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Ripped to Shreds

Incredible winds That day!

I remember the winds picking up to  incredible speeds and my sails were just not a match to the intense velocity and speed that ensued. You can see from the picture what a mess the winds made of my sails that day.

So probably most of you will not be able to say such a thing (lol)! I’m guessing that’s a good thing but there’s some real important things to learn from this experience. The first is that having a second set of sails and an engine is a really good idea (I’m glad I did!). Also, life is an uncertain place and things you don’t expect to happen CAN happen. I mean, I didn’t go out sailing that day thinking to myself, “hmm, I wonder if my sails are going to get shredded today!” You know what I mean!

Want to see the rest? Stop by at our site:


What Are We Doing With Our Lives?

The Power of Envy:

love does not envy…” 

If you don’t have hope in God, what DO you have?

If you don’t have any hope to live with God when you die, THEN every moment we live,

we have to scrape to get what we want before we die. See more here:


Traveling the World

Looking to one day travel the world?
One of the things I learned many years ago, was that if you had a dream, to see yourself as succeeding and fulfilling your dream each day and to work to bring it about.
God gave us hearts to envision great things and desire to achieve and sharing his love to the world while we travel through it is an awesome goal and the best thing is…we can achieve it! Not just me. Us!

Earning While Traveling

As you can see I love to travel and find a lot of happiness

and excitement going to new places – especially with my lovely wife…

Preparing Your Home for an Aging Parent

See more here: http://mylifewithnodrugs.com

by Elizabeta Kuzevska



Albie’s Travel!

See more here:

Love Travel like we do? Connect with me and lets chat! 🙂



Ever had your life (or your boat) flipped upside down?

Go here to see pictures and article: http://sailingwithalbie.com/?p=425 



“The most important things in life are not “things”.





AE Club Store


This excellent book by Jim Rohn and Chris Widener, was such an easy read

and very enjoyable but at the same time so life changing!

Scroll down to see more about it.


Personal Development Books and Audible books:
“I literally listened to this book 10x on Audible
before it began to sink in and change
everything in my business life.”
Get the Audible version here
The Science of Getting Rich
“This book gave me the practical tools to apply
what I had learned in the Science of Getting Rich.”
The Twelve Pillars
by Jim Rohn
“This book was such an easy to read book and at the
same time a life changer. It gave me clarity of purpose
and an understanding of what I needed
to do to accomplish my goals!


The Slight Edge

“This book changed my daily work habits
and how I understood duplication.”


The Richest Man in Babylon

“This book changed EVERYTHING for me
concerning money and how I used & saved it.”


How to Win Friends & Influence People

“This book helped me develop the skills for
practical communication with people”


Cold Calling Techniques

(That Really Work)

“This book helped me develop the skills for
talking to people successfully on the phone!”


The Psychology of Selling

“This book helped me develop 
an incredible understanding of the deep rooted
subconscious nature of effective sales”
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AE Mailer
Elizabeta Kuzevska
Albie Derbyshire
cell: 626-379-5692
Skype: SailingwithAlbie

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~Albie & Elizabeta

PS: Want a special 1:1 mentoring session with Albie or Elizabeta?

You can see more about it here


Team Videos

To Team Training: Go here

Why is Coaching Mentoring So Important?

Find out How to
Take Your business to the Next Level!

Advertising: Getting Lucky or is There Real Skill Involved?

The Prosperity Marketing System:

Why is a Great Place to Start and Start Learning the Right Skills?

A Walk Through PLS:


How to Earn With GDI:

Team Like WildFire!

Team Video: 1-12-21

Team Video: 1-21-21

Team Video: 2-04-21


All About “Take The Challenge”

What’s the Difference between an MLM and A “Pyramid Scheme”? 

.New Weekly Conference Call!


Have you seen the WEBINAR Yet? Here’s why you should:

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Short 3 Min Video Why Coaching / Mentoring is So Important.

In our complete Coaching / Mentoring Course, we will walk with you personally 1:1 through each skill:

  1. Effective Advertising,
  2. Effective Capture Page
  3. Building, Effective
  4. List Building,
  5. Effective Communication with Your List and
  6. Effective Funnel Building. This is ten times more than what is shown here.

