of both Order 66 and the Night of the Long Knives.*

*From Escapistmagazine:

Doesn’t that just blow your mind! So I must agree with Jim Rohn that there’s often more to fiction than meets the eye. Not only that but the stunning fact that history often repeats itself where the lessons of the past are forgotten. And I want to encourage you that we can make a difference in our lives. We can achieve more than those around us give us credit for. We can do amazing things for good because as Jim Rohn points out: 


“Humans are different than any other creation.
When a dog starts with weeds, he winds up with weeds.

And the reason is because he’s a dog.
But that’s not true with human beings. Humans can turn weeds into gardens.” Jim Rohn


That’s why I want to encourage you to join our team. We’re looking for people just like you who are willing to do something more than just settle in life.

Just simply reply back to this email with the subject line: “share with me more” and I will share with you all about it. Don’t hesitate to say something interesting back too if you like, as I truly enjoy hearing from you!

Let’s talk soon!

Albie Derbyshire

PS: Want to see what our program is all about?

===> Go here to see all the details  <===



Thanks for stopping by! 

Albie Derbyshire


cell: 626-379-5692

REQUIRED EARNINGS DISCLOSURE: We cannot guarantee that you will be able to generate any income amount as this is based on work ethic, persistence and possibly your skill set.
Star Wars Fiction vs Reality (1)

Happy Cuteness


Hi! Albie. As you can see I love dogs as well. Maybe you do too? This doggie right here is one of my favorites! There’s something beautiful about dogs. The dogs in my life have been so loving and dedicated to my wife and I. It’s so awesome to come home and be greeted by this loving creature who thinks your arrival is the best thing that has happened all year! Haha.

Not only that but they’re total stress relievers too. They will sit on your lap or near you on the coach and look up at you with these big brown puppy eyes as if you’re the only thing that matters in life. All the troubles in life seem to fade away for a while – I can tell you!



And giving them scratches and pets and hugs is so cute as they can’t seem to get enough. Anyway I know that it doesn’t always happen this way as they can have problems too but I found that the times they were not cute and adorable were the exception.

So I’m guessing your wondering how on earth dogs have anything to do with working and earning online? Good question! Well, to me dogs are all about trust and friendship and love and these things are so absent from most programs you find online. In fact finding someone you can trust is kind of the opposite of what you would expect with many programs we get involved in. But trust is actually one of the key ingredients to opening the door to consistent sales. And I bet that if a dog could take a sniff of the situation, they might not be so inclined to trust where we do. Let me give you a tip, if you hear the phrase: “you don’t have to do anything” – just run.



Okay, so to get to the point. You know, I’ve done things in my life that I’m not exactly proud of, but its been my conviction to do the right thing and to help others. I’ve passed the doggie “can I trust you” test and just want to say that I’m looking forward to meeting you also and working with you!



Feel free to join our team below and then reply back to this email and let me know that you joined and I will write you back and send you our “welcome to the team  email” and connect with you personally!

===> Go here to see all the details  <===

Let’s talk soon!



PS: Here’s some doggie things that might help you below.


I know we’ve found having a dog bed useful in our house.



Well, where would a dog be without dog food! LOL. I actually love giving my dogs scraps off the table but my wife says it’s not good for them. So it’s been back n forth pro’s and con’s for years.  But I’m sure she’s mostly right. Haha. 🙂


I take my dog for a walk three times a day and at least go through two doggie bags a day! 



It really helps to help them so they’re not CONSTANTLY itching and biting themselves!



Having a doggie water container to give them water on a long walk can really help them out a lot!



You can see all the Amazon products below.

Just click on the pic and you will find full details on items. 🙂




Thanks for stopping by! 

Albie Derbyshire


cell: 626-379-5692

REQUIRED EARNINGS DISCLOSURE: We cannot guarantee that you will be able to generate any income amount as this is based on work ethic, persistence and possibly your skill set.

Sailing to an island…


Hi! Albie here. As you can see in the photo, I love sailing to islands. Why? Well, because of many reasons I guess.


The mystery of finding out what is over there across the sea, the beautiful coves and natural harbors you can find. The seclusion and quietness and ability to enjoy being able to think and meditate on life on your own without interruption in a beautiful place; or the romance of finding a peaceful place to share with the one you love. There is also the fun of finding a little quaint town and all the fun things you can find there. All the beautiful places you can find to swim at or kayak around as you explore the island. And lastly the fun highs and lows of hiking around the island to see the heights of the mountains and the valleys and isolated rocky or sandy coves you can find. Does that sum it up for you too or did I miss something? 


But realize that this joy comes at a cost. One day while I was on an island looking back out to sea, the whitecaps and wind driven waves were rolling from shore to shore and reminded me of the bravery, persistence and determination I had to have for many years to attempt to master crossing the seas. The ocean can be a beautiful and amazing place, but it can also try and destroy you as everyone knows. And it can surprise you in a moments notice and you better be ready. And it’s the same exact thing taking on ANY dream. You have to want it bad and be full of determination to carry out the work of bringing your dream to completion. Is it worth it?


I believe it is. Anything in life that is meaningful takes work and persistence – even as a child learning to walk. It’s always worth moving forward to explore the best things of life. It’s also always worth loving and helping others to achieve their dreams too. That’s what God does for us. And that’s where we want to be part of the equation to help you achieve something monumental! 



I’m excited to be a part of the story that helps bring you closer to success! Are you willing to fight to make it happen? 


I hope so. I’m sure you’ve had problems in the past working online. Maybe getting enough traffic was your major problem. I know I was there too. Or maybe you keep advertising and advertising over and over again for months at a time without much results. It happened to me too. I remember almost quitting because of both of these last scenario’s. 


I’d love to hear from you about this. Anyway, I would love to hear what’s been your biggest challenge. Simply email me and share it with me and I’ll write you back!

Talk to you soon. 🙂 

Albie Derbyshire


cell: 626-379-5692

REQUIRED EARNINGS DISCLOSURE: We cannot guarantee that you will be able to generate any income amount as this is based on work ethic, persistence and possibly your skill set.



Thanks for stopping by! 

Everyone needs to promote like this (EVERYONE)

Hi! Albie here. So if you’re going to ask other people to send you money in exchange for your offer – then you better be good at promoting (with your offers) Right! And honestly this is how Elizabeta and I earn all the time. People see our emails and click the links or email us back and we connect back with them. And this is all part of Critical Skill #4: “Effective Communication with Your List”.

So Elizabeta and I realized many people have real problems with affiliate marketing. They don’t build their list. They just promote links hoping to get a sale from the promotion itself. They jump from one program to the next, thinking that the next program will be the “magic one” and how they will earn. 

We also realized that creating ad pages, landing pages, capture pages etc is the biggest problem working online. In order to create them, you will need a Squeeze page builder such as the Power Lead System (PLS), Onyalist, AIOP, BuildabizOnline etc…or WordPress plugins and hosting. You can see our downline builder if you want to check them out. 

Affiliate marketers need to know how to create these ad pages so they can get more subscribers and contact these people on their list. But it is often too much for them to be able to do without proper training. Also, they don’t know how to promote their pages and which traffic sources are the most effective.

All this is WHY we created the Steps to Six Figures course that you can find in the Prosperity Marketing System. It helps everyone to be able to learn how to create ad pages with a simple share code for free where they can simply change their photo and add what they want to their pages!

We created pre-written email campaigns (which they can edit) for AWeber and PLS to promote their ad pages and promote their products in their email campaigns. In this way, you can send out appealing ad pages, build your list, connect with your list and begin to earn from the very beginning as you learn the 5 Critical Skills and get better and better. We put the Free Training in the Prosperity Marketing System on how you get Traffic to your ad pages with Viral Mailers and promoting in FB groups for Free. This is all to help you begin learning these exact steps that we use to get sales every day. And the Steps to Six Figures will help you learn exactly where to start. 

Wow! That’s so cool, right?…

I’d love to hear from you about this. Tell me more about your journey online. Do you promote affiliate products? Do you have a list? Do you have problems communicating with your subscribers? Do you have traffic problems? 

Simply reply back and let me know your thoughts…

Enjoy the rest of your day 🙂

Albie Derbyshire


cell: 626-379-5692

REQUIRED EARNINGS DISCLOSURE: We cannot guarantee that you will be able to generate any income amount as this is based on work ethic, persistence and possibly your skill set.






OMA 2021


Your Success Portal


Albie here somewhere between Pasadena and Catalina Island. As you already know I love sailing and I love being out at sea seeing the waves rolling under the boat! 🙂 Anyway, I wanted to share with you today the “Success Portal“. I know if you’re anything like me you would like to know how to make big sales online.

So the funny thing is that making ANY sales online involves giving away free stuff. And learning the 5 Critical Skills so that you can earn consistently. But I will try to explain or sum up the basic procedure in a couple sentences. Let’s see if you can follow the line of thought: So first you send your ad. Second you MUST get subscribers to your ad page and subscribing to your own list or the whole process is of no effect. Understand that I’m NOT trying to get sales at this point.



Once you get a subscriber, then they will get your automatic emails (one at a time each day) and you’re in the process of building your list on your autoresponder. Your emails must encourage communication with your subscribers and/or build “know, like & trust” so that your list will click the links you have in your email. It is this trust that allows you to earn a sale. Many people try putting links in their emails but have no success. And this is because they haven’t built communication channels or trust. That’s the simple truth.


Lastly, you need to give away something free so your subscribers can test out what you’re sharing with them and see if you and your program is worth it and worthy of the trust they’ve given you. If that stands up you gain new members. And the bigger the program is, the bigger your chances of earning. For instance, one program we use is the Power Lead System (PLS) and has a free seven day tour of its awesome system (which gives you every tool and training you need to learn the 5 Critical Skills) and you can earn big monthly commissions from it. You can also earn 100, 500 and up to a 1000 with the high ticket items inside the PLS system. This allows your earnings to skyrocket.



But you won’t earn unless you go to the trouble to invest (have you ever seen someone earn from a hotel who hadn’t invested in the hotel? I mean, even if you rent out an apartment room and earn from Airbnb, you still have to invest in renting the room and making sure it’s clean and has no problems. This takes money and risk. Earning from a business is much different than earning from a job. A job you must put in the hours and get the same earnings each month. A business, you can keep increasing your earnings each month. And what I just showed you with PLS is how you keep increasing your earnings online and how you can make big ticket sales.


So that’s how its done! Did you catch all that? 


So if you would like to check out our free video & report about it and get things rolling for you…


Just go here to check out PLS!


Of course you’re welcome to contact me about it also and if you would like to join our team so that I can help you learn the 5 marketing skills that will make all the difference for you, then just simply reply back to this email with the subject heading “share with me more” and I will send you more information. 🙂 


Talk to you soon!


Albie Derbyshire


cell: 626-379-5692

REQUIRED EARNINGS DISCLOSURE: We cannot guarantee that you will be able to generate any income amount as this is based on work ethic, persistence and possibly your skill set.






OMA 2021