Find out How to
Take Your business to the Next Level!

Why So Many Setbacks?

This week I want to share with you about what to do

when life gives you constant setbacks. 

You obviously know how important knowledge is. But acknowledging it is not the same as benefiting from it. Setbacks happen to us all, yet only persistence allows us to go on to victory. Vision is what allows persistence to keep being so. And vision is enabled by knowledge. There are many who don’t need the push to form weekly habits to increase their knowledge, read or listen to personal development. Yet others need it. I know I did.


For four years, I was pushed by my mentors to learn every day and see how people who had achieved great things thought and compare it to my own and see how I might learn from it. 

I know many of you will acknowledge that this is a good thing to do but in actuality, many won’t do it because it doesn’t fit their lifestyle or their way of life. And this will cause many to live an unfulfilled life. And I will be so bold to say that without developing our minds, success will evade us – especially success in all its respects.


It was because of the continual time learning from these great people that I was able to deal with constant setbacks for years.  Because of these strategies I learned, I was able to put a fire under my dream. I was able to give my dreams the correct ingredients to help it to grow instead of allowing the negative pressures tear them down. And it will do the same for you. When you realize that your dream is not yet coming true, one day you will stumble on the phrase: “Success is not to be pursued, it is to be attracted by the person you become. Jim Rohn.


So if you find yourself needing help, perhaps wishing to be on a team that encourages you to learn and grow, then simply email Elizabeta or myself with the subject title: “share with me more” and let us know you want to know more about joining us.





PS: You can also see more about our coaching and mentoring here.




Core Ingredients to fulfill Your Dreams

So I’m curious what your thoughts are on the total well being
of your Body, Soul and Spirit? 

You know, each day I go for a couple walks to get the exercise I need and also

to see the sunshine and something beautiful in nature

as I walk through the park during sunset. I like to talk to God

also during this time and remember the things in life that really matter

– such as love, family and doing what is right. 

At different points of my life, I’ve been guilty of completely 

ignoring these three core elements in my life. Maybe you have also? 

It took me years to realize I needed to give them the attention they deserve

and focus on them in actual practical daily practice.

These three areas can be realized as this:

The Body: Eating right and exercise,

Soul: Taking care of your intellect, emotions and will,

Spirit: Taking care of your heart (the deepest part of you, the eternal).

Some people only focus on one. But balance is the key.

They are all important and each part you strengthen, strengthens the others. 

Achieving your dreams is all part of challenging your intellect, emotions and will. 

The key is to not let your ambition destroy the balance and overrule

your spirit and your heart.

Want to join our team and work together on achieving our dreams together?


Simply email us at EliAlbie67@gmail.com with the subject: “show me more” and I will.

~Albie Derbyshire

~ Elizabeta Kuzevska

PS: You should read the book “The 12 Pillars” by Jim Rohn & Chris Widener.
It talks all about this plus it’s a super easy book to read and fun – yet life changing too. You can see it here.




Self Discipline or Regret

“Self Discipline or Regret”

This week I want to share with you about self discipline or the regret. 

I came upon this quote by Jim Rohn: “We must all suffer one of two things: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret.” Another quote he said puts things in balance: “Learn how to be happy with what you have while you pursue all that you want.


Here’s my take on it all: I’m actually very self disciplined. If I want something bad enough, I go after it 100% and don’t give up until I figure out how to accomplish getting it. Maybe you can relate? However, its harder for me to balance my lifestyle out (while I’m so driven) so that I can “enjoy the ride”. I tend to work more than I should and it’s harder for me to “kick” myself out of my office and get up and do something like exercise or just relax and have fun. The thing is, if I don’t, then I end up getting a sour attitude because I’m not enjoying my life. So I really appreciate Jim Rohns wisdom here to help me balance out my life and my expectations. Some goals can take years to achieve (like becoming successful earning online), so making sure you feel happy in the meantime is really important!


On the other hand, if you have a hard time being self disciplined, you can end up on the other side of the spectrum and not get anywhere with your dreams and get stuck in a rut, wondering to yourself when things will ever get better for you. The thing is, if you don’t work at it, nothing will happen. You may be generally happy with your life but at the same time unhappy that things are not changing. On top of this, the pain of regret is much heavier than the pain of self discipline. Better to get things in order so you won’t look back and say you didn’t give your dreams your all. That’s why these quotes really hit home for me. You know, you can’t gain the rewards of being self disciplined while you’re being lazy (lol). And on the other side of the equation, you will burn yourself out if you don’t relax a little and enjoy what you have.

So now it’s time to think about what will you risk to achieve your dreams? The thing is, you don’t have to search everywhere to figure out the formula like Elizabeta and I did.

A mentor is the ONLY reason Elizabeta and I were able to pull out of being in a rut advertising for years without much to show for it. A mentor is the only reason I was able to figure out the five critical skills. It was the difference between success and failure online for us. And it will be for you too.  Want to know more about it? Go here


Don’t forget everything of real value takes time to build! Be patient with yourself. 🙂


After learning the Five Critical Skills, everything changed for us. And they will for you too. See the Webinar on the Five Critical Skills for FREE here.




PS: If you’re curious to see one of the three programs Elizabeta and are team leaders with, you can see them here. If you join, we will help you and train you to learn to be effective: 

Want to check out GDI? Go here. (GDI – make income five levels deep).

want to check out the Prosperity Marketing System? go here (100% monthly Income) 

Want to check out the Power Lead System? Go here (All the right internet tools, mo. residual income, team overrides & high ticket sales)


If you want to ask me a question about this, Email me:



How to Make Big Money NOT Selling Products

Okay, obviously you are selling products… but then again, you’re not.

You’ve never woken up wanting 12-video course and neither have your customers.

But plenty of people wake up wanting to finally solve their problem that day. They want a solution they can believe in. They want one that makes sense to them and isn’t pie-in-the-sky bullsh**.

And here’s the twist: The solution your customers want isn’t always what you think it is.

Do you think your overweight customer wants to lose weight?

Nope. What she wants is for her clothes to fit, to not get winded walking up the stairs and for her husband to look at her like he used to when they were dating.

Do you think your financially challenged customer wants to make money?

Nope. He wants to stop waking up in a cold sweat at 3am because he has no idea how he’s going to pay the mortgage or how he’s ever going to be able to retire.

Do you think your kid-client wants to learn martial arts?

Nope. He wants to be able to walk onto the school yard without fear of being bullied, and he wants his friends to look up to him, too.

Most marketers who think they’re in the business of selling products can’t figure out why their sales are lousy.

Quick Story: Ten marketers are all competing to sell their ‘Make Money FAST and EASY’ products.

9 of them talk about the money. Mansions. Fancy cars. Super model girlfriends or boyfriends. Living life on a beach with room service or owning a yacht. You know… the kind of stuff 99% of people can’t even relate to.

One of them talks about enjoying life – a normal life of owning a home, staying home with the kids and never going into the office again. He talks about working less and living life on your own terms.

9 of these marketers are doing churn and burn marketing because their products don’t turn people into millionaires overnight like they say they do.

1 of these marketers is making an awesome living without stress. He doesn’t have to worry about customers complaining that they didn’t get to buy the yacht after one week because he never makes promises like that.

He gives them the solutions they seek, and he does it in a realistic way that they can believe will work for them.

Sell a solution that makes sense to your customers using their own reasons for buying it and your sales will go through the roof.

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7 Marketing Trends for 2021

The new Global Marketing Trends 2021 report from Deloitte Insights provides us with clues for what is heading our way in marketing.

Despite pandemic overload, consumers have a positive perspective on how brands are responding to the current environment, providing for positive experiences and even increased brand loyalty.

The top 7 trends are pointing to a need to lose the façade we often present to customers and instead be authentic while holistically meeting their needs.

1: Purpose

Why does your business exist and who are you serving? If you know this, being authentic comes easy.

2: Agility

During times of change – such as during a pandemic – imagination and innovation are key.

3: Real Connections

Authentic human to human connections are more important than almost anything. Consumers will pay far more for the product with the heart-warming story or the ethically designed supply chain.

4: Trust

This one never goes out of style. Try shifting your focus from demographics to values. Make a promise you can deliver and then deliver on that promise.

5: Customer Participation

Customers are now and will continue to be an active component of the sales process. They write online reviews, offer advice to other customers, join conversations on social media and even create brand relevant content. Embrace this trend because it’s not going away.

6: Fusion of Ideas and Strange Partnerships

Your business isn’t an island, or at least it shouldn’t be. Join together two different products to create a third, or even partner with non-competing businesses to offer your customers something new and relevant that they need or want. For example, a life coach could partner with a physical trainer and a dietician to completely remake a person’s life.

7: Talent Transformation

You don’t need to be an expert in most areas to gain a competitive advantage. Thanks to the gig economy as well as the ability to get help from expert freelancers all over the world, it makes more sense to focus on the big picture and let others handle the small details for you, especially if you hope to build your business to a large size in a short amount of time.

For more examples of these 7 trends, visit Marketing Land here:


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For Things to Get Better…

“Things Will Get Better?”

This week I want to share with you about how things will get better! 

So Jim Rohn has a quote that sheds a lot of light on this: “The only way it gets better for you is when you get better. Better is not something you wish, it’s something you become.” Jim Rohn


How do things get better? Only when we get better. You know everyone it seems, just wants things to get better naturally. They don’t want to pay the price or learn and do what it takes to get the right skills to succeed. They just want the “Done for you” program” that most likely is 90% a lie. Not that all “done for you” things online are bad. There is a lot that a program CAN do for you. The thing it CAN NOT do for you is teach you the skills you need to succeed. It also can’t teach you how to think like a millionaire and have the persistence you need to stay in the game.


Unfortunately, most of you, you will quit because things get too hard, or because you don’t realize that you’re mind is the most powerful tool and that success is something within your reach. Taking control of your mind is the first step. Instead many will focus on what the little they have achieved and why they can’t win. They will focus on all the reasons that are against them such as having the wrong program or it taking too much work to find the ways that do work. It’s so easy to get down in the dumps and think inside that “it’s impossible”. But this is the negative side of your mind deceiving you. 


I want to encourage you that it is possible! One of the most powerful things in life is patience. It allows us to keep fighting on, learning and growing until you find the light at the end of the tunnel. In reality, its just the skills you don’t know that are the key to your success. Yes, I thought it all looked impossible too but because I refused to give up, it allowed me time to find the skills from other marketers much better than myself. What gave me the ability to not give up? It was simply that my “why” was stronger than the obstacles in front of me. And you have to find this “why” inside of you. Something inside of you will not let you give up if it has to do with you achieving your dreams or in order to make things better for your family etc. You have to dig down deep to find it.

So now it’s time to think about what will you risk to achieve your dreams? The thing is, you don’t have to search everywhere to figure out the formula like Elizabeta and I did.

A mentor is the ONLY reason Elizabeta and I were able to pull out of being in a rut advertising for years without much to show for it. A mentor is the only reason I was able to figure out the five critical skills. It was the difference between success and failure online for us. And it will be for you too.  Want to know more about it? Go here


Don’t forget everything of real value takes time to build! Be patient with yourself. 🙂


After learning the Five Critical Skills, everything changed for us. And they will for you too. See the Webinar on the Five Critical Skills for FREE here.




PS: If you’re curious to see one of the three programs Elizabeta and are team leaders with, you can see them here. If you join, we will help you and train you to learn to be effective: 

Want to check out GDI? Go here. (GDI – make income five levels deep).

want to check out the Prosperity Marketing System? go here (100% monthly Income) 

Want to check out the Power Lead System? Go here (All the right internet tools, mo. residual income, team overrides & high ticket sales). 



If you want to ask me a question about this, Email me: SailingWithAlbie@gmail.com
